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Poor Richard's Dose Of Truth Iii

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:00 am
by *Richard_Saunders
Lately there has been a rash of unprovoked attacks against the Triad in Sigil. The latest, a firebombing in the middle of Khazeet's during a busy evening. If that wasn't enough to convince you that these instigators, do not care about you I don't know what will.

I do not speak of the Triad as instigators. It is the anarchists and rebels that do not care about you. Oh, they say they do, but it is not the Triad murdering in the streets. It is not the Triad endangering innocents in the bazaar. It is not the Triad drawing more soldiers into the streets with vile acts of murder and mayhem.

The anarchs only want to incite you to fight their war with the Triad, because they are too few and too cowardly. They want you to fight and die for them while they lurk in the shadows and murder people who are just doing their jobs. These rebels do not want change for your benefit.

Consider, if the rule of law breaks down who will protect you? Do not be fooled by the lies of the anarchs. If anarchy does rise up the strong will rise to power. Do you know who that is? Do you trust this unknown factor to protect you? Will it be the same people who risked your lives in the bazaar?

Does the Triad care about you personally? No, and they shouldn't. If they care about individuals it opens up the door to bias. They care about the law, order, and justice. They care about everyone in general, protecting everyone under Sigil's laws. That is in all our best interest. They are here to protect us. If you do not break the law you have nothing to fear from them. With the anarchs you do not know when they will hurt an innocent in their bid for power.

This is the truth of it. If you rise in rebellion many of us on both sides will die. You will die, I might die, and our law keepers will die. If we follow the law, the law meant to protect all of us, then only the criminals will suffer. Do not fall prey to the lies of the rebels. Do not die for their power play. Listen to those who promote peaceful discussion of change. If you want change, the law keepers will not fight you if you use peaceful means. Do not give in to violence. Do not give anyone a reason to use violence against you. Turn from the rebels and use your voices, not your fists.

This has been your dose of truth,
Richard Saunders