Spec the Damned

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Posts: 312
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Mabus »

Basic Information
Name: Spec the Damned
Aliases: Spec
Gender: Male
Race: Tiefling (with balor AND pit fiend blood)
Age: about 18
Profession: Survivor of the streets
Languages: Common, and some lower planar
Accent: No special accent
Faction: The Fated (Takers, the Heartless).

Physical Information
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Body build: Slim but muscular.
Skin type: Slightly darkened skin.
Hair style: jet black slicked-back hair.
Scars: None physical.
Tattoos: Symbol of Baator on left shoulder, symbol of the Abyss on right shoulder.
    [b]Hair:[/b] Jet black. [b]Eyes:[/b] One red eye, one black eye. [b]Skin:[/b] Slightly darkened skin. [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (with neutral evil tendencies)
Philosophy: Every thing and everyone is either an obstacle or a path to success.
Deity/Beliefs: None, at the moment.
    [u]Cautious[/u] [i]Uses the shadows often to get around.[/i] [u]Emotionally Reclusive[/u] [i]Tends to keep himself distant from others emotionally.[/i] [u]Opportunistic[/u] [i]Will do just about anything...for a price.[/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Gear: Dual wields short swords. Dresses in the darkest of blacks; keeps himself hidden by clothing.
Jewelry: (to be added)
Habbits/hobbies: Wealth and opportunity.
General Health: Very fit.
Favorite Drink: Nothing alcoholic. Alcohol dulls the senses and creates weaknesses.
Weaknesses: Fear of confinement. Inner conflict between his tana'ri blood and baatezu blood.
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