The Adventures of Jade

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Posts: 866
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *cryptc »

"You got to grab life and yank with all the force you can muster!"

What many people know:
  • Name: Jade
  • Race: Halfling
  • Place of birth: Outlands
  • Occupation: Adventurer/swashbuckler
Jade was born in a small obscure village in the Outlands, and while growing up always had a sense for travel and adventure. Ever since running away as a child to try and walk to the spire, since she wanted to see it up close. Her father finally caught up with her and explained that the spire was infinitely far away, and when she asked how one got there, he told her about portals and the City of Doors located at the top of the spire.

Ever since hearing that tale, Jade focused on learning all she could so she could one day travel to Sigil. After leaving home, she travelled from place to place until she finally found a portal leading to Sigil. Since then she's been living of her wits, travelling anywhere there is potential adventure and excitement.
Posts: 866
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *cryptc »

Marius waves the coldstone infront of the hole in the pavement and the portal comes alive, hitting them both with a cool breeze.

"I didn't even dress for this", Jade said. "And even though my magical ring protects from cold, I doubt it will make me feel any warmer".

Marius turned, his mask facing Jade and most likely looking her in the eyes although she couldn't tell. "Atleast I'm wearing a warm robe hm hm hm".

"Oh well, I guess keeping moving will keep me warm anyways", and with that Jade jumped into the portal, followed shortly by Marius and his creepy imp familiar.

They wandered together, finally finding a small cave shielded from the freezing winds. The Paraelemental Plane of Ice isn't welcoming to visitors it seems, but at least the cave made the cold tolerable to them.

"This cave is huge! wander what lives in here?" Jade wondered out loudly.

Marius however was concentrated and listened deeper into the cave "Hush, something big is coming"

From one of the tunnels came the largest humanoid Jade had ever seen, blue skin and a weapon twice the size of her. The frost giant had probably heard Jade's loud voice echoing deep into the cave complex, and gone to deal with the intruders.

"Right, there we go!" Jade charged against the giant, not feeling any fear, even though her height barely reached its knees.

"Hold!" said Marius in a firm voice, and Jade immediately understood his plan. He intended to put a short duration protective spell to keep her safe from immediate danger. It didn't take Jade more than a second to stop even on the slightly slippery ice, and Marius caught up with her.

"Now go" he said as he finished the arcane incantations to make her appearance blurry and semi-invisible.

Jade didn't hesitate as she restarted her charge, the giant now already close to them. She ducked just as it struck a horizontal blow, not low enough to hit her. While it tried regaining its balance for another strike, Jade gave it a deep cut in its thigh, barely even causing it to grunt in pain.

Suddenly a green glow covered the giant and it held completely still. Marius had apparently cast an enchantment to prevent it from moving at all. "Now, kill it while it can't move" he shouted from behind her, even as Jade had already started the attack.

Jumping up, she buried her blade deep in its abdomen, causing its cold blood to spew forth from the wound as a fountain, covering Jade in it.

The spell that held it lost its potency, and just as Jade removed her blade from the wound the giant screamed in pain and used its free hand to grab Jade by the legs and lift her up. Her sword slipped from her grip and hit the ice beneath.

Standing on her hands with the giant holding her upside down by her feet, Jade had to act quickly, before its giant weapon could swing around to cleave her in two. She kept her balance with one hand on the icy ground while she grabbed a second blade from her sheath.

Just as the strike was closing in on her, she jabbed with all her might right into its kneecap, causing it to howl in pain and drop her feet. Its weapon still closing toward her, she barely had time to let her legs fall forward into a roll between its feet, managing to avoid the lethal hit. She came to a stop on her feet facing the giant from behind, and in one smooth move hamstringed it.

The giant started falling forward just as Marius offensive fire magic engulfed the creature. It fell flat to its stomach, not breaking its fall with its hands, dead before it even hit the ground.

Jade let out a cheer "Woo! nicely done Marius, we showed that giant a thing or two about how bigger they are, the harder they fall"

The two of them searched the body for valuables before venturing deeper into the cave for more exciting battles.
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