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Update 11-9-18

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
The carnival is back! In honor of Sigil's 10th anniversary, we bring you the Cage Carnivals for the weekend. 

In addition to the carnival, this update brings you. . . 
- Redone loot. New randomly generated items, adjusted loot tables, higher loot chance at lower levels, slightly better chest loot, higher chance for equippable items overall.
- Goblin Vivisectionist quest in undersigil 1 area (Bloodlines)
- Spirit Shaman / Monk weapon finesse fix (Theodeorick)
- Added parasols and cigarettes to the perfumes shop in the carnival
- New enchantments - bonus spell slots

- Fixed new essences to be combinable / divisible
- Added gem veins to Magma; adjusted gem color percentages
- Gem veins should now display their color in the name
- Player house fix

Update 11-9-18

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh
SCoD From the Beginning of Times

Sigil the City of Doors has been around for a decent amount of time, while definitely not one of the oldest servers, but its gone through quite a few changes over the years.  

Since we've been here for 10 years now, it's a good time to give a moment for our history! So here it goes! I'm sure I've missed some, there's a LOT to go through.

2008 - The Beginning

Late 2008 me (Mr_Otyugh), cryptc, Eandril, pelhikano, Pashan01 and Shyntree came up with an idea, well cryptc did anyway, to make a server. A big process it was too and most of 2008 was spent pre-planning how things should be. We discussed the basic, yet numerous aspects over a couple of meetings we had a rough idea of where we wanted to go.

The Early Plan of Sigil Structure.

Other options that were discussed were: 5 highly detailed wards, 1 single highly detailed ward, all wards would've been small, and the version which was chosen, a bit of a compromise between them all.


Oinos - Gray Wastes of Hades This is one of the least changed areas in the entire server, only during later years the difficulty of the creatures and essence drops were modified.
OOC Room The early version of the OOC room was built and it is quite similar to that of what it appears today too. Though it did not have the Styx Oarsman, there were no information signs, only rulebooks, store and appearance changer.


Appearance Changer The early version of the Appearance changer was mostly copied from social servers.
Haks We used a combined social hak list as well as scod.hak which contained our 2da changes and the likes, though highly modified each year.
Store Gold Stores bought for 200 gold pieces per sale only, a feature later to be changed. This was done due to economy problems we had experienced on other servers.
Alpha Tools During these times we had alpha tools given on character creation that could change ECL, experience, gold, raise dead, or port you to any area.
Death System You lost only 1 exp and 1 gold piece during alpha and pre-alpha.


cryptc Server owner and brains behind the server.
Mr_Otyugh Just some dude from the streets.
pelhikano DM, scripter and builder behind some of the cool features.
Shyntree Third admin from the server starting period and a perfectionist roleplayer and builder.

2009 - Alpha and Beta Stages

This year was an important one for SCoD as it was the start of open gaming within the server. The first part of the year was an open alpha during which we didn't market the server much but from August of 2009 the beta was up and we started to market it as well. The last year of Obsidian support for NWN2 as well as the last update came in the form of a hotfix and ADL applied to the game, about time!

The SCoD server ran on an old machine during these times which  ensured one of the important philosophies for building was performance due to low resource requirements. Working with such constraints meant our systems for spawns, cleanups, etc, were highly optimized, wihch has served us well over the years.


Under Sigil These were the original versions of Under Sigil and consisted of 4 areas. Later  the village was implemented and with it came the temple of Tharizdun which now is in ruins.
Nishrek Still very much like its original incarnation, however in 2013 it received new set of spawns. And later on got removed entirely.
Outlands Outlands general structure was the same as now, however the portal was originally placed within the maze and the maze didn't yet have the chessboard game.
Beastlands Beastlands consisted of two areas, the grasslands and the forest. However creatures were mainly animals and few fey in the mix. This also changed in 2012.
Paraelemental Plane of Ice Consisted of three areas, single cave area for salamanders and another for giants. The exact location of the cave entrances have changed from the original.
Minauros Area structure is the same, however spawns were different in the first version in which kytons were ruling around the place. However, this was changed later to the current variety of spawns due to the poor quality of the models.
Abyss same areas as now, however new content has come since time in form of new tanar'ri spawns. Didn't have a separate portal cave originally, it was added due to issues induced by creatures walking to the portal trigger.
Sigil Main Original version of Sigil Main is roughly the same shape as it is now, however there was no Foul Olde Spirit Inn nor was there Khazeet or his bar. Instead the meeting point was where the current Root of Nines warehouse lingers as the inn called "Smoking Hammer Inn", however due to events later in the year caused the inn to explode. Originally loading the area took a long time if there were more than 10 people, performance has since been improved greatly.
Hive Ward This Hive Ward was different than what it currently is, a very small one, while the tattoo parlor existed in its current form, it didn't yet provide a tattoo service at that time. This version of Hive Ward was at least four times smaller than current version.
The Ladys Ward The current version of Lady's Ward is version number three. Year 2009 saw two versions of it. First was roughly a single street, the second was huge construction yard.
Ethereal Plane Same as it is currently, however the creatures have been modified since then.
Carceri Exists mostly in same form, however it consisted of only two areas originally. The portal area had to be implemented later due to issues with NPCs stepping on the portal trigger.
Mercuria Mostly the same version as original, has since gained texture and walkmesh improvements as well as creature modifications and improvements.
Harmonium Barracks The barracks used to be almost twice as large, later made smaller. Still old and trashy.
Civic Festhall Original version of the Civic Festhall consisted of two lecture halls, spice rack, store, and two sections of art galleries. During later years an office was included in a room which consisted largely of plants.
Hall of Records Exists in same form as it did originally.
Mortuary Exists in same form as it did originally.
Lower Ward Late 2009 was also the last of the planned wards implemented, it got improved substantially.. However the "Temple of Abyss" nor the "Shattered Temple" existed during this time.
Great Foundry Has been completely remade, it used to be more pipe-y. And awful.


Death System Death system as it works now was applied, although the gold penalty was initially less. The first version also could remove levels if you lost too much experience, that feature has been removed.
Alpha Tools Alpha tools as in 2008 existed during alpha stage, but were removed upon stepping to the Beta.
Appearance Changer A fix was added to the appearance changer to resolve the most glaring duplicating issues, a solution was provided to original server that used the script as well.
RP Experience The pools for RP experience came into being at this time, these are the same pools which exist now.
Styx Styx or experience removing works as it did back then, a few updates were made to ensure no cheating was possible. 
From Haks and PWC to Obsidian ADL Obsidian's final patch added the ADL option which meant the end of the hak and PWC manual download era, although it brought its own issues with it as well. We implemented it relatively quickly after having viewed how it functioned in other servers as to ensure no problems carried over to us.
PC Tools This feature was finally added, although the save function was repaired by Netrunner later on.
First of the Spell Fixes Living Death, Stonebody and Ironbody were fixed to act properly.
Clothing Weight Fix Clothes were made to weigh 1lbs instead of 10 as in the base game.
First of the Loot Scripts The first versions of loot script came to be, first items were granted through not a global script but through local area scripts which made sure each area had different loot, however it was restricted to 142 different types of items as opposed to the current thousands. There was a version that worked for the longest time, only to be changed right now on this very patch to a more modern version! Huzzah!
Automatic Server Restart Late September, the 24 hour reset was applied, it wasn't set to a static time as to ensure it would reset during different times and not be predictable.
Custom Deities Hundreds of deities reviewed to make a selection of deities to be added to the deity selection list. Final selection added, although later "The Great Unknown" was also added properly.
Basic Guides Still Available RP Guides, Faction Guides, Base Race guides, Rules, Courtesy Guides and Class Guides still exist in same form as they did back in 2009, some spelling matters fixed since then though.
Resting Fixes Buffs remove the moment you start resting, this fix made as to prevent creative cheating of cancelling rest to maintain the buffs and get healed.
Warlock Buddy Implemented This feature was added, and customized for multiplayer purposes as the original was quite heavy for server side usage, some sanity checks were made, but at its core it works the same.
Item SR fix which allows them to work consistently was implemented, in the base game SR failed  after the first touch of spell.
Enchanting first small list of recipes was added, this consisted mostly of AC, EB, and stat bonus only, majority of finer recipes were to come later on.

Remarkable Events of 2009

Vault Wipe First and last vault wipe marked the end of alpha stage and the first step towards heading to a live server, of course the beta stage was to last a decent amount of time.
First Ban of SCoD! Late September became the first and only ban of year 2009, one of the few whom gets into the under 10 club.

Burning of Smoking Hammer Inn And so the main inn burned, not to worry, for it was the beginning of Khazeet's bar and the Foul Olde Spirit inn. Trials regarding its destruction.

DMs Promoted During 2009

Ravel's Heart Our young man whom is non-directly part of the group of friends during production phase DM!
LittleMissWonderfulWonderful quirky person, alas has been away for a couple of years.

2010 - Going Live!

2010 the server finally stepped out of beta and became live as a server officially, this was celebrated by also becoming hak-independent of other servers, while bad for server swappers it provided freedom of customizing our content. Area wise the year was quite tame, but a number of features was applied this time. 


Under Sigil Additions 
Elemental Plane of Earth First version of Elemental Plane of Earth was added this year, it received modifications however in one of the areas due to the custom walkmesh creating some issues for folks.
Armory Created by player and implemented to the server, has since received heavy modifications as well as NPC whom is able to craft.
Mercykiller Prison Implemented in its all glory during 2010, for justice. Reworked since then!
Gatehouse The lovely bleaker home still exists in the form it was created in.
Niflheim - Gray Wastes of Hades One of the rare few co-production areas that was work split between Ceremorph and Mr_Otyugh, though spawns have been modified a bit and minor fixes applied, it exists mostly in the same form as it did back in the days.


Tail Adder Styx Oarsman started to grant tieflings tails, no longer did I have to give them manually to every tiefling out there knowing fully well where those tails would go anyway!
Styx Oarsman & Character Deletion Finally you could delete your PCs on your own, it worked well with the RP reward system as well as it does now. Works as it does currently.
Deity Additions Dragonlance deities added to the list. 
Faction Boards Added Factions finally received their own forums, initially they had been found unnecessary due to lack of involvement (could argue there still isn't whole lot!)
Anti-Muling Scripts This year we started to track down muling via scripts (oh and those of you who think you've been able to avoid it, you're probably wrong :P we've just been a tad lazy in contacting you.
Scry Tool The scry tool that works still was added, the philosophy behind the creation was that we didn't want it to be too specific as for it to be means to spying or lack of privacy, however it gave rough idea in where you could find folks to roleplay with. This was early version, we now have a GUI version that's much more modern. Though the old one is still accessible via Your Essence.
New Playable Species Monstrous species implemented to be selected via the starting screen.
Summons Improved Summons were improved during this year by removing standard Obsidian from majority of the summons and instead implementing alignment based summons. 
Appearance Changer Modifications Large modification was made to the custom item models this year which caused to some grief of having lost their favorite (which we deemed ugly! Sorry!) models, that were then reworked back in to the next change.
Hak Changes We finally moved away of the multi-server shared hak system into using our own entirely.
Donation Link Worked Until Paypall became sillies and we just scratched the idea... but the link is there since this! 
Gambler NPC The shady merchant within the Under Sigil Village was implemented, first version of him was actually seen in the first Carnival event.
Sleight of Hands Disabled Due to the grief it had induced we decided to finally disable Sleight of Hands working on PCs, it still however works on NPCs.
Special Race Requests Since the beginning of 2010 we started to work on the SRR's and the model hasn't much changed since, however we got away with it. Thank the gods!

Remarkable Events of 2010

New Server Machine! We finally moved away from 2004 server machine into a much more efficient 2008 server machine which also made much better performance overall. Could have 40 players with only minor lag unlike before.
Router Upgrade Not only was the server machine improved, so was the connection speed improved.
First of the Cage Carnivals The multi-factional event was set out first time this year to create intrigue for all around.
Shaper Event by DM Duke came the big Shaper event with earth shattering climax.

DMs Promoted During 2010

DM-Stitch(es) From the player state risen relatively quickly for even minded personality.
Ceremorph Only a relatively lately inactive builder, content and scripter extraordinaire with a weird fascination to tentacles.
DM Rust Rusting it up since year 2010.
DM Cadence Though player had been here already from the alpha, the planescape lore expertise had escaped our notice.
DM Lemonade Quirky little scripter and custom content maker whom has recently resurfaced from the pits of NWN2 servers.
ex-DM Duke Promoted during year 2010 and provided high activity, however in year 2012 stepped down graciously from his role.
Deekinslute A little less active since the promotion, but promoted none the less!
Netrunner A DM and advanced scripter of SCoD and creator of special species.

2011 - A Bland Year


Hall of Speakers The Hall of Speakers finally becomes open, and still remains in the shape it has been. And thus far it has more seen legal usage by Guvners than politics of Signers! The irony.
Civic Festhall Revamp A facelift to the old Civic Festhall. And then remade again later on!
Outlands Revamp A small alteration was made to move the portal location as well as implementing the chessboard to the Outlands.
Abyss Addition Endless Labyrinth was applied to the Abyss as was the temple of Abyss for Lower Ward.
Hive Ward Revamp The tiny little slot of Hive Ward now was made into the glorious dump of scum and villainy, seeing the opening of Bottle and Jug, although also losing out one of the private appartments.
Under Sigil Revamp Under Sigil received a widescale revamp to get an update for their tilesets that were base NWN2, but now they are of custom models for the most parts.
Weary Spirit Infirmary This addition came after the Hive Ward revamp and was created by one of our lovely players.
Clangor Clangor is here and competition for the Infernal Battlefield of Acheron continues! Besides few creature fixes, the area is in same shape as it used to be back then.


Special Material Crafting Crafting is finally done and implemented by Ceremorph, this means the SCoD specific special materials, not the base NWN2 ones.
Racial Classes Opened Those classes of outsider, aberration.. and the likes were opened to support Special Race Request purposes.
Elemental Damage Special Trait Elemental damages now creates additional effects such as acid -> daze, cold -> slow, electricity -> paralyze/kill, fire -> morale check or run. (needs to do at least 25% of their fully healed HP to even get to roll the low DC to see if they apply. Unlikely at higher levels.)
Ranger Summons Rangers received their own category of specialized summons instead of using same alignment as the other classes.
Kemo Additions animations for chairs and general usage were finally added, granted a lot of the more lewd positions were removed by design.
XP script adjustments First time since beginning the experience script received an adjustment that widened the group level allowance from 5 to 7 while still maintaining mostly the same experience flow.
Tattooes So Hive Was added roughly two years earlier as was tattoo parlour, but finally the tattooes were here!
Mystic Theurge Only custom class of SCoD was applied this year and it exists in the same form as it did back in the day.
Class Adjustments Multiple classes saw adjustments this year... DD and AA no longer required specific species for example, palemasters could progress warlock blasts, DC received some extra uses of their class abilities and the likes. Akin addition of MT the favored soul and spirit shaman dualcaster bug was fixed.
Additional Druid Shapes Druid were given additional options for choosing which shapes they want through background choice.

Remarkable Events of 2011

BioWare Authentication Server Down BioWares authentication server went down this time, gracefully they also removed CDkey checks as to ensure that it didn't blow out of proportions also, but never went to fix it. The problem persists still to the date, and that would be the annoying delay you have when you first go to multiplayer.

DMs Promoted During 2011

LiquidDreamer Still active, sometimes. LiquidDreamer can occasionally be spotted in puddles and during sleep spying upon thee.
Agony Aunt Complains all the time he has no time to DM.  Spent dozens of hours a week in toolset. And did great many things, all hail Agony Aunt!
Chronepsis All I could think of this draconic deity.
Daylight It turns out Sigil has little of this! Ah well, we tried.

2012 - The End of the World

So we come to the year 2012 which was supposed to be the end of the world if consulting Mayan Calendar... well not really, it was just the end of 13th Baktu...of which there's actually 20! Oh and the alignment of earth, sun and center of the galaxy. Yes... yes that's true. Except it happens every year so, yeah!

As for serverside, well there was the faction badges and EMs as well as the great downfall of gamespy support to NWN2.


Merkhant Warehouse Root of Nine finally took the space where the burned remnants of Foul Olde Spirit Inn lingered making the fine Merkhant Warehouse that stands to the date.
Mercuria Addition Do-goody temple added to the Mercuria, the small one! Not the large one.
Carceri Addition High epic area implemented to the Carceri, like it wasn't dangerous enough already! Later in the year the spawns were also modified in the previous areas.
Slags The maze-like place created by a player, fancy (though I swear still some houses float!). Remade to much prettier just 2018!
Ladys Ward Revamp Finally a big new flashy Ladys Ward is here, from dusty and dirty mudhole it as earlier to the glorious shiny rich ward it is today.


Event Masters finally chosen to take up a different view to how should server be managed were the EM system implemented which meant any player could step up to create events, not just the selective few of the DM team.
Hezrou Stench Fix Finally marked as poison! You could become immune to it without death ward unlike previously.
New Spells! Large number of new spells were implemented both revisiting spells from NWN1 that hadn't been completely implemented as were entirely new planescape spells... and then of course dimension door which fits to neither category.
Auto-Tell Feature First of auto-tell features that could be made to tell others if you are AFK or for people to bugger off because you're concentrating to roleplaying.
Cleric Domain Features Elemental and construct domains now allows either turning elementals or harming constructs as they did in the NWN1.
Automatic Character Archiving System Until 2012 none of the characters were removed or archived, but with increasing difficulty and speed issues it cost to the daily back-ups it was decided that all characters not used for 12 months would be archived automatically.
Faction Badges Factions started to receive upon selection badge, while initially these were tracked by giving faction points that idea has been scratched and instead just promotions given where due and relatively easily if some faction stuff is done. New features implemented later on.
Economy Shift Until this year the price stores bought things was capped at 200 gold pieces, however there were some issues where mixtures of SToA, high appraise and the likes allowed infinite jink, so something had to be done. A massive economic alteration was done, but it also made it easier to make jink as now stores bought with 300 gold pieces tops. 
New Coins Planar coin merchant was implemented and they exist in the form as they did earlier.
Further Experience Script Fixes This time to bring some love for level adjustment species, the penalty of level adjustment was capped at LA +4.
Loading Screens and Tips New loading screen and tips appeared during 2012.
Ammunition and Throwing Weapon Crafting All of the ammunition and throwing weapons became craftable with some interesting and decent selections, later on the quantity these provided was modified.
Moar Appearance Changing Changes Haks were once more modified and new appearance choices came to be for most.
Appearance of Elite Monsters First of randomized elite monsters came to be, to some peoples peril and to others great glee as the experience also becomes improved in progress.
NPC Remote Control Device Who wouldn't want a remote control to move others? Well now it's possible!... if you pay them! Kind of like in real life. 
Perform Opened for All Classes to Pick Perform skill while crossclass skill can now be taken by everyone.
Poison Crafting Made Massive list of poisons can now be crafted.
First Appearance of Set Items The first of the Set Items started to drop around and cause intrigue in the market.
Genasis Improved Some love for the genasis as their racial abilities were improved slightly to make it easier to justify their level adjustment.
Autosave On/Off Feature To assist the issues of transitioning and automatic saving it does this text command based feature now allows you to remove autosave as to avoid the issue.
Bard Specific Summons Bards finally receive their share of love by gaining own class specific summons to utilize in and out of combat.
Sneak Attack Ranged Touch Attack Spells Most ranged touch attack spells were opened up for sneak attack benefit.
Trap Crafting New massive selection of trap crafting was implemented.
Harmonium Finally Got Laws Finally Harmonium had laws to enforce. Before that they just had to wing it.

Remarkable Events of 2012

Gamespy down Gamespy went down and halted their support of NWN 1 and 2 among several other games. Panic panic panic!

DMs Promoted During 2012
DM Deliria A good ol' DM, though watch out their deliriousness.

2013 - Still Going Strong

A very quiet year, as it turns out! Not all that much super interesting happened this year.


Astral Plane The latest addition to our pool of areas is the complex of Astral Plane consisting of several areas, most thanks to a former player whom sent us the areas, though some modifications and additions are made by our staff as well.


Place-able placeables Players can now plop down some placeables on their own to create intrigue and better resemble their characters representation in game.
Choose your Difficulty! Now available to modify the difficulty on your own manually or allow it to go automatically.
Manual Description Changer No longer am I whipped to change your description, no no.. now you can do it on your own live!
Fix to Gith Chests You used to be able to create strange objects by rapidly opening and closing the chest, and more of them just appeared! What fun! Sadly can't do that anymore.
First of Random items The first of the randomized items came here! And first fixes to their strange descriptions. This system has been upgraded in 2018.
SIGIS GUI You could start to write, and publish in game SIGIS things, though it'd be nice if it was used more frequently. It's also the year Ten-Fingers started to spam your text log.
Grammar Fixes Finally, you no longer had to tolerate with my most glaring Finnglish, as much of it was fixed by Ravel.
Addons to NPC Remote Control Since this you could start to set the NPCs to dance and play instruments! Huzzah!

Remarkable Events of 2013

Skywing-List Though the gamespy had went down late previous year, swift actions of Skywing and upkeepers of the the hope of NWN2 was anything but lost, thanks to their hard work those using client extension can now view in game the lists and servers that applied nwnx updates.
New Character Bweek It's a time I decided to invent a word that already existed. Bweek, two weeks. Apparently Fortnight does it already. Anyway it was a time I spent two weeks to really get new characters in. link

2014 - Year of the Agony Aunt


Mechanus Everyones... ... ... it's an area. With steam punk things in it, and gears. Lots of gears. Modrons, formians. You know? That place you never visit.
Limbo Everyones favorite little chaotic mess! Slaad, salad, and dlaas in there. What's up, what's down, and nothing else is really certain either.
Sigil Main Split Apart The old Sigil Main which was a mixture of Guild, Market and Clerk's Ward was split into two. Clerk's Ward and the Market Ward that it is today. Well as long as we ignore that one time it blew up. <_< More on that later. Trash collection was eventually also returned to the Sigil, after these events.
Infinite Staircase With the addon of Gatecrashers came naturally the Infinite Staircase as well. Which is pretty neat, though some new planes need to be added into it!
Elemental Plane of Fire With also the gorgeous City of Brass, for everyone who likes to spend their time hot. Also another ship!
Plane of Salt added And it has remained salty ever since.
New OOC Room We got the fancy new OOC room that we have even to the day!


Quickcast From NWN Eye Menu removed To avoid polymorph exploits, the quickcast button was removed from NWN eye menu. But at least you can always F it.
So Many New Selectable Races, So Many If there's anything to take from the year of Agony Aunt, it's that there came a lot of special races. A lot. A lot. It bears mentioning third time to make the point. A lot. Though they were just the second iteration of special races! They were actually remade again after that. And a lot of bug fixes to them ever since! So many there's no point of me even trying to list them all.
New Warlock Spells! Finally the Warlocks got some more love, they could now enjoy Baleful Geas, Dark Discorporation and Deafening Roar.
Barbarian Paths Barbarians got their own phlethora of love, even if not many still love them. With two feat paths to utilize.
Flame Twin Disabled First bug fixed, then disabled, after it turns out you could pick pocket your own duplicate. I'm sure there's something to take from that.
Performance Improvements A lot of performance improvements were made by optimizing number of NPCs, shadows and other lighting related issues.
Werewolves Lost Their Boobs No longer were all werewolves boobed, now instead none of them were. Take that furries.
A More Aggressive Clean Up Script Though I say aggressive, it's not quite as aggressive as the one in 2017. Still more cleaning up, better for the server.
Giant Weapons Fixed The Giant weapons could finally be improved by spells same as others.
More Usable Beds For handholding purposes of course.
SIGIS Agent Made Less Spammy It may surprise you, but he only talks half as much as he used to. Ten Fingers that bastard.
DMFI Rename Tool Improved It was made to accept special characters, so now you can actually color things with it.
Throwing Weapon Stack Size Improvement Throwing weapons increased to 500 as a stack size, so you no longer were required to fill your inventory with weapons ou literally threw away.
Rangers and Paladins Spellcasting Both rangers and paladins became full casters, and their spellgaining started from level 1, though still limited to 4th level spells.
Spell Improvements Blades of Fire was made to be better for rangers. Castigates damage cap was removed. Flee the Scene made to work better with Warlock buddy.
New PrC Gatecrasher made its first appearance here! Kensai and Ronin also made an appearance.
New Classes Samurai was added this year.
Hellfire Warlock Changes Hellfire Warlock abilities started to instead drain HP rather than constitution, since as it turns out a lot of species are immune to constitution damage.
Dragons Dragons made first appearance, and have been a bother ever since! I mean, yay?
Mortuary Factotum Copying Tarion There is a factotum in Mortuary who too started to sell spells.
NPC Waiters Made Less Chatty The hirable waiters no longer talked so much to you.
Bet Your Life The well received card game made its appearance for the first time! Now how many has Lady of Pain card, hm?
Under Sigil Cultist Temple Rebuilt After years of it being collapsed from events with the Cartel, it has been reopened with the still crazed cultists resolute to stick around.
First of Player Houses People started to actually get player houses this year, for good or bad.
Advanced Scry though still not the Gui version, it's still available in Your Essence!
Shields with Concealment Shields started to give concealment bonus against ranged attacks.
Uses Per Day => Cooldowns This was the year we started to move away from uses per day gradually toward more cooldowns.
DMs No Longer Trigger Cleanup Script Finally DMs no longer clean up the areas they just set up. Maybe.
DM Diagnosis Tool Finally we got a tool that helps us diagnose why you're stuck in the OOC Room. At least when it works.
Psionic Heritage Feats Before we had a psion, we had the psionic heritage feats, they're still available actually.
New Appearance Options Plenty fancier heads for you to pick during character creation. So you can look prettier while doing uglier things.
DM Delay Reset Widget As many of the events have a knack of happening only close to resets, we added a widget to delay the reset, up to three times.
Appearance Copier The Civic Festhall tool to copy your armors appearance was added. Though works only if both armor types are the same (doesn't copy over material things)
Dragon Disciples RDD was changed to be dragon disciples instead. So no longer you had to be red at least.
Dysfunctional Auto-sort Widget Yes it was initially dysfunctional for a couple of years, but it has been fixed since! And hooray for that! For it is useful.
Song of Requiem Made to co-exist with inspires.
Creature Weapons could now be affected by spells such as druids Magic Fang etc. properly. As were spells that affect normal weapons.

Remarkable Events of 2014

First of DDoS Though we did not know it yet, we were starting to be gradually impacted by DDoS attacks this year.
Big Faction Conflicts That ended in drama! What fun!

DMs Promoted During 2014

DarkRob Was promoted by Agony Aunt, and has been a good addition to the team since!
Midnight Promoted and stuck around for a while!
Selebius Promoted and stuck around for a while!
MimiFearthegn Made into DM, and they've been very helpful and active ever since!

2015 - Rise of Ceremorph

Sadly, while Agony Aunt had a massive contribution to the server, it could not last forever at the pace he did. Still much of 2015 is still something he had added, but eventually the server was passed on to Ceremorph! Hooray for Aberrative ladies!

Not only that, but confrontation with all the DDoS internet had to give.


Golden Bariaur Inn Finally a place for all the rich people to hang in to impress their friends.
Broken Reach A place for all the bloodhungry tanar'ri to hang around without eating everyone, at least the usual way.
Quakes Place added! That place in Hive which never stays in same spot? Yeah it was added this time. And you still won't know where it is next time.
Slagside Apartments An alternative method for playerhousing! Smaller playerhousing!
Temple of Hermes For all your praying needs. Well some of them anyway.
Greenhouse Added to the Lower Ward!
Festhall Remodeled And it remains what it is today, finally!
Scriptorium Added A place to educate yourself with in the Clerk's Ward
City Court Added to the Lady's Ward. Maybe someday it'll see a trial. Maybe.
Forbidden Plateau And so the Beastlands was complete. From Day to night.
Fortunes Wheel so gambling could begin! And exploited.
Gehenna More lower planes added this year.


Kemo Bios Added The bios we have all come to take for granted were added this year, including portrait packs! Which have been updated every now and then ever since.
Even More Player Houses Plenty more player houses, and first talks of what to do when they become unused. Remaining unsolved until 2018!
OOC Room Portal Fixes A lot of back and forth fixes on the portal validation checks, and gatecrashers leaving OOC room, to make sure things remain legal.
New Domains New planar domains added for clerics.
Scripted Weather System That smog and rain that bothers everyone? Well those were added this year! Still waiting to see a fog killer.
Special Item Store Super expensive items that were made by players available in the Lady's Ward!
New classes Mage Slayer, Slayer of Domiel, Demonologist, Celestial Envoy, Golem Master, and Fellblade added!
Slayer of Domiel Death Attack Fix Initially it didn't work, since death attack is a tad tricky, but it was fixed by Astral Eclipse, same as Wand of Sorting.
Whips added So finally we could motivate people into action properly.
New Deities More deities added to the selection, and some got favored weapons re-adjusted.
Massive Summon Revamp A massive undertaking to update older versions of summons to what they are today, barring couple fixes.
New Feats Martial feats lists added for people to select
Massive Performance Fixes As our server was moved we started to have a phlethora of latency and performance issues. Which required a lot of adjustments.
Adjustments to Arcane Archer The arcane archer was shifted away from base game version to what it is today.
Evil Clerics Could Bolster and Command Undead And boy was it bugged.
Fang Clawson Made his appearance and stays to the date.
Counter Spell is made available, the awesomeness!
PC Tools Improvement Colored text emphasis automization added to PC Tools.
Massive Icon Addition More inventory item icons added, a lot more.
A lot more placeables A lot more, some even custom, placeables were added for builders to utilize.
Flavor Texts to Areas As you enter areas, you get description now.
Tenser Transformation Changes It makes you blue da-da-dee-ba-do-dai. Also lets you retain original form.
More Text commands #uptime and #ping were added for everyone to be able to utilize!
Another Enormous Special Race Adjustment We finally enter the last and most recent stage of special races. What had been started by Agony Aunt, was now shifted from high LA races to the more modern up to +3 LA plus PrC. And a lot of them are already changed to it.
New Music Available Different music options added to the server.

Remarkable Events of 2015

New server and router With the downtime issues brought by DDoS attacks, a more active counters are being taken, though initially ineffective.
NWN2 Admin Chat Created To combat the issues of DDoS in multi-server level, a sort of admin coalition chat was made to discuss about the matters. It started small, but now it expands to just about all major servers participation. It has shifted away from skype to discord, and tends to be more about scripting or other problem folk dialogue than DDoS these days.

DMs Promoted During 2015

Empire A very talented DM indeed.
Ariella Someone who rose through ranks to become a fullfledged Admin as well.
Miraie A generally helpful and verbose person!

2016 - What is Even Going On With This Year?

At first everything seemed fine this year. Then BAM, politics to the face. All the celebrities died. And at the end we agreed to talk very little about it.


Plane of Air Baha was added and all that came with it, exception of later playerhouses.
Hall of Record update The Hall of Record was updated to what it is today.
Pazunia Or Greater Abyss as it is also known added to the Abyss. The one with the vrocks and crashes.
Expanded Karasuthra The previous night time plane got several new areas added to it.
Carceri Addons Even nastier addon to carceri. Something fixed later on.
New Carnival Area It was pretty dated until this, now it's what it is today!
Addons to Paraelemental Plane of Ice Epic addons to the plane made it.


Even more Music Planescape Torment music added to the server.
More playerhouses And ever more playerhouses! Houses for everyone (with jink)
Spell Fixes/Updates A lot of improvements to druid spells were made, letting them avoid becoming partial monks.
Improved Epic Spells Improvements to old epic spells
Heavy Armor Optimization featline was added.
Special Race Modifactions Continue The heavy new modifications to special races continues, even to the date in some level actually. Several builders worked on them a lot.
Dwarven Defender No More Say hello to stalward defender instead, it also got plenty new improvements. Some other classes were also changed to be less Toril-ish.
Appearance Changer GUI Now you could get fancier appearance changing, the GUI is used even to the date.
Death & Relog It has been changed that if you are dead for 4 hours and relog, you get a free trip to the OOC room doing so.
Modern Dragons Dragons came to be. Oh dear. A lot of dragons as it turns out. Still no lutes and tiny claws in big bodies.
Doppelganger added, and it was changed to be less abusable.
Soulknife was added and works roughly the same way as it did in the beginning today.
Other GUI changes There was dramatic changes to GUI, loading screens and others to get more planescapy feel.
Flame Twin Removed As mentioned before, it came down to this. No more can you steal from yourself.
Necromantic Feats A new line of custom summons via feats added, including a super beholder that could rapid fire dragons to death -solo, until fixed.
Massive Wild Shape adjustments There was plenty of different wildshape adjustments.
New Material! Metalline was added, the fancy metal that changes material type.
ChangeSelf script was added, and it's used by serveral races.
Barber Shop Beta remains beta.
Druid Companion Rework Druid companions were reworked a little.
Psion Class became a thing, with all the bugs and problems, it is still a massive and great addon to the server.
Improved Uncanny dodge Fix Improved uncanny dodge was made to be useful. As it now turns cutters immune to sneak attacks, unless near someone higher level than them. It's a work around with the NWN2 limitations.
Divine Power Rebalance Divine Power was made to raise BAB only up to caster level, rather than flatout character level. The rage however. Everyone got a level of barbarian that day.
Proper Scrying GUI So you can enjoy what it is today proper!
Even more domains Even more domains were added to clerics repertoire.
New Spells for Mages Freezing Fog, dread word and gutwrench were added.
Planar Binding Reworked it was conceptually changed.

Remarkable Events of 2016

First of Krampus! Yes the first you ever saw of Krampus came here.
The End of DDoS DDoS was solved! But it was a lot of work, and other issues. No longer has DDoS brought us down since that. And barely been an inconvenience.

DMs Promoted During 2016

Scintilla Promoted to help with things DM Side!
DM Slimy Doom Helpful DM person, also added.

2017 - Year of the Discord, and Forum Swap!

Lots happened this year, Discord became a thing and nearly killed our forums. Then we changed the forums to newer ones. It had more color. Slightly. And all was good. Then things went ungood in discord. Then it went back to pretty okay after everyone decided to talk a little. And then we did things.


Bazaar Goes Boom, Then Unboom The Fey left their mark around the Great Bazaar area, also destroyed an inn. Starting to look like a pattern emerging. And a new inn came around! All hail fancier Bazaar!
Brux Froze Up Due to further Fey events, Brux waterfall froze. Then unfroze.
Bazaar Tunnels Underneath the Great Bazaar came more tunnels, and more rodents to deal with. And a lot more quests!
Salamander Caves Plane of fire expanded with salamander caves.
Plane of Water made its first appearance, and it's still quite wet.


OOC Room Spellcating Disabled And then after bugs, enabled again.
New clothes Clothes for everyone, but mainly humans!
New Epic Spells Say hello to Mummy dust and greater ruin!
New Trapping System!
Paladins and Blackguards Both received a substantial change. Blackguard became a base class for one.
Fishing! But it did not work.
Ammunition Stacks up to 999 now, saving you inventory space.
Lots more Monster Tweaks for popular demand. To make sure DC spells worked better.
A LOT of Bug Fixes What started at late 2016 was bug fixing campaign, and it continued to late 2017. Much of was fixed, though small details.

Remarkable Events of 2017

Fey Event The winter fey made their thing, and all was bad. Then players did their thing, and all was good.

DMs Promoted During 2017

Caprica Builder Coordinator for a while, then got inactive.
Sinlinara Helpful DM person who's handling portraits and helps with testing and other helpful things! Helpful!
McBlight Our current discord host! Alas taken out by computer issues for a long time!

2018 - Year of the Anniversary, And economy!

The single most remarkable theme of the year has been economy. Now with improved loot system, the crafting and enchanting updates, it should solve out a lot of old issues.


Mechanus Addons Mechanus, that one area few visited got addons.
Pandemonium is finally available! After several years!
Elysium is Back Since Foul Olde Spirit inn blew up, it had taken a long time for it to make a return, but it did!
Slags Redone Slags were redone completely, with new quest and also cinnamonial menace that'll literally kill you.


Class Changes A large number of classes got fixes. Warpriest, Monk, Stalward Defender, warlock, Spirit Shaman to name a few.
Crafting/Enchanting update The single most remarkable change of the year is the crafting/enchanting changes. With mining and gem matters, though some issues persist, a lot of them have been also tooled out.
Mining and Gem Cutting Mining system was added as part of the crafting/enchanting update, as was gem cutting.
Loot Changes Loot drop system has been modernized and adjusted to have a curve for levels to better acknowledge leveling rate.
Cleanup Script Was made more aggressive, so aggressive it ate items from barter screen after a while! But that has been fixed.
Special Race Fixes It's still going on!
More Player Houses Even more playerhouses, but now also playerhouse cleanups!
Builder Module Improvements Builder module has been made lighter to use.
Weapon Finesse for everyone Everyone (except few bugged ones) get weaponfinesse for free now

Remarkable Events of 2018

Economy Updates It's something talked a long time, and it has finally come here. And there is much rejoicing.

DMs Promoted During 2018

Witchinghour Here to witch your hours, presumably. Might be with a B instead of a W. Probably not.
Edmaster Handholding you since whenever they first came to the server.
Bloodlines Our latest update manager under Mimi, and also handles Event Master affairs.