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Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:00 am
by *spiritofthegame
Basic Information
Name: Ordlas
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 27
Profession: Planeswalker, as a servant of Boccob he works as a scribe, sage and enchanter.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic
Accent: None that can be easily identified.

Physical Information
Height: 1.88m
Weight: 80kg
Body build: Fit but not overly muscular
Skin type: Smooth but tanned from the time spent outside.
Hair style: He prefers a short, neat haircut.
Scars: There are several small scars on his hands and lower arms, the remainst of some intense combat training with sharp, small blades
Tattoos: On his left upper arm he has a tattoo showing Boccob's eyes being flanked by two rearing griffons, one red, one black.
    [b]Hair:[/b] brown [b]Eyes:[/b] brown [b]Skin:[/b] lightly tanned [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: He is true neutral.
Philosophy: Learn what you can regardless of the source. Listen carefully and don't be afraid to ask questions. Encourage the use of magic but do not neglect your body. There must be balance in all things as a loss of balance always means a loss of options and knowledge.
Deity/Beliefs: Ordlas follows Boccob, the Lord of all Magic. Serving the church as an Theurge he recently realized that divine magic can be cast in similar ways than the arcane so he is exploring the way of an archivist now.
Ordlas is a curious, polite man who sees violence as his last ressort. His wit and wisdom are his tool and weapon of choice and he approaches most things with an open, curious mind. He is far from naive though and he is aware of the nature of things, of how the planes work.
He believes in balance and he is not afraid to defend this concept in discussions, never holding back his opinions.
While he does not seek conflict he is not afraid to defend himself, his ideas and all that is dear to him with weapon and spell.
Additional Information
Gear: He usually dresses in the purple and gold of a Boccob priest but for the times when magic fails him he has a battered suit of armour ready as well, the maille and plates dented and used. A mace and a long dagger are carried on his belt and when adventuring he carries a small shield on his back as well. A spell- and prayerbook is carried in the same pouch that holds his spellcasting componens and depending on the situation he wears additional pouches with wands, potions and alchemical devices. His only ranged weapon is an old simple sling which seems to have been heavily enchanted recently.
Jewelry: A simple ring of gold is worn on his left hand, a seal showing two rearing griffons cut into the black gem.
Habbits/hobbies: He enjoys to draw and to write short stories and books. Throwing knives is another hobby of his and he sometimes visits the gymnasium to spar with whoever he finds- even if the opponent outclasses him.
General Health: He is in good health and in the prime of his years. However his adventuring lifestyle may take its toll soon.
Favorite Drink: Apple cidre but recently he grew fond of Limbic Ale, using the drinks volatile and easily to change property to adapt the drink to his wishes.
Weaknesses: His curiosity gets him in trouble sometimes and his diplomatic, polite behaviour is sometimes mistaken as weakness and timidness.