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Reina, Devil-turned-Defender

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:10 pm
by Gadwin
Edited 4/13/2023; General Cleanup

Basic Information

Name: Reina (Pronounced Rain-uh)

Gender: Female

Race: Risen Erinyes (Arcadian Planar)

Age: Thirty-ish

Professions: Harmonium Factor, Veteran Planeswalker, Part-time Shopkeep

Languages: Common, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial

Tone of Voice / Accent: A bit raspy, tomboyish

Physical Information

Height: 6'2 / 74 in.

Weight: ~210 lbs / ~95 kg

Body build: Athletic, though not bulky or bulging.

Skin type: Smooth yet heavily resilient; Her wings are similarly durable despite feathered appearance.

Scars: None

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: White, long-ish and moderately-kept

Skin tone: Dark and blue-ish, drow-like

Mental Information

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, leaning towards good

Philosophy: Strength is the law of the 'verse. The strong thrive and the weak are held wholly to their superiors' mercy or outright crushed underfoot. Myself having known the lowest of the low, I refuse to return to it again; this life and power that i've been granted will be utilized to bring about as much in the way of peace as I possibly can.

Beliefs: One man passed on all that he could to me, to give me a life of my own so that I might make that same difference in the lives of others. For his sake, I will do everything in my power to help those who need it.

With the Harmonium's breakaway from Ortho, I find myself wholly aligned with their goals; I will assist and guide them however i'm able, for their betterment, and for the betterment of the 'verse.

  • Open - Reina is an honest person, and one who has no problems reaching out to or helping others.
  • Conscientious - She will do what she believes is right above all else.
  • Efficient - Always one to get straight to the point. If there's a problem, attack the source.
  • Vindictive - She remembers everything of all who've ever wronged her, and will stop at nigh-nothing to see them suffer.
  • Loyal - Friendships and loyalties are sacred, something to be held to the highest standard. Betrayal is never an option.
  • Protective - Very commonly goes out of her way to keep (most) others safe, even at her own expense.
  • Naive - Her life was very sheltered until her time in the cage. Even after some few turns, there are still many things she doesn't know that are common knowledge for others.
  • Critical - Especially of herself, though also of others. If someone fucks up, she's gonna let 'em know - a trait further enforced by common Harmonium procedure among raising their members.

Additional Information

Gear: She keeps an arsenal of hundreds of different items handy as a way to make up for her complete lack of magical talent, most notable of which would include an annoying smallsword that berates its user, a set of very knightly-looking Truesteel armor; another, more maneuverable set of black and gold metalline armor, fashioned similarly to that of her mentor's, and yet another set of crimson full plate worked in Harmonium style.

Habits/Hobbies: Fighting, sparring, training, wrestling, and just about all other contests of physical ability; drinking games, collecting weapons, generally assisting others. Being raised around one man of martial vocation, she's taken on many predominantly male hobbies.

Favorite Drink: Baatorian Ale. Unfortunately, drinking such regularly is a bit taxing now, so she's looking for a new favorite. Also notably hates all forms of wine after an incident with celestial wine that made her violently ill, brought about by A Kobold.

Strengths: Having successfully endured a long, bleak situation from early on, she was molded into a being that thrives in all but the most dire of situations. Her supernatural resilience was not outright given by planar blood, but further tempered as she forged her best self in spite of the odds before her path.

She has mastered defensive combat; one would be very hard-pressed to find another with a firmer grasp of it. She also possesses a great deal of physical might, and stumbled upon latent shadowdancing talents through much time spent sparring Caex.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Reina's strengths lie wholly on the battlefield and her weaknesses are most prevalent off and away from it. Above all else, she fears inadequacy. With an outlook like hers, to fail something important might as well be the 'verse itself damning and shaming her for not being good enough, for being less than worthless. To be "had" by something is to make it into a target for which she will stop at almost nothing to overcome. Otherwise her failures will fester and eat away at her if left to her own devices, her judgement clouded by doubt, self-loathing, and the desire to be freed of such. She has very little in the way of true talent at anything not martially-related, and even there, she has zero command over traditional magic and must often rely on wands and trinkets to not be cast aside entirely by enemy mages. Even though she's extremely well-versed in combat, she has a great deal of reliance on her equipment, needing to pick the right tools for the job.

Closest Allies: Kaltia, Caex, Sartorix, Alios, Valdin, Katherine, Usi'dora, Saiyuu, Starlight, Abwan

Worst Enemies: She's openly spiteful against Balors and Succubi / Incubi, with a somewhat lesser grade of hate for fiends in general. Just about anyone who deals in "soul-stealing" or preys upon the innocent is guaranteed to get on her bad side, and of course, those who would bring harm to the ones she holds dear would be shown little in the way of mercy.

Re: Reina, Devil-turned-Defender

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:54 am
by Gadwin

Re: Reina, Devil-turned-Defender

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:08 am
by Gadwin

Re: Reina, Devil-turned-Defender

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:42 am
by Gadwin
Soonafter officially defecting from the Indeps to the Harmonium, Reina could, on rare occasion, be seen writing in a blank-covered black book.

I should probably start keeping a journal of sorts. At least for particularly noteworthy days. I feel like these patrols will leave me with a lot of downtime, anyway.

The First Day

The candidacy meeting with Mover Stig went incredibly well. The questions he asked were difficult, and his lack of expression or reaction as I gave answers only made it more so.. but towards the end of the meeting, he started letting himself go, and some of his personality started cracking through the official facade. Seems to be fairly serious, but he does own a good sense of compassion and humor. I didn't expect to be the one whose morals were called to question at all.. Reminds me of Vernis.

Going in, i'd thought about everything i've heard about the Harmonium. It was hard not to; just about everyone in the Cage has an opinion on them, and only rarely are they positive ones. After hearing time after time of how the Harmonium have fallen short or not tried or looked after only themselves, that gets to you. For most people, their opinions are formed for them due to how prevalent this perspective is. And if you hear something so many times, at least some of it has to be true, right? I can hardly blame them for falling victim to this sort of control.

In spite of disliking how some Harmonium have conducted themselves in the past, the meeting with Stig has reassured me that this is the right choice to make. Bad examples can be found in anything and everything, and factions are absolutely not an exception. I hope to do what I can to remove problem people as I come across them.

With the recent issues arising in the Hive, I figure the majority of my patrols will be done there for the time being. Simply having Harmonium presence there should quell a number of further potential attacks for fear of immediate retaliation. Or, If i'm lucky, i'll piss them off and they'll try something against me.. it's not a perfect solution, but anyone who decides to attack Bleakers of all people has already lost my immediate empathy. Their chance for redemption is gone, and they're better off in a cell where they can't harm innocent Hivers who often live by such efforts to be helpful for the community.

Anyway. Patrol's in a few minutes, so might as well head that way. After having bore witness to the results of random hardheads showing up in the bazaar with weapons drawn, I think i'll forego a chiv. Will make me more personable, at least.
Hopefully Ygthil will show around soon, and I can ask for his help on that whole "conflict management" thing Stig went on about.