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Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:00 am
by *Downfall
Tournament of Hextor

Time: After four days during evening. (4th of December, Clock 8pm GMT+0)
Location: The Arena of Transcendent Order.

Salutations citizen of Sigil, and perhaps some berks elsewhere too. It is time to test talents of those within Sigil in true Hextorian fashion. The rules of the tournament will be simple...

The Rules
  1. There shall be no treating wounds during combat through magical, temporal abilities, herbal, drug or other means. Obviously if you're a stinking troll, or something, you just can't help it and we'll tolerate your advantage...
  2. Any trinkets, as example potions, scrolls or wands, that empowers its wielder or users abilities may only be used once during combat. We're not testing who has the most gold at their possession, but who is the best by their talents.
  3. Combat and any actions start only after the fight begins... no you may not ward yourself before, and no... you may not take your drug dosage beforehand.
  4. You have to be visible at least half the combat in order to win. People are paying to see combat, not hiding cowards.
  5. Fight ends when one yields... if neither yields, then until the other is unconcious. Or dead.
Tournament Procedures

First, I, Lorich Bladesworn, will hire set of warriors or talented people in their respectful role of combat, and these will act as your foes... Overall it is planned that there will be five, of which I will be one. To win the tournament, you will be fighting against each one of them one after another. If you can defeat us all, you win the tournament... if you cannot, then the tournament is over for you.

That said, I am hiring combatants willing to become as one of the "Tournament Champions", if you think you have what it is, come to seek me, Lorich Bladesworn. I will test your talents preliminarily to see how fast you're put to fight the competitioners. The pay will be defined by your talents.

Those whom wish to observe the competition are to pay one hundred gold pieces entrance cost. It is free for contestants.

Winners of the contest will be handed magical trinkets from my personal collection. Number of items of their choice.

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:00 am
by *Pashan01
An short letter in elegant script is handed into the Transendent Order

For the attention of Lorich Bladesworn

I offer my services as one of your five Champion combatants for your tournament. My skills at combat, I assure you, are adequate for the purpose and my reasons for the offer are to partake in my first experience of such a public arena challenge.

I would like to request however, should my offer be accepted, that my chosen opponents voluntarily provide me recording by sensory stone of their own experience of the battle and challenge. Should one defeat me in battle, I would ask for further meeting at later time and date to explore the experience more deeply.

With regard,

Naya'il McEwan
Namer of the Society of Sensates

((oocly, better to have a standby in the event I am late or cannot make it, should Lorich agree to this offer))

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:00 am
by *Downfall
Naya'il McEwan has been added as one of the Champions for the tournament.

However lest there comes further willing "champions" then the contest manner will change. Hextor demands it.

Eitherway a Tournament will be held.

- Lorich Bladesworn

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 am
by *Loki_999
A note is left for Lorich signed by Hengrid Goldeneyes

Laddie, what you need to get the crowds blood up is a warm up round for entrants. Allow all potential champions the chance to prove themselves worthy of entering by facing several less experienced (OOC: sub level 15 or 20?) combatants, volunteers from the crowd, at once... maybe 3 to 5 of them.

If they can't handle that then they don't deserve to be in the competition.

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 am
by *Kree

At the sight of yet another contest to rival her own plans and stifle all possible chance of originality and fun, Nathrae's heart races and her hands begin to shake. Quicker than she could possibly act to prevent it, the sorcress accidentally burns her copy of the newspaper to cinders...

"Nau! Nind h'ros xun nindol! Nind inbal plynnet ussta ul'hyrr! Vel'uss xun nindolen lodias talinth nind talinth nind ph'?! Nind z'klaen inbal nym'uerus d'uns'aa haska ulu l'sargtlinen. Nindel z'klaen tlu lu'oh nind xunus ol. Lorich! Uk zhahus aluin ulu malar whol uns'aa! Uk paken nindol dal uns'aa!"

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 am
by *Pashan01
Naya sends a late note to Lorich

My apologies but I must withdraw my offer to act as one of your Champions upon this occasion. Recent circumstances have shown to me that I should focus my mind and strengths upon less frivolous public persuits. I wish you success in your Tournament and that you find worthy warriors as both competitor and champion.

With regard

Naya'il McEwan

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 am
by *Downfall
Lorich checks the note, soon making a paper ball out of the note and tossing it over his shoulder. "Never trust a celestial blooded. Tch. Contest will go on. Hextor demands it!"

Tournament Of Hextor

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 am
by *Downfall
The Tournament is Over. Let it be known that the winner is Indorill the Swordmaster, he alone defeated all the champions where the others could not. It was an honor for me to fight, face him and to be defeated by him in a fair combat.

- Lorich Bladesworn.