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Liliara Shepherd

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:00 am
by *Remus
Stepping through the streets of bazaar, at first glance, appears a young human woman. She stands half a head taller than most humans, but does not seem to look down upon anyone. She is garbed in a simple woollen robe that hangs down to her feet, the dark blue fabric almost covering simple leather boots. Her skin is a healthy pink, slightly tanned from the sun.

Her hair is a soft blonde, cropped short and tucked behind her ears meticulously, every strand in place. Along her hairline run darkened spots, leading down to disappear down the back of her neck.

Her azure gaze takes in the sights of the bustling city, her expression open as she walks the streets, clearly new to the experience. As she walks, the tip of a fleshy tail peeks out from the hem of her robe, swaying to balance her. On the occasion the tail raises itself out of the robe slightly, short feathers of a dark brown leading to blonde fleck along its length.

The most striking aspect of the woman is the large symbol hung about her neck. A silver lightning bolt clutched in a golden fist hangs upon a simple copper chain, openly displayed on her breast over the robe. She walks holding her head high and her back straight, every expression open and honest, every step sure and simple.

The image of a kindly faced man comes to her mind. Beard and hair of a light grey, his soft blue eyes twinkle in the candlelight.

“I remember when we found you, my daughter. You have heard the tale many times before, and no doubt you shall hear it many times again. But you would grant an old man his peace, would you not? The peace of remembrance, of times passed.”

She smiles down at him, holding his rough hands in hers, both callused from the constant use of weapons.

“Tell me again, father.”

The man closes his eyes, leaning back in the large wooden chair, sighing softly.

“The summer was dreadfully hot. All of the Brothers and Sisters were on edge since the sun first started beating down upon us, and the Abbot knew that we needed something to take our minds off the wilting crops and stillborn calves. Word spread through the villages of a new evil that was gripping the minds of the people, and the Church knew they must be stopped.

The Brothers and Sisters decided to hold a grand tournament, to raise the spirits of all, and to draw out the would-be dark ones. I was chosen to joust, as I managed to best Sir William in swordplay. The villagers were shocked, yet excited. A simple Shepherd who had risen to the ranks of Knight-Errant in the Church of the Arch-Paladin, from their blood, no less! To champion Valour and Justice. The tournament was grand, many lances were broken on noble chests, and I still remember the bruises to boot! But it was a roaring success. The hearts of the people were somewhat restored, and the next night, the dark ones struck.

They came in the darkest dark, as we were resting in our beds. But they were clumsy, careless. We did not lose a man, and captured many of the attackers. The questioning was short, they were little more than simple villagers who had been corrupted by dark whispers, and they were eager to return to the Light. At dawn, we rode.

The foolish folk had taken to the abandoned ruins of an old fort, barely half a days ride from the Church, and we were upon them in no time, with barely a drop of sweat despite the beating midday sun. The guards were yet more villagers, once more happy to drop the dark mantle of their new lords before the Valorous Host. But as we dismounted and walked into the dark tunnels, we were assailed from the dark.

Fire and ash, steel and pain struck us from every side, and several good men fell. Poor Sir Gullam, may he rest with his ancestors. We came to what seemed to be the main chamber, a shadowed cave that seemed to end in darkness on every side.

Covered in our own blood and that of evil, we were stronger than ever, shining with glory before the dark tide. The dead rose and fell beneath our blades, and fiery beasts screamed their death cries into the dark. At last we came to it, a crude altar of bone and obsidian, terrifying and malefic at a glance, even more terrible to lay your eyes upon. The last battle lasted hours, minutes; we lost count as the dark fought the light. As a handful of us stood, shining brightly than ever, a shrill cry came from the altar. And there you lay, my daughter.

You were small. So small, and so frail. Sir William approached you, the fire of righteousness in his eyes, and raised his blade. I cried out, and he faltered. He turned to me.

“It is a creature of the dark, Arthur. We have killed many in the name of Heironeous. It is not a sin.”

I lowered my blade, approaching the altar and Sir William. I laid my hand on his shoulder.

“Have we not sworn an oath, my friend? We follow the Duty to Chivalry, as much as Honour and Justice. Has this child done wrong? I see a babe, a girl, innocent as the sunrise. Who is to say she shall fall into darkness?”

Sir William lowered his blade, and his eyes took on a sadness.

“You speak true words, Arthur. Now I see this child, she looks almost human. What do you suggest?”

It was my turn to falter. I sheathed my bloody sword, removing my cloak. And then I bundled you close to me, turning to those of us that remained.

“We take this innocent to the Church, so she may see the Light. I put myself forward as her father. I shall raise her as my own blood. In doing so, I take all responsibility upon my own head. She shall know the hardships of the farm, and the faith of our lord. But she will know love, companionship, valour, honour, and every virtue we can bestow.”

The others remained silent. But then Sir William himself sheathed his sword, and belt to one knee. All those standing did the same, and the tears I wept were of joy. Surrounded by death and darkness, my daughter, you were born in the Light.”

Liliara Shepherd

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:00 am
by *Remus
A figure clad in full plate armour steps through the portal, using a gauntleted hand to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight. A metal helmet sits in the crook of the other arm, bright silver armour glinting in the light of day, the gold trim flashing. Metal boots crunch down soft sand as she makes her steady way down the beach, the soft cries of seabirds crooning in the cool breeze. As she approaches the gentle lapping waters, she turns slowly on a heel, walking alongside the waters edge. Occasionally cool waters lap around her shining metal boots, but she does not appear to notice. Her light blonde brow is knitted in a thoughtful frown as her eyes adjust to the bright light of Elysium, her gauntlet slowly moves down to rest on the ornate tooled golden hilt of a sword strapped to her belt.

She walks for some time, lost in her own thoughts, crunching down the beach as the bright light of day begins to slowly fade into the brazen twilight. Her bright blue eyes travel up the beach, at last laying upon what appears to be a ruined structure. She approaches the worn stones, little more than a crumbled skeleton laying upon the grassy sands, no indication of what the building may have been. She ascends the fractured steps that present themselves, watching her footing carefully as she passes by crumbled archways and tumbled blocks, all of the same light grey stone. She slowly passes through what must have been one floor, now little more than a crumbled balcony, and then another, the skeleton of the building opening around her. As she ascends to what must have been the third floor, only a scant few arches are around her. Yet before her, the stairs lead to only a small platform at the top, perhaps the remnants of an old tower of some kind. The platform is barely a meter and a half across as she steps upon it, a spec of rubble tumbling down the stairs behind her. She looks out into the River Oceanus, the soft sea breeze toying with her short cropped hair as she stands tall atop the building, looking out into the setting sun.

Slowly, she bends to one knee, placing her helm on the platform next to her. Even more slowly she draws her blade, glittering gold in the half light as light dances across the length of the sword itself. She places the tip of the blade against the stones of the platform, folding her gauntleted hands upon the hilt, she bows her head and closes her blue eyes.

“I know this is not right, my Lord, but it is what must be done. As I speak my oaths, I should be affirmed by a Father or Mother upon holy soil. But I tread the streets of the City of Doors, where churches are forbidden by the being that rules there. I have seen horrific things. I have stepped into the Abyss itself, felt the chaos and the fire swirling around me, and I have returned. I tread now upon holy soil, as I never thought I would while I still live. I have seen death where there should be life, and great sorrow where there should be great joy. Justice has not been done. I swear myself before you now, Arch-Paladin, that I shall fight. I shall fight for honour, for freedom, for goodness, and for justice. I have passed through my trials and remained pure. I have held to my vows. The blood of darkness flows through my veins, but I shall stay always to the light.

I pledge myself as Paladin in your service. I pledge myself as Knight Protector to House MacEwan. I pledge myself to the people of Sigil who cannot protect themselves. I walk in the light, with justice as my blade and honour as my shield, and evil shall tremble before my might. The light will prevail.”

A soft ringing sounds, like tinkling bells in a warm breeze. The Paladin opens her eyes, and three small balls of light surround her. The trio of Archons orbit her for several minutes, before slowly rising into the darkening sky, disappearing into the twinkling stars. As Liliara stands, sheathing her sword, tears track slowly down her cheeks, the moisture glistening in the half light.

Liliara Shepherd

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:00 am
by *Remus
Shadows swirled around the room, booted feet thumped past her head. The air was thick with blood and screams, shrieking demons throwing themselves onto the blades of her allies. She struggled to stand, her vision narrowed through the bulky helmet, her sharp breaths sounding hollow and metallic. Somewhere in the fray she had abandoned her second blade, and now struggled to her feet with one. A cambion charged out of the chaos toward her, too stunned to react, it struck a glancing blow across her plated shoulder. Something changed within her, and the room almost seemed to still. Sure of herself, she brought her blade around in a heavy arc, the force of her blow searing the fiend across the chest with holy fire.

She stood still as her companions destroyed the remaining villains. Here, a wicked barbed greatsword beheaded a wailing demon. There, a shadowy figure danced around a giant fiend, peppering it with strikes. In the corner, two demons seemingly fought each other, claws and teeth flashing bloody red. And last, an enourmous scythe spewed bloody carnage, spattering White wings. Soon, only five figures stood amidst the grisly scene. Breathing a heavy sigh, she started to approach the others, when the hooded figures turned toward her. The heavy set man took a step towards her, and the others followed. She could see his eyes, and they were not eyes she knew.

"Just one more left. You failed us, Green. You said you would keep us in the light."

She stood, stunned, as the wicked blade came for her. It bit into her flesh...

Liliara Shepherd

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:00 am
by *Remus
She awoke with a rasping gasp, sitting bolt upright. She sat there, breathing heavily as her mind raced, her eyes wide in the darkness. Her sheets were twisted and pulled around the bed, and the woollen shift she wore was soaked through with cold sweat. The dream raced back to her, and she listened keenly to the sounds around her. Nothing. Perhaps a murmur of the others during fitful sleep. She drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, squeezing her eyes shut as she sat alone in the darkness.

Re: Liliara Shepherd

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:31 pm
by Remus Prime
Boots crunch on the cobbled streets of the Cage. She inhales; that smell is still familiar, somehow. That grungy mix of the Planes, dust, and pools of acidic rain.

It's been some time since she set foot in Sigil. But she's a different woman, now. For a start, she has been working her body into an impressive edifice, so now is almost double the width she was when she was a young woman. But more than that. Old oaths have been laid to rest with the bodies they were sworn to. Her path isn't one she first saw when the future was bright. She has seen a decade of warfare, now.

But she knows there are people in this city that need her. Holy vow or not; she knows how to use a sword and shield. For too long she'd been avoiding this place, the confusing feelings it gives her. But that ends now. She has returned, and it was time to make a difference to people again. Even if it was one person at a time, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

The old accoutrements of her position have been lain down, with the other relics of her order. So she has a simple sword, and the clothes on her back, and that is a good enough start for her.