Update 05/11/14

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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Agony_Aunt »

First off, useful info...

After updating, you can now safely remove all HAKs from your HAK folder that start with scod2_ - note the 2!!! Do not remove anything starting with scod3_

Be warned, its a massive update!


Big thanks to Mimi for their work on this.

Well, quite a bit bigger than before, mainly due to the inclusion of a new range of outfits and the ability for some exotic races to now use the appearance changer. WARNING: This is still not fully tested. Feedback appreciated.

Here are Mimi's notes on the matter:
wrote:- Add new appearances to the appearance changer
- Allows Githyanki, Githzerai, Mindflayers, Gnolls, Orcs, Lizardmen, Kobolds, and Skeletons to change their appearance at the appearance changer (at least the body, no special shoulder pads yet)
- Allows the modification of the appearance of "attached armor parts" (i.e. boots, cloaks, belts, etc. that are part of the armor object). No tinting on this yet. The "HasBoots", "HasBelt", etc. switch(es) have to be flipped on the armor for it to work.
Other updates
  • Gargoyle Creature weapons will now scale with level. This is a test to check if the functionality will work as expected and therefore open to adjustment and fixes. Would be good if someone can play a gargoyle up to level 15 or 20 and let me know how things go. If things work as expected, will make scaling creature weapons for all races with the No Manual Dexterity feat. See: http://sigil-nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/Gargoyle
  • Vampire Bat form now gets 10 STR to help with encumbrance issues.
  • Erinyes now get change shape feat.
  • There was an issue regarding Bard Songs disabling Inspirations. The code for this was long ago removed. Do people still experience this problem? Ironskin chant though was changed to give proper DR.
  • Nymph Unearthly Grace will now only work in Cloth or Light armour.
  • Gatecrasher Find Portal feat changed to have correct duration based off class levels. Suspect issue was GetCasterLevel was reporting incorrect level.
  • Some races, even though they had humanoid bodies, could not use kemo anims. Implemented fix for chair anims. If that works, can apply same fix to all kemo anims. Would be good if someone with one of these races can test and give feedback.
  • A number of bugs fixed and missing portals added to the Infinite Staircase. Thanks to Xndar
  • Deathless Frenzy stripping death immunity from undead. Changed script to check if already immune and if so do not add the effect, therefore it should not later be removed.
  • Granted access to a wider range of sound sets for players to select on character creation. No idea if these sets are full or actually any good, players will have to try them out themselves and find those they like.
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