Shila, A Ranger

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Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *randomrper »

Basic Information
Name: Shila. She never gives a last name.
Gender: Female
Race: Apparently some form of Elf
Age: 100+
Profession: A ranger
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, possibly others
Accent: Nothing super distinct

Physical Information
Height: Around 5'9"
Weight: Shame on you!
Body build: A bit heavier than most elves and fairly curvaceous, though definitely not fat in any way with very excellent muscle tone.
Skin type: Smooth and fair.
Hair style: Usually kept up in the back and let down on the sides
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
    [b]Hair:[/b] Dark blonde [b]Eyes:[/b] a soft green [b]Skin:[/b] Cream [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Philosophy: Natural ways are generally the best ways. This doesn't mean civilization can't exist, but it should at least try to keep itself from wantonly destroying nature around it. Life is important and should be protected.
Deity/Beliefs: Mielikki
    [u]Often Timid[/u] [i]Cities make her incredibly uncomfortable, as do crowds. She will often fidget, acquiesce to people more confident or skilled, or leave the situation all together if it gets too overwhelming[/i] [u]Courageous[/u] [i]Despite her tendency to shrink back from many situations or outright capitulate, if she decides there is something worth fighting for, she will most certainly do that with every ounce of her strength.[/i] [u]Playful[/u] [i]When she is comfortable around someone or a group, Shila can be very playful and even flirtatious.[/i] [u]Excitable[/u] [i]When comfortable in a situation or a group, she will often get very excited or happy about events in others' lives or their success. Similarly if she feels something is wrong or unjust, she may also become rather upset about it.[/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Gear: Green armor with a bow, a set of ornate longswords, a handaxe, and a scimitar stashed under her quiver. Her armor design isn't always what one would call "practical" but she's getting better at this. Honest.
Jewelry: nothing really overt
Habbits/hobbies: She tends to get drawn to nature and natural areas and will go to spend time in those areas when she can to relax and refresh.
General Health: Young, robust, and healthy
Favorite Drink: None really. Doesn't drink that much. But hey, she's an elf, so probably wine, right?
Weaknesses: As noted above she can be incredibly timid and sometimes easily intimidated. As she has pretty much no experience in anything larger than a small village prior to arriving to Sigil, she can also be a bit naïve at both humorous or inopportune times.
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