Tomas Rilver

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Posts: 95
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Grisome »

Basic Information
Name: Tomas Rilver
Nicknames: Tom, Tommy
Gender: Male
Race: Tiefling
Age: Looks to be in his early or mid twenties.
Profession: He doesn't really seem to have a job. Unless burglarizing and mooching counts.
Languages: He keeps to Common for the most part.
Accent: His voice is calm and pleasant, with no real distinguishing accent that can be placed.

Physical Information
Height: 5' 8" or so.
Weight: About 140 lbs.
Body build: He's in adequate shape, but far from being 'athletic'.
Skin type: Rough and callous in many places, especially his hands.
Hair style: Unkempt and probably in need of a cutting. Or at least some kind of styling.
Scars: Not an extraordinary amount.
Tattoos: None visible.
    [b]Hair:[/b] Black. [b]Eyes:[/b] Yellow. [b]Skin:[/b] Ash colored. [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Philosophy: None, really. He simply does what he wants, when he wants.
Deity: None.
    [u]Immature:[/u] [i]He has a severely over-developed 'sense of fun', and often does things just for the sake of doing them. Easily distracted and excited by reckless or ridiculous ways of entertaining himself (or shiny objects), he can be an incredible annoyance in more "serious" situations. Or any situation, really. The fact that his sanity can be considered unstable, or even lacking, doesn't help.[/i] [u]Cowardly:[/u] [i]When encountered with tall, dark, and violent shaped people, chances are he'll shamelessly be using someone else as a shield. Either that, or running and hiding (not that he can run, [/i]or[i] hide). If all else fails, he's quick to try and talk his way out of any situation... though, his snarky remarks often just end up making things worse.[/i] [u]Underachiever:[/u] [i]He's doing absolutely nothing with his life, and content to have it that way. The idea of having to live up to any degree of expectations is unappealing, and he's more than happy to shirk any responsibility he might be given. Unless, of course, shouldering that responsibility might lead to something fun and interesting. Or profitable. [/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Gear: His clothing and pack are old and beaten, and quite nondescript. The pack itself is actually mostly empty, which becomes apparent whenever he takes his feline companion Murdoch out (hey, cats take up room!). He always has a staff in hand, or at least within reach, and when walking seems to have to support himself with it.
Jewelry: Apparently none.
Habits/hobbies: Anything he might find amusing or fun at the time.
General Health: Barring the reason for his limp (assuming it isn't faked), he's in moderately good health.
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