Legba Sixbones

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Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Viashino_wizard »

Basic Information
Name: Legba Sixbones
Gender: Male
Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood
Age: Late Twenties
Class: Spirit Shaman
Profession: Witchdoctor (Services Negotiable)
Languages: Common, Yuan-ti, Sylvan
Accent: Legba speaks with the hissing accent of a Yuan-ti not trying to pose as a human.

Physical Information
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 126 lbs.
Body build: Tall and skinny.
Skin type: Smooth scales.
Hair style: Long, unkempt, hangs down to the shoulders. A pair of braids in front, tied to rings.
Tattoos: LegbaÂ’s arms and chest are tattooed with serpents, skulls, and other occult symbols.
    [b]Hair:[/b] Dark Green [b]Eyes:[/b] Gold [b]Skin:[/b] Dull Medium Green [/li]
Mental Information
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Philosophy: Power is everything, and power is who you know. Have the right connections, be owed the right favors, and make the right deals. Never break the rules if you can bend them, and only go back on your word if the advantage is overwhelming; a trustworthy reputation is worth a million gold in the long run.
Deity/Beliefs: Legba derives his powers from Talos via the evil and destructive nature spirits that serve him, but does not venerate the deity outside what is necessary to maintain his powers: the witchdoctor is more of a customer renting services than an actual priest.
    [u]Chatty[/u] [i]Loves to hear himself talk.[/i] [u]Flatterer[/u] [i]Is always complementary to others: his normal tone of conversation is full of sweet-talk, sometimes to the point it seems heÂ’s trying to talk you into bed with him.[/i] [u]Flirtatious[/u] [i]And sometimes, maybe he is.[/i] [u]Gregarious[/u] [i]Always tries to leave a favorable impression. You never know when a friendly contact will come in handy.[/i] [u]Machiavellian[/u] [i]Likes to achieve his goals through detailed schemes.[/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Gear: Legba always wears a half-mask shaped like the top-half of a human skull. His clothing is decorated with hoodoo fetishes: clumps of feathers, roots in the shape of people, bones, small animal skullsÂ…
Jewelry: Legba wears a moderately large amount of non-magical jewelry, including a pair of rings tied to his braids.
Habits/Hobbies: Cooking, flirting, collecting jewelry, making accessories out of bits of fur, feather, vegetation and bone.
General Health: Despite his appearance, Legba is in good health.
Favorite Drink: Spicy Cider.
Weaknesses: Legba has a mild obsession with jewelry.
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