Milny Boldoffin

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Posts: 43
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Swiftbow »

Basic Information
Name: Milny Boldoffin
Aliases: Sometimes known as "The Chatterbox"
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling
Age: 23
Profession: Ranchhand, barmaid, adventurer
Languages: Halfling, Common, Abyssal
Accent: Rural

Physical Information
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 60 lbs
Body build: Curvy
Skin type: Smoothish, very rough hands and feet.
Hair style: Messy
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
    [b]Hair:[/b] Reddish, bordering on pink [b]Eyes:[/b] Green [b]Skin:[/b] Caucasian, tanned [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Philosophy: Be nice to everybody, but beat up the bad guys. Oh, and everybody likes to hear a story...
Deity/Beliefs: Hero worships Thor.
    [u]Naiive[/u] [i]Tries to always have back up plan, and not get killed.[/i] [u]Cheery[/u] [i]Very little can ever dampen her spirits.[/i] [u]Naiive/innocent[/u] [i]The darker workings of the world and even some of the lighter ones are generally a mystery to her. And she doesn't even realize it.[/i] [u]Compulsive Liar[/u] [i]Her stories are full of embellishments that SHE thinks are true. And some of them might be. Kind of hard to tell...[/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Gear: Generally wears light armor or clothes, with a large, rapier-style sword.
Jewelry: 3 small, gold hoop earrings in the top of each ear.
Habbits/hobbies: Riding.
General Health: No significant health issues.
Favorite Drink: Milk and brandy.
Weaknesses: Minor fear of being alone.

Milny hails from a small farm on the outskirts of Tilverton, on the Prime world of Toril. Her family, the Boldoffins, retired adventurers, had finally had enough of the rough and tumble life and started making a living raising crops and cattle with their two children, Feldo and Milny, and the later addition of an uncommon ranchhand, an orange dragon known as Fred, whose true origins can only be guessed at (well maybe) but Milny sure has plenty of stories.

Life was pretty humdrum for the Boldoffins, until the Tilverton Thieves' Guild came calling for back payments on former employees. When Milny's Pop refused to pay, they snuck in while the family was away and burned down the farm.

Forced out of their home, the Boldoffins spent months in town, with Milny working as a barmaid. Until two grey dwarves made an appearance, with a plan for robbing the thieves' guild of a rather unusual book, the Tome of Aoskar.

This sounded good to Milny, unfortunately, she didn't realize what Sarn Kellfrock and Doilin Thunderstone were really up to. After retrieving the book, they imprisoned the halfling and eventually took the entire thieves' guild by force, with the arrival of Cyricist allies from further north.

But Milny escaped shortly after meeting some new prisoners, a group of adventurers from Shadowdale who had been pursuing the Cyricists. Fred had arrived too, and the group escaped. But soon found out the villains had left Toril entirely, through an Astral Conduit. An unfortunately one-way conduit that led straight to a Blood War battle on the Grey Waste.

Milny was separated from her friends, who were taken prisoner by some surviving Tanar'ri, to be sold as slaves to a nearby Arcanoloth Lord, Dolrak. The Arcanoloth had a fortress built next to the Gate to Gehenna, and a rather strange portal experiment in his dungeons... a rift to the Far Realm.

To make a long story short, Milny was briefly polymorphed into a demon, allied with some odd Tanar'ri with strange equipment, met a strange woman dressed as a Witch who had drawn the ire of the Lady of Pain and lived to tell the tale, and was nearly engulfed in a planar rift known as the Nothing before accidentally landing a chunk of the Abyss on top of a god-killing abomination.

And that was just last week.

But, as the group prepared to intentionally enter the Mazes in search of a sword called the Rift Blade, Milny was caught in a strange gap between portals, and found herself in an entirely different Sigil, where no one has heard of the recent murders of two dozen deities, or of the horrifying, plane-devouring entity known only as the Nothing.

Perhaps she fell into an alternate reality? If so... this one is a bit more peaceful.

(The regular tale of Planescape Survival Guide continues in my comic!)
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