Foul Olde Spirit Inn: Evening Of Spirits

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Posts: 2242
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Mr_Otyugh »

((The Event Ended!))

Evening of Spirits
Host: Muriel
Location: Foul Olde Spirit Inn
Date: ((24th of October, GMT +0, clock 8pm))

Hail to you, Bashers and Cutters in the Sigil, I, Muriel, will hold a party in the inn for the annual celebration of the spirit residing in our very inn. This day there will be many drinks served, contests to be held and social intrigue had.

The Evening of Spirits will occur tomorrow evening! ((24th of October, GMT +0, clock 8pm ->)) in the Foul Olde Spirit Inn!

Contests held by the Inn will be:
Arm Wrestling Contest
    Arm Wrestling contest should need no brain-box for anyone, even the Clueless Primers knows what it is about! [b]Secondary Prize:[/b] Five Hundred jinks. [b]Winner Prize:[/b] A pre-paid trip for two persons to Single Holiday Plane location. [/li]
The Arm Wrestling will consist of 3 step winning/losing.
1) Begin: Both participants roll strength roll.
1.1) Incase of Draw: Roll strength again, both contestants are equal so far.
2) Slight Progress: One of you are now at upper hand. Both rolls strength once more. If the one that had upper hand earlier has again, step to #3. If the one that was at disadvantage wins, step to #2.1. Incase of draw, step to #2.2.
2.1) Even the Score: Incase the earlier loser now wins, get back to #1.
2.2) Incase of Draw: Incase there comes draw, get back to #2.
3) Near Victory: You're now close to victory, now the one with upper hand rolls strength and the one in disadvantage has to try to endure and roll constitution to avoid losing. Incase the one at disadvantage wins this roll, get to step #3.1. Incase both rolls are equal, get to #3.2. Incase the one at advantage beats the others constitution roll with his/her strength roll, step to #3.3.
3.1) Evening the Score: Get to #2.
3.2) Incase of Draw: Restart #3.
3.3) Victory: You've won this time!))
(Drinking) Song Contest
    Drinking SONG contest will be held right before the actual drinking contest, best drinking song will be chosen by the audiences cheer level! [b]Winning Prize:[/b] A pre-paid trip for two persons to Single Holiday Plane location. [/li]
I'll ask participants to send me tell where they rate the song [based on characters thoughts] from 1-10 and decide the cheering sound based on that. It will be the average number between the all that determines winner, since there might come more or less audience between the shows.))
Drinking Contest
    The last contest will be a classic drinking contest! Winner will be the one that can out-drink others and remain conscious! [b]Winning Prize:[/b] A pre-paid trip for two persons to Single Holiday Plane location. [/li]
This contest will be 4 strikes out. It will start with low constitution DC drinks and start to cumulatively get higher and higher DC. You can fail the roll 3 times until you lose...

Failing Constitution DC once: You get a tad tipsy and start to get far more talkative/easy going.
Failing Constitution DC Twice: Your balance starts to get worse, talking becomes harder like your tongue was partially numb.
Failing Constitution DC Thrice: Feels like the room you stand in is a ship in middle of storm and you're only one standing straight, while infact you're practically going from side to another just to stay up.
Failing Constitution DC Fourt Time: You fall unconcious.))
Posts: 2242
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Mr_Otyugh »

Evening of the Spirits Has Ended!

The winners of the three contests are as follows:

Arm Wrestling: Ales, whom generously gave the free ticket to Mir and Mashanie.
- On second place came: Fargul Bernadotte
Drinking Song Contest: Piri
- On second place came: Lalette
Drinking Contest: Vorgazar
- On divided second place came: Fargul Bernadotte and Mir Fnar

Congratulations for all the winners! Next year the event will be had once more!
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