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Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Dr_Shadelore
Maybe the server needs an Em/ Dm who specifically deals with one faction each, distribute the workload so the Dm's/ EM's still have fun and can not only help their own characters but those of the players too. Then preferencial treatment might be avoided. Just a suggestion

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
Dr_Shadelore wrote: Maybe the server needs an Em/ Dm who specifically deals with one faction each, distribute the workload so the Dm's/ EM's still have fun and can not only help their own characters but those of the players too. Then preferencial treatment might be avoided. Just a suggestion
Unfortunately, Most of our old DM's got Busy with Real life or burned and Left, so we picked up a couple of Fresh bloods, myself included, if you wish too Volunteer your time in being an EM, Feel free to PM Bloodlines, we are always in need of a few!

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Dr_Shadelore
Thankyou for the consideration but I think after this discussion there might be some who would contest that notion. I just think it's maybe an idea to prevent my own experiences happening to other players. Every server's going to have their problems, I know this. I was just voicing concerns after experiencing something that has made me decide to pursuit other past-times. When something loses it's fun, as one says, then it's time to move on.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Lucadia
Players also request events. Those players may also be in factions. popular factions are going see more requests, not because other players are being ignored in favor for them, but because they either dont have player base or are not actualy requesting them.

Quite a few factions sit empty. The Bleakers are not a good example "why do they never see an event" Why would you call an event for the singular pc in it and said pc didnt ask for anything?

If you think your seeing one faction being favored, its because the faction has players and making requests, or the faction has something of entertainment value thats good for the public.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Red the Rogue
Dr_Shadelore wrote: Maybe the server needs an Em/ Dm who specifically deals with one faction each, distribute the workload so the Dm's/ EM's still have fun and can not only help their own characters but those of the players too. Then preferencial treatment might be avoided. Just a suggestion
What preferential treatment? I keep seeing you mentioning this, but the event in question was literally open to everyone, regardless of faction standing. If your character doesn't have a reason or motive to join, or is even suspicious, then it's perfectly fine for them to walk away. At the same time, I wouldn't expect my character being dragged kicking and screaming into it anyway or for someone else to give my character the reason to join, even if I think Out-Of-Character that the event would be fun. That's just something I accept as a trade-off. Sharon Raynsford, my main that's an Indep, has walked away and avoided some events in the past because I felt she wouldn't get involved in it (Both morality and own well-being to keep in mind). This once included influence from the Demiplane of Dread, which she immediately nope'd the hell out from joining.

In this current situation, an additional DM would help, but they would most likely still be overwhelmed. Unfortunately, I don't see how ones that deal only in one faction each would have fixed tonight's issue.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Bloodlines
Sorry to see you go. When events are large and reach in the double digits for players, it can be very challenging for a DM to keep up with each one of them and give everyone equal attention. In a lot of situations like this, a DM is juggling between several players at once, making event managing chaos. The best way to approach events like this is to be patient with the DM and send them a friendly reminder if they missed a message from you.

I would be happy to discuss this over with you on Discord. Please feel free to PM me over it if you like!

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Tingly
I've mulled this over for a minute, and it occurred to me: Your PC was very far from the NPC they were attempting to talk to.

This is significant because they did reply to you, twice, along the lines of "If you don't trust us, you can leave".

My first thought was, "Well they just weren't satisfied with that, what a baby", but you've dropped some indications you got no response at all, when that is emphatically not the case.

Client-side, you can throw your voice onto NPCs to make them talk from a distance, so it's quite plausible the DM was closer to you than the NPC, who you couldn't hear from local chat while standing far away. This would not be obvious to the DM.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Dr_Shadelore
I'm sorry but I don't see how that one flies. If you scry you'll see that there are quite a few players who are either undecided or of another faction. Being a player and a former DM on the old Skullport I'm aware that some players (New player particularly) Can feel uninspired or overwhelmed by the scale of a server and one with so many factions can feel that way even more so. Why not have a random event, something that players can respond to instead of an organized event? Sigil's quite random after all.

The player base sometimes feel they might not be able to approach the staff (As players are aware the staff are busy and volunteer) if they have an idea so throwing something out there for players to grasp onto would help them, surely?
Bringing the events to the players instead of letting level 30 players who have little else to do than develop character stories dictate which events should happen when would surely be a good thing for the server right?

Additionally my PC was close enough to merit two responses from said NPC and cookie who was beside them so distance as not the issue here.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Tingly
So you do know that you were responded to by the NPC you were speaking to? Then why are you saying there was 'no refusal' and you were simply ignored?

I bring this up because DMs can throw their voices to NPCs. They could've been close enough to hear you when the NPC wouldn't have been.

Time to leave

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:00 am
by *Dr_Shadelore
Ok, this is getting slightly out of hand here considering I already mentioned that it is not about my not being a part of the event but the means in which certain aspects of the server have led to a decision for me to leave. Just thought I'd give a little advice on parting but if people choose not to listen then that's cool.