The Beauty of Chaos

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Posted by *Raneguin »

Basic Information
Name: Nastasia
Gender: Female
Race: Abyssal Tiefling
Age: Unknown
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal

Physical Information
Body build: Curvy
Skin type: Silky
Hair style: Neatly kept, shoulder length.
    [b]Hair:[/b] Red [b]Eyes:[/b] Red and yellow [b]Skin:[/b] Mauve [/li]
    [u]Flirtatious[/u] [i]Regardless of who she speaks with, she takes enjoyment in playful teasing.[/i] [u]Chatty[/u] [i]Sometimes she seems to talk, if only to just hear the ring of her voice.[/i] [u]Egotistical[/u] [i]Loves attention, in [b]all[/b] its forms.[/i] [u]Extravagent[/u] [i]Have you seen what she wears?[/i] [u]Hedonistic[/u] [i]It's all about having fun.[/i] [/li]
Additional Information
Outfits: Typically found wearing elaborate and revealing articles.
Habbits/hobbies: Teasing Paladins, shocking primers, causing mayhem, and various forms of art.
Weaknesses: Anything she deems 'adorable', shiny baubles, gifts.

She sat on a throne, listening to the ruckus coming from outside. Some random adventurers were on their way in, slowly scraping away at what few guards she had hired for out front. The expression on her mask showed boredom, she wished they would just enter and get it over with. Tapping her fingers against the velvet cushion of the chair she let out a sigh.

Suddenly the door bust open and two men entered the room. The first was clad in heavy armor and wielded some glowing, enchanted, sword. The other wore long robes, and held a staff in his hands. The two approached the throne cautiously yet slightly aggresively. Nastasia's mask began to smile.

"Demon spawn!" The armored individual shouted.

"That never gets old." Nastasia laughed, her mask forming a sadistic grin, "Is it time to play already? Shouldn't you two rest first?" The mask's expression snapped to a very exaggerated pout, "I wouldn't want our fun to be cut short just because you weren't ready."

"Do not tease us. We will wipe your corruption from these lands." The knight tightened the grip on his blade, getting ready to attack at any second.

The woman's hand lit up in concentrated energy and her mask switched to extreme ire, "Corruption? Don't be absurd." The mask smiled pleasantly, "you're just mad because I have a nicer house than yours."

"Why do we let her speak, brother?" the wizardly one asked, "I should just cast the spell."

"No, brother, we must make her suffer."

Nastasia laughed, "Yes, brother, do try to have a little fun, afterall, that's what we're all really after." She snapped her fingers, and in an instant had disappeared. Before the brothers had time to figure out what had happened Nastasia had appeared beside the cloaked man and placed her arms around him. Her mask smiled, "Shall we dance?"

She twirled the man around with ease, humming some random tune to herself as she did so. The man found himself paralized, mostly from shock, or perhaps through the influence of her magic. The warrior brother stood angrily as he watched. He wanted dearly to stop the nonsense, but couldn't risk harming his brother.

After a few twirls Nastasia's mask changed to her evil grin once more and she pushed her dance partner into his sibling. She stopped and faced the two, her hands glowing with incredible power, "Now, boys. Let us have some real fun!" She laughed. She didn't stop laughing...

Nastasia woke up, she could still hear the laughter ringing in her ears as her eyes shot open. She reached her hand up and pressed it against her mask... no... there was no mask, it was just her face. The mask was long gone now. Its power, lost. She felt empty, as if a part of herself was missing now, she was no longer whole.

Nastasia let out a sigh... how did it all come to this?
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Posted by *Raneguin »

... how did it all come to this?

Nastasia was barely an adult. She'd spent most of her days now in the shadows. It wasn't really her forte, but she'd managed to cover up enough of her tainted skin to not be immediately noticed and chased out of town. Nastasia
hated being an outsider to these people... these primers. She longed to be back in Sigil, back with her family... if they could be called that.

If only she could remember that power she felt so long ago, when she was but a child. But, the spark only came once, when confronted with a cranium rat. If only she could remember how to harness that power again, then she wouldn't have to live in hiding... in fear.

Nastasia ensured her skin was covered before she took a deep breath and moved into the light. The street was crowded with beings of different shapes and sizes. Humans, elves, dwarves... not a single one she could really relate to, not a single one that would understand her.

She needed a copper necklace, she figured that was the key back home. It had taken some time, but she knew that it was the ticket. To her luck, there was a store with a few of the items in question, but unfortunately they cost jink... jink she didn't have. She calmed her breathing, hoping that none of her features were showing. Her tail hurt, being tucked in her pants. She felt silly, knowing her horns would make her hood misshapen. It was so hard to keep her face hidden, especially those bright red eyes. Even the slightest glance could give her away, and she knew this place was not tolerant of her kind... corrupted as she'd heard.

As she drew closer to the merchant's stand she started to hold her breath. Her eyes focused on the goal. She needed o get the goods and get out. She took one last deep breath then made her move. Her arm move swiftly over the table. In one swift motion she nabbed the necklace and turned to leave, but came face to chest with a gruff half orc wearing the local patrol's colours.

"Going somewhere, miss?" He grunted.

Nastasia froze. She feared she was about to be crushed... that would really impede her attempt to get back to Sigil. With an impish voice she squeeked, "Uh... home?"

The half orc shook his head, "Not with that."

Nastasia swallowed the lump in her throat, "I don't... whatever do you mean?"

The half orc reached down to nab Nastasia's arm, to reveal her theft. She qickly moved to the side and attempted to bolt for the nearest alley. She just had to get to where she heard the gate would open, then she'd be home free. Before she could celebrate freedom she felt a quick tug backwards from her cloak. The half orc yanked her backwards, tumbling back into a clearing that the crowd had formed. Her cloak stayed in the half orc's hand... she was exposed.

They were all staring at her. The mauve skin, the horns... they were staring, and she could feel each pair of eyes. She could hear every whisper... demon... evil... corrupt... hellspawn... with every whisper she could feel rage growing inside her. She wanted them all to just stop... she wanted them all to be silenced... permanently. Nastasia felt that familiar tingle deep inside her... the power she knew she had... the power she loved.

The half orc shouted some curse and drew his axe, but he didn't have time to do anything with it. A blast of energy seared into the large creature's chest. Nastasia stood up tall and concentrated the energy into her hands.

"Alright," she smirked, "Who's next?"

Nastasia smirked a little as she sifted through her past. She couldn't even recall how long it had been since that day it all changed... had it been years? Decades? The memory was so vivid, as if it had only happened yesterday. And, yet, so much had happened between then and now. So much learned, so much lost....
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Posted by *Raneguin »

((Just a quickie today, will write more backstory later))

Nastasia snarled to herself.

The berk.... The Sod! How dare he call me a whore to my face. It is not my fault I was given such amazing gifts. No, I was born this way, and I refuse to feel shame for anything despite how many have told me to. My blood is not tainted... no, it is perfect. I know the power I posess, I've felt it... I need it back.

She paced in her room, repeatedly clenching her fist, surges of energy erupting from her arms.

He ruined a perfectly good outing. I had so needed to destroy something, and the group was more than happy to assist in finding some perfect victims. Even that mindflayer didn't bother me in the slightest. No, I dealt with that squid faced berk without a second thought. Without even feeling ire. Hells, it was fun the way he tried to hypnotize me and the others...

She released a blast of energy at a wooden table nearby, causing the object to break into splinters.

But that man... that hideous man who refuses to show his face. His words are meant to harm... and he says them with such contempt, like none of us will understand his usage of cant. So smug in his little bubble.

Nastasia paused then let out a sigh, surveying the wreckage.

I miss my power... I miss being whole.
Posts: 92
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Posted by *Raneguin »

Dark Dreams

Annoroku stated, "When ya go ta sleep, I can get inside 'ere" as he tapped his head, "I can enter yer dreams and bend 'em to my command."

Nastasia raised an eyebrow curiously, "Well, that is an interesting power."

"But don't worry," Annoroku said reassuringly, "I won't go inside yer dreams."

Nastasia let out a quiet sigh of relief, "Good."


Nastasia found herself in the dark. No sound, no smell, no light. She just stood there just as she had done so many times before.

Then the voice came, "Nastasia." It sang, the voice of the mask... or was it her voice? Was there even a difference? The voice called out again, "Where are you, darling? Where did you leave me? Why don't you come find me?"

Nastasia found herself walking along in the black, she had no control over her movements. She moved onward until she could see the small mask sitting in the distance, then she stopped... she always stopped. She could feel the power radiating from the mask, but she refused to answer it.

"Nastasia..." the mask spoke again, "Where are you, dear?"

The mask began to rise into the air and it grew exponentially. A wicked smile came across the mask's face as it continued to speak, "Why are you hesistating, darling?"

The room started to spin, Nastasia found herself surrounded by masks of all different emotions. They all started to cry out to her.

"Nastasia." The calm one said.

"Why did you leave us?" The pouting mask floated closer to communicate.

The angry mask flew closer, "How could you do that? How dare you lose us?"

The happy mask flew by her head, "Remember the fun we had?"

Nastasia grabbed hold of her head. Hearing them talk, cry, laugh, yell... each noise caused a pain deep in her chest. She tried shouting over them, "Stop it!"

All went quiet. The masks converged into one and it fell at her feet. Nastasia knelt down to pick the mask up. As she placed her hand on it she noticed a pair of boots infront of her. She looked up and saw herself... already wearing the mask. It had a wicked grin on its face.

The masked one charged her power. Nastasia felt the energy surging from her other self. It became unbearable in her current state, she had to get her own mask on to handle it... to feel whole again. She pulled the mask closer, then the power stopped. This wasn't the way this dream went... the power didn't stop... she had to put the mask on.

Nastasia looked up again to see a familiar male Tiefling standing far away.

"Grihm?" She said softly. Nastasia shook her head and looked him over, "Grihm! It's you!"

He shook his head and started to walk away.

"Grihm!" She called out and started to chase after him.

He disappeared in the darkness.

The mask whispered, "Don't you miss us?"

Nastasia woke up in a cold sweat. She looked around the room, then let out a sigh... she had that strange dream again. She was confused... for once, she felt different... confused.

"Grihm." she closed her eyes... how long had it been?
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Posted by *Raneguin »

Nastasia walked into a room littered with makeshift beds. Most little more than a blanket. Most of the beds were occupied by younger creatures, most of a planar descent. The hall echoed with coughing of the unhealthy. Nastasia's boots clicked against the hard cement floor as she walked past, ignoring the occasional glances of the others.

"Stas!" A voice called out.

From a nearby corner sat a trio of creatures. A fire genasi named Hailey, a goblin named Bob, and the one who called for her, another tiefling who they called Grihm. It was commonplace for the other two to tease Nastasia and Grihm, suggesting they were a perfect couple. Of course, it was never much more than teasing.

Nastasia took a seat with the others. "Hey everyone." she let out a sigh.

"Missed you!" Bob said happily. "Stas was gone for long time."

Nastasia smiled, "Yes, yes I was."

"Did you find it?" Hailey asked stoically.

Nastasia nodded and reached into the bag she carried at her side and she pulled out a piece of parchment. She rolled it open and revealed a large blank face surrounded by words. "They call it Chaos' Veil. It's apparently locked up tight in some celestial's safe... a big room with heavy security."

"Hold on," Grihm stopped them, "You're saying we have to get to the upper planes, crash some celestial's home, and steal his stuff? Have you gone barmy?"

Nastasia shook her head, "This is the big one," she lowered her voice, "I've got a buyer lined up already. He's willing to part with enough jink to get all of us out of here twelve times over."

"How get buyer fast Stas?" Bob tilted its little green head to the side. "Thought Bob find contact once job found." He pouted a little.

Nastasia smiled comfortingly at the goblin, "I know, sweetie, but this man made an offer I simply couldn't refuse. I hope you're not upset."

"We're not upsed, Stas." Grihm shrugged, "We just have a plan, we usually stick to it."

Haley scoffed, "As long as we get paid, I don't care."

"Oh, we'll get paid, Hailey... we'll get paid very well." Nastasia smiled reassuringly.


Later, Nastasia sat on the roof of the building, looking out at the cityscape. It was still busy, it always was. People of all sorts scowered along the roads, going about their lives. Merchants, Hard Heads, Fiends, Creatures, species of all shapes and sizes living in a false state of harmony. She curled her legs in and wrapped her arms around her legs. Nastasia felt a strange unease, but she couldn't tell why. A rustle came from behind her.

"So, that's where you went." Grihm said as he walked closer and parked down beside her. "I was wondering where you disappeared to."

"You should have checked here first." Nastasia smiled softly.

"Well..." Grihm shrugged then placed an arm around Nastasia, "I guess I didn't think you'd come up here alone."

Nastasia shrugged, "Oh? So you think I just take my dates up here?"

Grihm laughed, "So I'm a date now?"

"I didn't say that, dear." Nastasia smirked, "You were fun though."

"Fun?" Grihm pulled away a little to regard her, "I don't know if that was a compliment, or an insult."

Nastasia pulled him closer and rested her head on his shoulder. She let out a sigh and changed the subject. "I can't wait to get a real place of our own... somewhere we don't have to share with others... maybe a place here in The Cage."

Grihm shook his head, "You talk about the place like it's paradise... it ain't."

"Better than most places." Nastasia sighed, "Just have to find that mask... then all our dreams can come true."
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Posted by *Raneguin »

They sat around in a circle in a seculded corner with a plain looking box sitting in the middle. Hailey nursed her injured arm. She continually cursed under her breath. "Pikin' sod... who in the nine employs a sodding badger fer a guard dog?"

"Nobody." Grihm smirked, "Berk wasn't in the nine."

"I can't belive how easy that was." Nastasia stated.

Grihm nodded, "I know... something ain't right."

"What not right Grihm?" Bob asked as he picked out the gunk between his toes.

"I don't know... I've got a bad feeling about this though."

Nastasia shook her head, "What could go wrong? We got the loot, we make the trade, we get the jink. Easy as lying."

"Remind me who this contact of yours was again?" Grihm frowned.

"Some cutter called Gregori. Looked human, smelled human, a little shady but I seriously doubt he's the sort to cross anyone." Nastasia shrugged, "Besides, he can't be too smart since I did swipe his coinbag when we negotiated the job."

Hailey glared, "Better share that pouch, Stas. The sod owes me extra for the trauma I been put through."

Grihm leaned forward and took the box in his hands, "Something's fishy... how do we know this thing is even worth a tick?"

Nastasia shrugged, "It's worth something to that berk, obviously."

"I know, and that doesn't sit right." Grihm opened the box and pulled out a plain white featureless mask. A curved slab of ceramic shaped roughly like the front of a head. "Just doesn't feel enchanted or anything." He pulled the mask closer to his face.

"Wait!" Nastasia shouted.

Grihm placed the mask on his face, held it for a second, then pulled it off and shrugged, "I don't get what he wants with it."

"Maybe need special word to make work." Bob suggested.

"The lore you have on this just doesn't add up, Stas." Grihm shook his head, "I don't feel comfortable with this job anymore, the sooner we're rid of this thing, the better."

"And, the sooner it will be." A voice echoed.

The group looked around curiously for the source. From behind stood Gregori, clad in blood red robes. His head, bald and tatooed, making his origin very clear. Beside him stood a rough looking female whose body held scars a plenty.

"I'll have that now, my dear." Gregori demanded as he stepped closer. "Let's not try putting it on again."

Hailey growled, "Pikin' Red Wizard... knew somethin' was up." She reached with her good arm and grabbed hold of her battle axe. "Soon as ye got yer trinket ye'll probably try an' enslave 'r kill us all."

Gregori smirked, "Brilliantly deducted. I'll try and make it the former if you play nicely." He put his hand forward to signal for the relic to be turned over.

The wizard's knight drew a dark longsword from the scabbard at her side, then shook her head at Hailey to attempt to discourage her. But the gesture failed to intimidate the firey genasi. Hailey charged forward and swung her axe swiftly. The two weapons clashed with a loud ring and the two warriors found themselves in a stalemate.

The wizard began muttering arcane words, preparing a spell.

"Like hells you'll cast that!" Grihm protested and jumped to his feet. He charged as fast as he could directly toward the mage, but was interrupted by a surprise move from the knight protector. Grihm went tumbling to the side just in time to see the wizard's spell cast.

Nastasia was scared. Her friends were still. She'd clearly been the only one that resisted the arcane attack. She swallowed hard and subtly began charging the energy in her hand... she didn't want to use it... not in front of her friends... but she had no choice. With a swift move she launched a beam of energy toward the wizard.

The wizard flinched, "What... but..." he growled, "how dare you attack me?"

Nastasia stood up and clenched her fists, charging her energy again, "I'll kill you if I have to."

The wizard laughed... "Would you like to know what this mask does?" He walked closer, "You've earned to hear that before you die."

Nastasia didn't answer.

"It unlocks potential... grants one's true power." He chuckled.

Nastasia shook her head, "You lie. It didn't do anything to Grihm."

Gregori shrugged, "Perhaps your friend has no potential... unlike myself." He shook his head and extended his arm toward the mask, "Let me show you..." he then muttered something in another language that was unfamiliar to Nastasia.

The mask lifted off the ground and started to spin wildly. It screamed an ear shattering noise. Nastasia covered her ears.

"Come to me, Chaos' Veil!" Gregori demanded, "Come to your true master."

The mask took on a sadistic grin with deep red eyes. "You?" It laughed, "You are not my true master, darling." The mask smiled sweetly.

Gregori was shocked, "What? Impossible... you belong to me!"

"No, darling," the voice hovered infront of his face, "I belong to her." The mask quickly flew across the room and placed itself on Nastasia's face.

It burned. Every inch of Nastasia's face felt like it was on fire. Nastasia put her hands to her face and tried to pull the mask off, but it wouldn't move. Beams of light shot out the sides of the mask as it sealed itself to the tiefling. Nastasia screamed in pain. She fell to her knees, her body shaking from the intense pain.

Grihm somehow broke free of his spell and rushed to Nastasia's side, "Stas... oh no, Stas..." He turned around to Gregori, "What did you do?"

"What did I do? What did she do." Gregori growled. "Tyressa, kill those two and get me my mask." he ordered to the knight.

The female warrior took a step, then stopped suddenly due to something grabbing her leg. She looked down to see Bob digging a wavy dagger into her shin. Before she had a chance to fight back, Hailey had gotten up and gave the woman a quick limb severing blow to her right arm.

"Pikin' sods!" Hailey cursed.

"Yeah! Pike sod!" Bob agreed as he turned his attention to the red wizard.

The wizard, panicing at the sudden turn in events cast a quick spell for his own escape. Leaving the rest of them to attempt to deal with Nastasia and the mask.

Nastasia was curled in a ball on the floor. Her hands pressed against the mask. She was still screaming, still in pain... but amidst all the screams there was a very feint laughter... feint and unsettling.
Posts: 92
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Raneguin »

Intermission shorts: DWARF AND ORC

Still a young girl, not yet a woman. Nastasia had already seen planes that some berks only dreamed of. And others that some would never wish to see. Still, Nastasia had a soft spot for creatures of the primes. She found their lives, while usually physically taxing, to be simple in comparison to the bustle of the Cage, where she called home. Various adventures had brought her, and her friends, to primes. Whether to work a job, or just for a random encounter.

Nastasia found herself on a prime, along with Grihm. Toril, she thought it was called. But then she'd always found primes to have such strange names, perhaps she misheard it. This was one of the rare times she wasn't working, but simply out for a visit. Her encounters thus far hadn't been overly negative, aside from hateful looks from clueless.

The duo found themselves near a large mountain, decorated with large, elaborate, stone and metal doorways strewn along pathways that wrapped around its height. Nastasia's eyes were alight with wonder. She was amazed at all the little, stubby people that were hustling about... dwarves, she believed they were called... adorable little dwarves.

As they climbed the hillside there was sounds of a celebration lingering in the mountain air. Grihm smirked mischeviously, "Want to crash a party?". He was handsome, his short blond hair was kept neatly, it accentuated his powerful blue eyes. Nastasia was always jealous, he had no tail, no claws, no fangs... if it wasn't for his horns, Grihm could easily pass for a human... unlike her.

Nastasia grinned, "Oh, let's. This will be a blast!"

They worked their way into the mountain, surprisingly not attracting any attention from the locals... Nastasia could have sworn that one had even given her a friendly nod in passing. They moved toward the noise, the sound of clanking steins and gruff laughter eminated from a bright room down the hall. As they entered Nastasia's eyes widened. She could hardly believe the impressive craftsmanship in the walls. It was all so intricately pieced together, and so well lit for a large room hidden behind layers of thick rock. Hanging on the opposite end of the wall was a sign with some illegible words... most likely in dwarven.

Slowly, the celebration came to silence at the new intruders. Nastasia grabbed hold of Grihm's arm, feeling incredible discomfort.

Grihm raised his free arm in the air and shouted, "Happy birthday!"

The dwarves laughed loudly and the celebration started up again. It wasn't long before both Nastasia and Grihm found their hands filled with some form of dwarvish brew. Nastasia laughed, "How did you know it was a birthday celebration?"

Grihm nudged her arm and pointed off in the distance to a single dwarven man wearing a paper hat, tossing back ales in rapid succession. Grihm smirked, "Just need to use those eyes, Stas. The hat is a dead giveaway."

Suddenly, a group of five dwarves, carrying instruments, came in from a side door. The crowd cheered loudly, hooting and hollering their names.

"Dwarf and Orc!" The started chanting. "Dwarf and Orc!"

Nastasia looked at Grihm with a confused expression. "Dwarf and Orc?"

The band almost immediately gave into the crowd and started playing a catchy tavern tune.

Orc was crouched on the cavern floor
And kept an eye on the oaken door
For many a night he'd watched it close
To see who might appear.

The crowd started to join in.

Oh dear! See him leer?
He's clutching a mighty spear!

Nastasia smiled. Something about the song made her feel elated.

Grihm looked over at her with half open eyes.

Orc was guarding a mighty stash
And any who'd come he'd have to slash
For stacked on high in the cavern behind
Were kegs of goblin beer
Oh dear! To his rear
The Goblin King kept all his beer!

Nastasia gave him a curious look. "What is it?"

Dwarf was thirsty as he crawled
To the oaken door on the cliff face wall
His nose had caught the scent of ale
Oh what a sweet sensation.
Elation! Fixation!
He's found the Goblin's libation.

Grihm leaned in closer. "Nothing." he smiled... "nothing at all."

Dwarf and Orc
A battle not worth telling
Spear or cork
With which should ye be assailing
Just pop a dwarf on the head with a cork
And see if his axe don't sing!
Just take that axe upon yer skull
And see if yer head don't ring!

His lips quickly touched against hers. Nastasia's eyes shot open widely. Blood rushed to her face as she was filled with excitement, awkwardness, discomfort, and all other manner of emotion all at once. She closed her eyes, slowly, then wrapped her arms around Grihm.

With his axe he smote the place
But no surprise on the Goblin's face
Whilst guarding he'd just helped himself
And drank all the Goblin King's brew
Oh boo! What to do?
He's got himself into a stew!...

Grihm pulled back and grinned at her.

Nastasia smiled softly, "... I love this song."
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Raneguin »

The screaming had stopped, but Nastasia still couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain. She was in a ball on the floor, weeping behind the neutral expression on the mask. Her body still shook from the intensity of having this thing attach itself. She kept a hand over the mask constantly, fingers weakly trying to find a spot to grab so she could try and yank it off.

Grihm sat at her side, quietly. He had one finger resting between his lips, while the rest of his hand curled around his chin. He was troubled, maybe even a bit frightened. Grihm growled, "Where in the nine are those two?"

"G... Grihm?" Nastasia turned her masked face towards him. The neutral expression remaining, "Wh... where's Hailey... and... and Bob?" she asked weakly.

Grihm rested a hand on Nastasia's arm, "They're gone to get help." He said reassuringly.

Nastasia turned her head back slowly, then nodded. She had no idea what he meant, she didn't really care at this point. He said help, that's what mattered... someone would be by to help her.

But maybe we don't want any help. Maybe we don't need help.

Nastasia stopped shaking. Her eyes opened up and she could see clearly. Her hand was infront of her face... was the mask gone? Was it a bad dream? Grihm still looked concerned. Nastasia slowly started to sit up.

"Stas..." Grihm gave her a strange look.

We're fine, darling.

"I'm fine, darling." Nastasia responded. "Why are you looking at me that way?"

Grihm edged away only a little, "The mask..."

What mask?

"What mask?" Nastasia asked.

"The one on your..." Grihm stopped from finishing the sentance, "are you alright?"

Never better, darling

"Never better, darling." Nastasia shrugged. "I had the strangest dream though."

Grihm raised an eyebrow, "Did you?"

Nastasia nodded. "Why, yes. I dreamed that a horrible man tricked me into stealing a mask... and then the mask attached itself to my face.", she pouted, "Oh, it was absolutely dreadful.

Grihm reached out and took her by the shoulders, "Stas... please stop doing... whatever you're doing... it's... it's frightening me."

We're not doing anything.

"Doing what?" Nastasia tilted her head to the side.

"The mask... it's... it's changing expressions as you talk." Grihm tried to explain calmly.

That's absurd!

Nastasia frowned, "Grihm, darling... don't be so outlandish. I'm not wearing any mask. This is my face." She pouted, "You like my face, don't you?"

"No.. I mean.. yes.. I like your face, but... that ain't it."

How rude!

Nastasia scowled, "Grihm, darling. How dare you insult me like that."

"I didn't..." Grihm held out a hand to stop her, "Hang on, okay... I'll show you." He quickly ran to another area of the building and left Nastasia alone.

Nastasia looked around. She did feel a little different, now that she thought of it. But she couldn't figure it out. Something was off... maybe it was just a reaction from the dream. Maybe she was happy, truly happy... whatever the change, it just felt right.

Grihm returned with a small handheld mirror. He lifted it up to Nastasia's face, "Look."

Nastasia gasped... so did the mask. Her eyes widened, as did the bright green eyes on the mask. "Oh... oh my... what...?"

"You see?" Grihm shook his head, "It wasn't a dream."

But it feels so good.

Nastasia shook her head, the mask went neutral, "Oh no... gods, no..."

Oh yes.

Nastasia sat down on the floor and covered her face... her mask... "Help me, Grihm." She looked up at him.

"We'll get help, Stas... just relax."

I am relaxed

The mask smirked, "I am relaxed, darling... very relaxed."
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Raneguin »

Nastasia was tending to her hair, holding a mirror infront of her face. The mask was smiling happily as she inspected herself... the only thought running through her head was, 'Damn I'm hot.'

Hailey and Bob returned with a man wearing heavily ornate plate mail. He looked displeased, but came along regardless, carrying an aura of confidece around him.

"Alright," the man said with a sigh, "where's the one in peril?"

Bob and Hailey looked at eachother, a bit confused. Grihm gestured over to the tiefling who was busy admiring herself.

The armored man came over and cleared his throat, "Hello, miss."

Nastasia turned on her heel, her mask took on an elated expression, "Well hello darling. It's wonderful to meet you."

The man coughed, "Well... yes... I suppose it is nice to meet you too."

"Oh, of course it is, darling." Nastasia clapped her hands together, "So what can I do for you?"

"I am here to help with your... ah... problem."

Nastasia's mask frowned, "What problem?"

He started to gesture, very vaguely at the mask. "I believe you have a cursed item..."

Nastasia turned her head away for a second, then turned back as the mask took on a very irate look, "What? Cursed? How dare you suggest I'm cursed." Her hands started to light up with eldrich energy.

"Stas!" Grihm approached.

Nastasia let the power dissipate and she looked at Grihm with a smile, "Yes, darling?"

"Let him take a look at it." Grihm demanded.

"Oh, but I'm fine, dear. There's nothing cursed about me, you know this."

The armored man took a step closed, "Please... miss..."

Nastasia's arm snapped outward toward the cleric's face, the mask scowling, "Don't you dare come any closer." Nastasia tilted her head to the side and smiled sweetly, "I didn't invite you, sweetie."

The man reached outward, cautiously. "Please..."

"I said..." The mask took on a sadistic grin with glowing red eyes. "No!" A quick blast erupted from her palm. Something far more powerful and wicked than anything Nastasia had released before. The room lit up from the burst of power. Once the light died down the others were awestruck. Nastasia stood there with a sweet smile on her face. The armored cleric was completely destroyed.

Nastasia took a few steps over to her friends.

They all took a few steps back.

Nastasia's mask pouted, "Why are you backing away?"

"Stas..." Grihm said softly.

Her mask scowled, "You're not afraid of me," the mask smiled again, "are you, darlings?"

Grihm held his arms infront of Bob and Hailey. He hoped she wouldn't get upset and attack any of them... he hoped some semblance of herself was inside and wouldn't attack. He hoped... but he also feared for their very existance.

Nastasia scowled again, "are you?". Her hands lighting up with awesome power once more.

Grihm swallowed the lump in his throat. "No, Stas. Of course not." He turned to the others and winked at them in secret, "Can you leave us alone please?"

Bob and Hailey cooperated without a moment to consider. They both clearly wanted to flee, thus took the opportunity.

The mask's eyes closed half way as the mouth took on a smirk, "Grihm, darling... so you do want more." She laughed, "Well, I am always up for a little fun between the sheets with you, dear."

Grihm grabbed a rapier nearby and clenched the handle tightly. He couldn't look her in the face. "Stas..."

Nastasia's mask frowned, "What's the matter, darling? Am I not naked enough for you?"

"I..."Grihm shook his head, "I'm sorry." He raised the rapier and poited it at her.

The mask took on a sadistic grin...Nastasia laughed.
Posts: 92
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Raneguin »

((continuing from the beginning of the story))

Nastasia danced around the room. Both brothers, the wizard and the warrior were lying face first on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Neither was completely dead, but both barely hung on to what little life was left. Nastasia laughed to herself, she'd had so much fun with the boys, she just didn't want the fun to ever end.

"D... damn." the warrior cursed, clawing at the floor in some sliver of hope that he would still be able to function.

Nastasia twirled and twisted until she gracefully sat down in her throne again. She crossed her legs and her mask smiled, "My, you are both wonderful dancers" The mask formed a pouting expression, "It will be a shame when you die."

A cold wind blew through the room. Nastasia's mask smiled as she looked around. It was an unnatural wind... and that meant she might have a new toy to play with. She ignored the groans and pleads for death coming from her other guests, they had warn out their entertainment value. From the door walked in four figures. In front was a man robed in blood red robes. She recognized him right away... Gregori. Though he looked different than she remembered.

Nastasia's mask smiled, "Oh! My friend the Thayan. I was wondering if you were ever going to come back and play." The mask frowned a little, "You've gotten old, dear."

"This has gone on long enough, demonspawn." His voice thundered.

The other three wore long disguising robes. One was short, that was about all Nastasia could tell from their figures. Regardless she was elated, more friends to play with... more fun. "Oh, and how long has it been, darling?" She rested a clawed finger against the cheek of her mask, "I've lost track of time."

"Too long, Stas." The small one walked forward and pulled his hood back. It was Bob... he'd aged horribly. A long grey beard occupied the poor goblins chin. "Far too long."

Nastasia's mask smiled, "Bob, darling! Oh, I've missed you!" She stood up and opened her arms, "You sound all smart now."

The next to step forward pulled her hood back and revealed a much older Hailey. She was nowhere near as physically imposing as Nastasia had remembered... even the fire in her eyes looked like it was dying. "Been spendin' our time workin' fer this day." Hailey was blunt as ever, her accent hadn't changed a bit.

Nastasia's mask smiled widely as she waited for the last figure to reveal itself. She'd already guessed who it was. She wanted to see him terribly. Out of all of her friends, he was the one she had missed the most... but he didn't step forward. He didn't say anything.

"Grihm?" Nastasia said expectantly.

No answer.

"Grihm, darling, why don't you answer me?" Her mask grew impatient and irate. "Didn't you miss me?"

The last man didn't respond.

Nastasia's hands lit up in her energy, "You're making me upset, darling."

"Enough." Gregori demanded, "We are here to end your chaos."

"Tsk." Nastasia's mask pouted, "You want to ruin my fun?"

Hailey charged forward, far faster than Nastasia had rememebered. She pulled a large hammer from within her cloak and swung rapidly towards her former friend. Nastasia took the blow directly to the chest and fell backwards, breaking her throne.

She slowly rised to her feet, the mask pouting. "That was my favorite chair, dear."

Nastasia looked around. Something was missing... Bob... the little goblin was nowhere to be seen. A feint noise at too late a moment revealed the Goblin from her side, launching a barrage of holy energy from his palm. It struck Nastasia hard, causing her to double over onto her hands and knees.

Nastasia panted... she could hardly believe her friends were...

They're not our friends.

She laughed as she lifted from the ground. Nastasia began to hover a few inches off the ground as she charged her energy. Swirls of dark power surrounded the tiefling, focusing unmeasurable amounts of power to her hands. She laughed harder, louder, more insanely. The more power she gathered, the better it felt.

"Don't let her!" Gregori shouted.

Hailey and Bob both moved in to assault her. Nastasia's movements swiftened, she easily avoided every blow Hailey could muster. Her power easily counteracted anything Bob could throw at her. She moved as easily as she had danced moments before their arrival, laughing the whole wile. A swift flick of Nastasia's wrist sent a blast of energy toward Hailey. But, it was stopped short by an invisible barrier.

Nastasia stopped. They all did. The mask frowned and Nastasia tried again, putting more power behind the blast... still, nothing. Her attack didn't do anything. "How..." the mask grew frustrated, "how... how dare you!" She turned her attention to Gregori.

The Thayan shook his head.

"G... Grihm?" Nastasia floated to the floor, her mask taking a neutral expression for the first time in years.

"No." The cloaked man responded, his voice deep and powerful.

Nastasia tilted her head to the side, the mask taking a confused expression, "You're not Grihm."

The cloaked figure tossed its cloak off, revealing a celestial warrior. Nastasia frowned deeply. She was disappointed.

The celestial stepped forward, "You posess a power that should have never been released."

Nastasia shook her head. "You... you're not Grihm." She growled softly. The mask turned angry. "Where is Grihm?" She shouted, concentrating her energy once more.

"Dead." Hailey said, bluntly.

Nastasia stopped.

"Grihm is dead." Hailey repeated.

The mask turned neutral again. "But... how?"

Hailey looked away and closed her eyes.

"How!" Nastasia demanded.


Nastasia knew... she was there... she wanted to cry, but the tears couldn't come. They didn't fall that day, they still wouldn't fall now. They couldn't... the mask wouldn't let them.

He deserved it

Nastasia shook her head, "No..." She placed her hands over the mask, "No... no it's not true... it's not true, you lie... it's all a lie..." She tried to peel the mask off, "You're lying!"

Yes, darling... we killed him.

Nastasia fell to her knees, "No... it's... not true..."

Gregori's eyes lit up, he released the spell he was preparing.

There was no resistance from Nastasia. It hurt... for the first time in years, it hurt. It was almost unbearable, but she'd deserved it. Everything she'd done... all the pain she'd caused. Light shot out through the mask's eyes and mouth. It burned, just as badly as it had when she'd first recieved it, if not worse. She screamed, she had to, it was the only way to deal with it.

The mask turned blank then fell off Nastasia's face, clanking against the floor. Nastasia's face hadn't aged a day... She fell forward, and started breathing heavily. Tears streamed from her eyes, she sobbed. ".. Grihm... Grihm I'm... I'm so sorry..." she burried her head into her arms, "Gods, I'm so sorry..."

The others let out a sigh of relief. It was finally over. Their years of planning had come to an end.



Hailey wandered around Gregori's mansion. She was incredibly uncomfortable there regardless of the amount of time she and Bob had spent there planning. It had been days since Nastasia was finally freed from the mask... free from the curse.

Gregori seemed displeased at the loss of the artifact. But, if it wasn't for the celestial, they would more likely be dead, and Nastasia's rampage might still be ongoing. Hailey shook her head, years ago the idea of Stas going on a rampage would have been laughable.

Hailey rounded the corner and came into the kitchen area. Nastasia was sitting in a ball in the corner. She hadn't spoken to anyone in days. Hailey walked close and rested a hand on Nastasia's shoulder, "It's over, girl. Jus' need to move forward." She got no response still. Hailey shrugged, she'd tried.

She walked back the way she came, back to the common area. Bob was sitting by himself infront of the fire, stroking his long beard. "'ey cutter." she said with a smile, "Somethin' bouncin' in ye'r brainbox?"

"For the first time in ages, Hailey," Bob smiled his old simple minded smile, "No."

They sat in peace.

A rustling came from the kitchen area. Hailey immdiately stood up, "Stas?" She walked back toward the kitchen to inspect... empty. Nastasia was missing. Hailey shrugged, maybe she'd gotten tired. Something shiny caught her eye from the floor across the room. Hailey walked forward and knelt down to pick it up... a knife? She furrowed her brow, what would Nastasia do with a... her eyes shot open. "Oh, hells!"

Hailey charged toward Nastasia's room and kicked the door in. Empty. She scratched at her firey hair. "What in the nine?"

"Something amiss, darling?" Nastasia asked from behind her.

Hailey turned around, "Oh, Stas, I was wo-" she stopped mid sentance. Nastasia was covered in blood. She held a knife in her left hand. "Stas?"

"Yes, darling" She asked as she licked some blood from her fingers.

"Wh..." Hailey's heart raced a little, "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing dear." Nastasia smiled sweetly." Why do you ask?"

"Are you... bleeding?"

Nastasia shook her head and laughed. "Oh, of course not darling. It's not my blood." Nastasia walked away calmly, her tail wagging happily behind her.

Hailey looked to the ground. The blood trail led to Gregori's room. She swallowed hard and walked inside. Gregori's body was lying lifeless on the bed. His blood covered the entire room. Hailey froze. In the window she could see her reflection... and behind her were two red eyes glowing. A hand lit up with energy in the darkness.

Nastasia charged in, digging the knife into Hailey's chest. Her eyes flashed wickedly as she put her hand close to Hailey's face. She smiled "Tell me dear..." her face then scowled darkly, "Where is my face?"

Oh gods... a voice rang in Nastasia's mind, what am I?
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