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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:00 am
by *Untaramar
Basic Information
Name: Untaramar
Aliases: The Crimson, The Crimson Merchant, The Red Demon
Gender: Male
Race: Tanar'ri, True Incubus/Lilitu
Age: Created during the Dawn Wars (35,000 - 30,000 Years old)
Profession: Tanar'ri Overlord & Merchant
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial
Accent: No

Physical Information
Height: 7' 2"
Body build: Muscular, Trained
Skin type: Smooth
Hair style: Combed back
Tattoos: On forehead what resembles a trident piercing a flower
    [b]Hair:[/b] Silver [b]Eyes:[/b] Orange Embers or Flaming Orbs [b]Skin:[/b] Blood Red [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Neutral Evil, at times with Chaotic Tendencies
Philosophy: Fun, the best reason to do anything is Fun.
Deity/Beliefs: Malcanthet

Additional Information
Gear: A wickedly Barbed Whip and A long Thin Blade
Jewelry: Carries many different rings on his fingers, most of them magical
Habbits/hobbies: Yes
General Health: Perfect health
Favorite Drink: Abyssal Kynine Wine
Weaknesses: Feeling not only the vices but many virtues as well


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:00 am
by *Untaramar
The crimson fiend was standing idly on the balcony outside his chambers, overlooking his palace in Istancian, The Fortress City of the Incubi of Shendrilavri.
A white silken and gold gown was hanging loosely on his naked muscled form, it gently swayed in the comfortable breeze coming down from the rolling hills of the mainland across the water to the incubi island.

His face was locked in a contemplating faint smile as he was thinking back to the events the past few cycles. The meeting with the Herald of Pazuzu, ally of his Lord, the Queen of the Succubi, had gone very well, and the information and the suggested joint endeavor Untaramar had gained was a prospect for mayhem the crimson fiend thought of with glee.

The stupidity of the baatezu the past cycle had been quite entertaining, challenging both the herald and himself to a fight in Maladomini, something the tanar'ri had planned for quite some time. Watching as the Puragaus practically jumped into the trap willingly had been fun indeed.
Of course Untaramar had not expected the devil to survive, but apparently it had used heavily of the scrolls of regeneration supply it had been observed to have bought, a thing which could easily have been negated, however the sight of the baatezu fleeing with it's tail between it's legs, having not even managed to scratch the crimson Lilitu or the Herald of Pazuzu had been too great a temptation to resist and ultimately, the goal had been met.
The Herald of Pazuzu would indeed be worthy of an alliance with the Crimson horde, if the Queen accepted the proposal.

The flaming orbs of the big Lilitu narrowed slightly as he scanned the horizon, against the eternal setting sun, for the tiny messenger quasit he had dispatched toward Rivenheart, the capital city of Shendrilavri and seat of the Succubus Queen, Malcanthet.


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:00 am
by *Untaramar
The crimson fiend sat reclined on his great throne, in his audience chamber, his cloven feet dangling lazily over one arm rest. Standing behind the throne was a massive Abyssal engine, it passively scanned the room ready to move into action if needed. Draped on the other armrest was a blond succubi of unworldly beauty. Small subtle fangs pressed against her full ruby lips in a melicious smile as she regards the black saphire in her hand while the other hand slowly plays through the lilitus silver hued hair.

A low rustle of leathery wings told him the ever watchful quasit duo had arrived and landed unseen on the backrest of the throne.

Shortly after an omnious shadowy cloud emerged from the hallway an into the chamber, announcing the arrival of his summons. First stepping out of the cloud came a pair of succubi, lithe beautiful creatures with dark red skin resembling his own, the once mortal sisters of Untaramar. They approched the throne gracefully, though with quite a different grace, one stoic and well mannered as always, bowing slightly before her brother. Her twin entered the room in a slight dance, hopping and twirling beside her sister to bow deeply beside her facing the throne.
"Brother" they said in unison before taking a few steps to the side and allow those behind them passage.

Behind the twins came a lumbering hulk of a hezrou, even towering the great construct behind the throne, prowdly displaying the mark of the Crimson horde on top of it's huge head. Perched on it's shoulder sat a small quasit grinning widely from ear to ear in the prospect of the summons. The towering Hezrou stoppen infront of the throne and bowed deeply
"Master" it growled in it's deep guttural voice.

To the side of the huge hezrou a shadow seemed to slip out of the cloud to follow the wall before entering to stay beside the lumbering fiend, bowing it's form slowly became visible, revealing a blackskinned fiend
"Master..."it repeated after the hezrou and the crimson demon returned with an incline of his multi-horned head.

Finally entering the room came a caped incubus with bare arms, the mark of the crimson fiend showing on his right shoulder, over the left a massive looking longbow was slung, he joined the three tanar'ri before the throne and bowed as well.

Untaramar the Crimson slowly stood, his charred wings stretching slightly behind him and a toothy grin, revealing his pearly pointed canines, on his face
"ah... we are all here then..." he held out his arms as if to embrace them all "welcome my soldiers... welcome... and rejoyce... this cycle we have a task, for the glory of our Queen!"

"For the Glory of the Queen!" The tanar'ri voices boomed in echo.


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:00 am
by *Untaramar
Untaramar leaves for the Abyss, to not come back, with him leaves, more or less the whole of the Crimson Horde.

This is goodbye from me and more or less the rest of the Crimson Horde.
The reason this has come to pass is because of a few disagreements with the DM team after a temporary ban of a few of the other demons and me, which after severel tries wasn't really explained. So sadly I won't be continuing on this server, I have enjoyed my time here playing my evil demon and I hope to appear as your worst nightmare on some other server in the future.

Best of luck.