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Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Reptiller
*The message was created using some magical or mechanical device, though the signature is real*

Doomguard. They offer us "freedom" under new "oppression". They even propose us to become opressors, don't they? So then, aren't they like their very own image of Harmonium? For all those who still have atleast a shade of compassion to the Sinkers, I'd suggest to read about their philosophy. They want this world to wither and decay into nothingless. Your "freedom" will be just another step. If the order is destroyed, it will be the next thing for them to "feed to the Forge". Do Not let yourselves be used and first and foremost, don't let yourself to become tools for your own death and decay, as the Anarchists and such other already became.

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Captain Vanguard
A final third message comes from The Ashen directly to S.I.G.I.S with a reasonable amount of jink to entice the writers to add to the tension of the paper:

Of course a man devouted to Law would fear something that can shape it. Of course one hero can make himself a painted foe when he does not pay attention to his own words.

Perhaps it should be known, by the public, that this man attempted to reason with the very chaos he believes in fighting. He attempted to make a deal that would destroy his very vows and values.

Sigil, it is this classic example of 'corruption and vigilantism' that reprisents and embodies the very heart of these rules that fall apart before you.

These people will lie to you, simply to get you to follow them. They will cheat you, simply to protect themselves and their wenches.

They are cowards, Sigil, hiding behind you, for protection. They know that without you, they are nothing, powerless, and void of control.

We are not destroyers...

We shape the city for the betterment of itself.

If anyone has "used" you here, it has been the forces of law and their control over you. Making you helpless as they roam the streets in their pride, and their glory.

They want you to find yourself defenceless!

Are you going to let them take over when they impose laws so tyranical that they would shake the very fabric of reason itself?

It is time Sigil, to leave behind a new dawn, of lawlessness.

This... man, is no hero.

He used you, and everyone you know, just to reach someone he could make 'agreements' with.

But he forgot one important thing...

You cant reason with chaos.

So let it be known Sigil, that Hildmor is a traitor, a coward, and a man who betrayed your trust.

Just like his peers.... just like the order of society, binding you with chains of fear and discomfort. Knowing you cannot act, you cannot fight back...

No, Sigil, we are breaking the chains that hold you, we aernt the rulers here...

They are.

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Reptiller
Friends, you hear the voice of Chaos, blaming a man who decided to try and find a less bloodsheddly solution. Perhaps he failed but doesn't such an attempt deserve respect? Reasoning can not always be found but atleast I am not trying to make you kill anyone. Each one, should take his or her own decision. I have just gave you an unbiased reminder on who Sinkers and what they truly sought and will always seek and they decided to try and obliterate my words and my intention. They have fear in their words, blaming a factionless man for what they decided to call betrayal...A typical rascal can be understood but not a Sinker. They don't strive for power or money and do not reach it for with taking it from others. They just want to destroy what others have, no more, no less ALL WHAT OTHERS HAVE, including our very lives...

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Kree

All things are as always. Each part of one to know.

Words then, to take and give, to give and take.

Held tight, safe to be broken, crushed and had.

Released, free to do harm, be harmed, taken.

A gift to all, ascending, descending. Knowing dread.

Whispered, spoken, shouted. Raised arms to reach.

Building hills, burning walls. Each being all.

Shaper, former, creator, preserver.

One word for each, said unpoken now for one.

This is. Truths to all, sought, not given or forced.

Giving hand, taking fist, reaching each as being.

All which is must be, as chosen now standing.

Turn as one, give each and all their life to know.

~ This one known as Kree

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Mabus
*a new entry is added to the next day's mass of various entries*

Ladies and gentlemen. The multiverse is falling apart all around us! Look about the Cage and see entropy all around us. It is a natural part of the multiverse. Entropy does not favor the strong, the weak, the blind, or the mighty. It does not favor magic or jink. It does not favor wood, or stone, or metal, or flesh and bone. Everything decays the moment it is created. If you leave something to nature it is naturally drawn to entropy where it withers and wears down, cracks and rots. Poor berks strive on a constant basis to keep the forces of entropy at bay. The streets fill with trash and debris constantly...the result of entropy.

It is a waste of time, I say!!

Look around us at the Lady's precious dabus, constantly attempting to thwart entropy at all times. Even She is not immune to such effects!

The Doomguard simply accept the inevitable. Even the Doomguard will one day cease to be...but rest assured, that when the end comes, the last ones to go will be the Doomguard who so readily accept their fate in sealing the perfection of the multiverse in cleansing it of all impurities.

Death comes to all, even the Powers one day wither and die...floating in the Astral as great islands - corpses lived on by other beings. Even those beings deemed immortal to time are eventually slain by foe. The fact is we are all dieing as soon as we are born.

The Doomguard accept this and welcome it, as do the Dustmen, whom we share many beliefs.

The Harmonium are a noose on society! They seem all well and good, but only so long as you conform to THEIR laws and THEIR ideals. When some poor unsuspecting berk strays from their rules... they arrest them and put them away. They oppose the natural order of entropy. Yes! I use the word "order" because entropy is always looked upon as chaotic when, in fact, it follows laws of its own: the Laws of Entropy!

Entropy is not your enemy! Do not fear it!

~Doomguard Orion

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *TheorumOfNeutrality
Written in a curious script, another small note is sent into S.I.G.I.S with a small coin pouch to cover costs of posting it. The symbol of the Bleak Cabal is stamped on the back of the envelope it's delivered in. The note reads as follows:


Since when did anyone buy into the Doomguard's scree in the first place? Anyone dumb enough to believe that the point of the 'Verse is to destroy itself is obviously more deserving of a cage in the Gatehouse than a real political viewpoint. The Doomguard have been friendly with my own faction for some time now - even if our own is far older - but, that doesn't make what it's selling any less deluded.

I know what you're thinking: "You're a Bleaker. Why are you bothering?"

Why? Because I'm sick of the sodding racket!

This is how the Doomguard work. They'll raise their swords, and swing them around in circles until they realize how pointless it is to start a fight that by any means, mortal or immortal, will never be won. We'll pick up a few howlers from them to lock up - more mouths to feed - and everything will go back to same routine of yelling, chest-puffing, and general asshattery. I know, I know. Right now, they're screaming "Revolution!" Once again, I ask... Who ever bought their scree in the first place?

So, before you buy what any of these leatherheads are selling, think of a quote that a wise Blood once said: "BELIEVE NOTHING, no matter where you read it, or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own REASON, AND COMMON SENSE."

Common sense is the only sense we have that can actually do anything for us. So, maybe we should start using it.

-Factotum Amir

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Patapatapatapon

adorable brown puppy, elysian retriever, v.young w/ floppy ears answers to 'here boy'

not sure who lost it bally careless if you ask me, currently nailed to front door of styx oarsman

pls collect as may not last long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Pashan01
On page four of the next days S.I.G.I.S the following article appears:

In relation to all the latest threats, counter threats, warnings, kidnappings, faction war and the whatnot between the Mercykillers, Anarchists, Harmonium and Doomguard, spare a small thought for the humble Sensate.

Those of you of those factions seeking jink and a free moment of time, go see you local Sensate who will likely reward you with payment and a nice cup of tea or tot of your favourite tipple for your time and trouble to share some of your most interesting escapades and experiences of such events possibly to record your memory also to sensory stone for the benefit of other members should those experiences be particularly worthy and of interest .

Discretion assured, sensory stones bearing your memories remain the property of the Sensate member unless otherwise agreed.


Namer Ronaldo Tattletale, Society of Sensates

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:00 am
by *hunvagy
*a small note is sent to the editorial office, along with a pouch of coin to cover the expenses*

A rabid dog that barks and bites is usually put down. A rabid dog with dreams of grandeur will be put down and it's pieces put on show on various locations, for other dogs to see that a dog should not aspire beyond what it is. Except for its heart. That is kept as souvenir, to remind of its barking and biting.

You want to see Chaos Ashen? I'll show you.

Corruption And Vigilantism Run Amok!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:00 am
by *Pashan01
An short note makes its way to the S.I.G.I.S together with a picture, a tiny pouch of coins and a brown paper bag with ten buns topped with pink icing. The editorial staff have to blow off a dusting of pixie dust before they can use the image and add it to the paper together with the body of the text.

*the image of the flag bears the words 'Indep' in black script blazened over the material*

Nobody should tell us what to do, nobody has the rights to the secrets and truth of the multiverse. Yer all entitled to yer say.


And the merchants will still trade with ye.

This be the pink flag of truce and neutrality.

Free buns for free thinkers!

PINK for all!