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Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Calletjump »

Basic Information
Name: Tennae
Aliases: Tenn, Nae
Gender: Female
Race: Naiad/succubus. Avariel when in alternate form.
Age: Two in sigil's time, 23 in her own (more description later.
Profession: Nothing yet, she's still figuring it out.
Languages: Sylvan, Infernal, Abyssal.
Accent: Lilting Naiad.

Physical Information
Height: Five foot seven inches.
Weight: depends on the form.
Body build: Half-succubus form: Voluptuous and a little more meat to her, but she knows that she can use her little bit of extra weight to great effect if she needs. Avariel form: slight, petite.
Skin type: Smooth as silk and unblemished.
Hair style: Lengthy, either blonde in avariel form or teal with red tints in succubus/naiad form.
Scars: She has none.
Tattoos: None so far.
  • Hair: Succubus/Naiad form: Teal with red tints. Avariel: Blonde.
  • Eyes: Avariel: Pale green, Succubus/Naiad form: Teal.
  • Skin:
Succubus/Naiad: Pale and untouched by the sun. Avariel: Suntouched bordering on milk-chocolate.
Mental Information
Alignment: Unknown at this point.
Philosophy: Loves to help others and is quite curious, she will do anything to find new knowledge unless it directly is sadistic in nature.
Deity/Beliefs: Not yet, she's still figuring it out. She would follow her mother's goddess, but wants to be her own perosn.
  • Insecure: believes that people think her stupid and wants to prove otherwise.
  • 47. Impostor: wants to keep secret the fact that she is a disguised rogue, dobbleganger, or other entity.
  • Skeptical: disbelieves anything remotely questionable the PCs say.
    Additional Information
    Gear: She wears a ring with a bright teal stone on her left index finger.
    Jewelry: Just the ring above is notable at this point in time.
    Habbits/hobbies: socializing, wandering, exploring, hunting, and playing games usually involving hide and seek.
    General Health: Lovely and healthy.
    Favorite Drink: A tea which smells like christmas, and tastes like it too. You know what I am getting at.
    Weaknesses: People who treat her like she knows what she's doing, people who respect her. People who want to be her friend. People who would want to go adventuring with her.

    Tennae was born and Fielwen felt an overwhelming sense of relief. After a thirty hour labor, it was touch and go as to whether they would have to c-section the babe out of her, as she got turned around and one of her wings had caught in the cavity. She smiled a weak smile, and the first thing that Tennae saw was her mother's face, her eyes instantly opening up and peering, deep teal, into Fielwen's own.

    Weren't babies supposed to not be able to... do that? She fought down the urge to look at her baby speculatively and cuddled it to her face. Tennae's small fingers ran through Fielwen's hair and she gripped her ears and then gripped her own ears. It was so strange, but she felt- as though Tennae were taking in her surroundings with a surprising intellect. The nurse looked at the babe and balked, Seemingly uninterested in doing anything besides handing it over to her mother and then swimming off.

    Fielwen had an underwater birth, just as all Naiads did and it came out a success, but took longer than she had anticipated. The naiad who had administered the drugs that she was currently on had swum off without so much as a "here's your baby" And no doubt wouldn't be returning. Fielwen sighed, cooing to the baby in sylvan, "Hi there... I am your mommy!"

    "Mommy?" The little babe said, and she opened her eyes in surprise. She shouldn't... no... she couldn't have said her first words at birth could she have? Raising an eyebrow, she found Tennae did the same and then giggled, her own gills in the right place, Fielwen turned the baby over to see that everything else had come out accordingly.

    Physically, she was perfect, but she couldn't help but notice that the baby was... different. And by differerent she meant that she could talk at birth and she had never noticed any Succubi running around with Teal hair and eyes, but she was holding such a one as this right now. Tennae twisted her tail around Fielwen and cooed softly, nuzzling her bare chest and finding succor finally on her own.

    No... she was perfect. That, Fielwen nodded, was the only thing she was certain of about Tennae.

    Tennae opened her eyes and looked around, she had learned some of her language that her mother had been speaking and screamed "Mooooooommmmmmyyyyyyy!" To the woman with teal hair who fed her. She was hungry and didn't quite know the word for it yet. "Milk! Milk milk!" She barked and from the other room, Fielwen swam over and halted, her hair tangling in the water around her as she came to a sudden stop.

    Tennae giggled and clapped her hands in front of her, Her mommy was the funniest. Fielwen pulled her hair back and peered at her with... Confusion on her face? It was hard to tell, as she didn't know exactly how long it had been since she had tried to learn the intracacies of face-talk. She groped at her mom, for that was her title, Mom, mommy, mother... apparently all meant the same thing, and were used interchangeably. She liked how mother rolled off the tongue, but she knew that using 'mommy' got her what she wanted more often than not. It had been about three months, her mother had said, since her birthing day, and she wanted to eat.

    She was picked up and Fielwen's milk was as warm and delightful as ever. She didn't know what she was going to do when she was eventually... weened. It sounded terrible, having to eat what her mother did, but at the same time. Adult food? Who could pass up a rite of passage like that?

    She cuddled in and dozed, knowing that she was safe in her mother's arms.

    A few months, by her mother's account, had passed, but it didn't make sense to her as her mother was growing increasingly alarmed at her rate of growth. She had taken to hiring a sitter and going out for 'golem parts'. She had no idea what these golems were except that they looked vaguely like her mommy, with barrel chests and huge bodies, and could collapse into small boxes, which her mother tinkered with while she thought that Tennae was dozing.

    When she hired a sitter, however, sometimes she would be gone for a very short time, and some times she would be gone for longer than she could count. And she had tried, she had written as many lines as it took the babysitter to fidget at the window for, and sometimes it was two or three, sometimes it was so many she couldn't really count them easily. And all of this, she did, in her own journal.

    She had found out about journaling a while ago when she had stumbled across one of her mothers. Picking up on the language naturally, she tried to read it, but found other works that were lying around more interesting at this point in time. Fictional stories about dragons, pirates, elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and all sorts of other peoples in epic battles, daring escapes, cunning traps, and getting out of hairy situations.

    She loved to read, and had kept her own journal, but found it... lacking to be honest.

    Her mother had talked with the babysitters when she got back and asked them what had happened and the ones who had seemingly stayed for longer couldn't in good conscious leave an "abomination" like her around. She still didn't know what that word meant, but it was only used when she was involved, directed at her, and seemed to be a bad word because whenever it was used, it meant that people would be leaving, usually the babysitter.

    Another couple of months later, Tennae awoke to find the room was the same, she had poured over many of the other books and had entered what she was calling her 'teen years' as it was in the books. Her mother brought her new books every time that she came back, and sometimes she would only get through a chapter or two before her mother arrived back from an adventure, utterly spent, and sometimes it seemed like she was able to get through all of the books that her mother brought her, exactly seven, in the time that she was able to return.

    She thought this as something that just happened now, and had no concept of really what was happening, and she blamed this on her mother's 'ailing health' which only manifested itself completely once in a while. She also found the journals her mother had kept secreted away in a crawlspace in the attic, and had read those a couple of days ago. She had to learn some new tongues which she didn't quite know and had to cipher them from the notes in sylvan scrawled in the margins.

    It was a sort of game. her mother would leave, she would read as many books as she could and when she did, she would find the journals and piece together the weird languages and symbols that her mother left over. Sometimes she was able to get through quite a bit of work, and sometimes, it was frustratingly slow, but she began to pick out that there were two languages she was writing in, and that these were written about... rather touchy subjects.

    Fielwen's adventures with a woman known as 'shaya' were interesting enough to pick through, how she had raised herself in a demonologist home, with a naiad family who specialized in dealing with demons, and how she had conjured a demon, despite her mother's warning. She had read about a place called 'sigil' which was also called 'the cage', where her mother had found a woman called "Jenavee" and then it stopped abruptly and started again with gaps left over with her adventures with Shaya, and how she was going to not only redeem her, but set her free.

    The other journals, she found, contained her dealings with Jenavee. This was a journal which, when she had the free time, she would reference with the novels with the bare-chested men and lithe young partially undressed women to figure out... what in the nine hells was going on... she would have to figure this out, it seemed, to fit in with Sigil.

    A year later, she finally plucked up the courage to follow her mother through her portal, She knew she was two, because her mother told her she was, but she felt... older. By all accounts in her journal she should have not been two by any means, nor should she have felt this... mature.

    She spied her mother trying to make a portal to Sigil, where she had found out she was going using some of her innate magic, and watched as she formed symbols in the air, murmured and stepped through. Casting an invisibility spell she launched herself towards the door to hit the damned wood of the house again with a loud th-thump! She rolled to a halt and her tail hit the ground irritatedly, her wings curling and uncurling like fists above her.

    "Vithe and damn!" She slammed her fist into the wood, and it groaned beneath it, not because she was particularly strong, but because she had warded it and had blasted the small force-energy underneath her fist into the wood below. In a huff, she took to the stairs, her body sauntering as she expected a fairy-tale woman's would, and she smiled her best smile. She would get into the portal next time. And then, she would prove to her mother that she wasn't only two.

    She had suspected something when she had started to piece together this 'time' concept in her head, reading books about how it's lineality could be not only folded in upon itself to allow for instantaneous transportation, but that ripples in reality could form tight pockets where time would flow at differing rates. She had noticed, also, that no naiads lived next to her, and that the nearest one was very far away from the gate that her mother used to go to different planes for her golemcrafting. She had mentioned the man that she had written about in her journal, a new one, in sylvan, Lance when she had returned last and was sporting a new ring that blistered her hand when she wore it.

    She said, "it's a reminder, and no, you can't touch it." She had come home, utterly spent and irritated, and didn't even want to play hide and seek. Their favorite game! That... that Chit! She though venomously about her mother while she stalked upstairs to read her favorite books again, and as she needed no baby-sitter any longer, she no longer had any sort of time-keeper other than her books, how long would it take for her mother to return this time? One book, or two dozen like last time?

    She sighed, opened Fielwen's journal about how she had laid with Jenavee, and smiled to herself. She would one day find someone who loved her like this. She was sure of it. She just... needed to get out of this place. She had gone into the town, of course, but had been found by her mother in a panic shortly after, saying that she had been looked for for over a day. She still didn't get this whole... time... thing, but she was going to figure it out. Even if it killed her. Indeed, when she got home, the appropriate amount of dust had settled to take her.... thirty books to get through, roughly, and she sighed. She had no idea what was happening, but she set to cleaning the house.

    That was the last time she had gone to town, and she didn't want a repeat. Though, she was sure.... it had to do with this house, this place, or something. She didn't know what to do, so she read on, trying to figure out... Sigil City of Doors.

    She closed the journal in a huff and shook her head. None of it made sense. None of it added up to what her life had been here. And she would have to see it herself. She scrolled through the books and picked out one about two lovers who were smitten from first sight, with all the sultry details and picked it off of the shelf. She had... learned things while her mother was away, and she wanted to keep them to herself. For some reason, she didn't want to let her mother know that she had gotten into these books. They weren't ones that she had been brought home, and she made sure to not bend the spines as her mother had been horrified the last time that she had caught her with one.

    She opened the books, settled into a comfortable position, and enjoyed reading the steamy romance. After she had finished the book, she felt like... studying the craft of how to make a portal again might enlighten her as to how to make one for herself.

    After her eyes crossed for the fifth time, she set the book down, nursing the headache and deciding that cleaning the house would be a better use of her time. She washed the dishes twice because some of them were extra dirty and she had left them for a while, scrubbed the floors, dusted the tops of all of the surfaces, rubbed down the counters with oil, polished the lamps after blowing out the flames. Flames which, oddly enough, lit under water. She had learned that she was underwater after her mother had brought her a book about someone drowning and had a conversation with her about how she must never do this.

    She looked around, the place as brilliant as if no one had lived in it and there was no dust to be found. Sighing contentedly she set about making a simmering pot of stew, which she left on the stove and had it boil over a couple of times as she read through a chapter of "sir george and the dragon". She put the book down to see a dull brown spot had been burned into the hearth, sighing she picked the pot up and dished herself out some. She had burned the bottom of the soup as well, but the middle was tasty.

    It took another grueling episode of cleaning to get the hearth clean, and then she did the chimney. The floors needed cleaning afterwards and so did she, and she scrubbed herself vigorously for a good long while, enough time to have read a chapter or maybe one and a half from sir george and the dragon when she heard her mom come in. Or rather, Port in.

    "Hello mother!" She beamed at the woman who smelled of alcohol and sweat, and seemed exhausted. Fielwen waved at her daughter and was caught up in a hug. It hadn't been as long as last time, but it still seemed like forever.

    "How was it this time?" She asked, looking over the house, "I see you got really really into cleaning this time."

    Tennae nodded and said, "Ayup! I also made soup.. but I burned it."

    "Again?" Fielwen said exasperatedly, "What supplies do you need?" It had turned from Fielwen searching through the cabinets to figure out what she needed to Tennae being able to recite what she needed.

    Tennae gave a lengthy list and Fielwen nodded, "Once I sleep then I'll go to town to get those item then." She strode up the stairs into her room and closed the door, leaving Tennae to plot out her next escape attempt.

    She absolutely, positively, could not fail this time. She was going to finally, finally after all this time, finally see the city which her mother raved about as the most wonderous, most dazzling, most vile, most dangerous city in existence...

    Sigil: City of Doors.
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