Yziit Of Undersigil

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Posted by *Helio »

Yziit sat on a pile of rubble deep in Undersigil with a half eaten rat corpse sitting in his lap among the rags that form his everyday attire, with only one good eye.. the inhabitant of undersigil peered down at his meal in thought.

It has been many years since Yziit has dared to even go close to those people from up-top... It has been many years since Yziit has has anyone to talks to others than thieving goblins and lesser demons... It has been so long since Yziit has known anyone... has had friends...Yziit has no friends.... That's fine.. not like Yziit has ever had any to begin with yessss? not missing anything...nooo...not missing

Even though the words formed in his head as a small measure of self-comfort, the phrases failed horribly against the deformed creature's past of torture... for many years as nothing more than a child... born with some unnatural deformity and left in the trash, the poor sod has had to take care of himself... far too weak and sickly to go about stealing, robbery or honest work... not to mention the stench akin to a rotting corpse that clung to his wart covered skin like a cloak of disease... he has had to fork out a living on begging and eating whatever crumbs he could find, being beaten daily by adults and children alike... everyday a living hell, Yziit wished he was dead and failed horribly at his attempts to commit suicide with everytime that he tried...

One day it dawned upon him.... The people, adventurers and inhabitants of Sigil spit on him, ridiculed him, chased him away, beat him, tortured him..not even going to mention the one that outright pissed into his beggin hands... this was more than enough for him to finally make his decision.

Yziit was tired..yes...so tired.... All Yziit wanted was to be accepted... all Yziit wanted was to live his life in Sigil... Yziit wanted to be an alchemist...Yziit wanted to brew potions, to make medicine for people...but nobody liked Yziit....Yziit is a rat...Yziit is a worm...Yziit is a disgusting stain upon the multiverse...Yziit wants to die...but Yziit has failed so many times...yess....so many times... Yziit retreated to the darkness...Yziit ran away from the beatings, from the spitting, from the chasing, from the torture and from the pissing in Yziit's hands... Yziit went into Undersigil..yesss...Yziit find a life for himself in there...Yziit hunts rats and takes from the thieving goblins...Yziit met the Dustmen

Yes, the Dustmen... Yziit interacted with them the very first time when he ran into a couple hauling the corpse of some unlucky adventurer away... He was scared of them at first... but they did not judge him for what he was..infact... they didnt even seem to be bothered by his presence at all. Yziit began to learn from them, he began to learn the ways of the Dustmen, the philosophies and even had a chance to flip through the bookshelves... with his amazingly quick mind for a creature with a speech pattern problem... he seemed to pick up on the knowledge rather quickly...

(to be continued)
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Posted by *Helio »

For years Yziit poured over various books and tomes in search of knowledge, finding comfort in the fact that even though nobody quite cared about him as a person... He'd still be able to find company in one way or another through what he has learned.

Yziit often finds himself speaking with the corpses as Yziit worked on them... yes.. dead people, they not be scared of Yziit, they not yell and scream and beat Yziit.. in fact..tehy seem to be happy to have Yziit there. Yziit applied balm to their cold skins, Yziit washed their bodies, Yziit dressed them in pretty clothes to take with them to realm of dead peoples... Yess... Yziit liked this, but Yziit wishes they could move, wishes they could sit in Undersigil with Yziit, to drink and to treat Yziit nicely.

Of course, it didnt take Yziit long to realize that he could indeed make such a thing happen... If he could by some chance learn how to maipulate magic but in order to do so.. Yziit would need to get his hands on a few books. Needless to say, Yziit was all over it.

The very next day after Yziit came to the realization of what he had to do, he moved towards the library and started to pour through the books that were readily available. He took to the knowledge as he slowly read and took the time to understand the spells and their incantations, moving his fingers and speaking the proper words to bring to life various cantrips.. this, was the beginning of his path into a world of books and lore, into a world of magic and walking corpses.
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Helio »

Basic Information
Name: Yziit
Aliases: Cretin, Sewer Rat, Disgusting -thing-
Gender: Male
Race: Planetouched (Ooze?)
Age: Unknown
Profession: Alchemist, Merchant, Wizard(Necromancy)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial
Accent: Raspy voice, speaks in 3rd person (think Gollum)

Physical Information
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 116lbs
Body build: Frail
Skin type: Covered in scars
Hair style: Long and shaggy
Scars: Lots and lots of them and they appear to be from beatings.
Tattoos: None


Hair: Dirty white/gray
Eyes: Red
Skin: Greenish Gray

Mental Information
Alignment: Neutral
Philosophy: "Yziit no cans trust... Yziit is worm..Yziit is beaten!"
Deity/Beliefs: Ghaunadaur

Paranoid : Has trouble trusting others and flinches in fear if someone gets too close too quickly.
Acceptance : He accepts people for whom they are and wont try to force himself or his beliefs on anyone.
Self-Pity : He pities himself, he is disgusted by what he is and sometimes wishes he wasnt even born.
Lonely : Really just wishes he could have someone he can trust.

Additional Information
Gear: Yziit is more often than not covered in dark plain colored robes and carries a staff though it is extremely common to see him slinging magically enchant bolts from slim black crossbow.
Jewelry: Yziit wears a necklace that bears the symbol of Ghaunadaur but it is never visible unless you can get him to show it to you.
Habbits/hobbies: Coughing and hacking.
General Health: Poor health, Mal-nourished.
Favorite Drink: Red Wine, though he rarely ever gets a chance to drink any.
Weaknesses: Yziit fears being touched, he fears people seeing him uncovered more than anything else.
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Helio »

Yziit woke up in the middle of the day as he slept with some damp dark corner in Undersigil, only to find two young men garbed in white robes, the symbol of Illmater dangling from around their necks on strands of red cord... the first said to the other...
"Is he alive?"
"Of course he is you bleeding idiot... that vision wouldnt have come to us if he wasnt!" The other replied with all due irritation to the words of his constantly doubting and complaining companion and brother of the Cloth as he leaned over to inspect the awakening Yziit... The Inhabitant of Undersigil quickly backed himself into the wall, his one eye opened wide at the sight of his unexpected visitors.
"It's Okay Yziit.... We heard that you were in need of help, he are here to help you" The second more stern companion said as he offered a slender hand with a gentle smile across his face.

"Yziit not needsss helpsss... Yziit cant be helpssss... Priestssss hasss tried beforesss.. not workssss." the creature in rags said in response

It didnt take too much effort far as the sweet talking and dragging went to drag Yziit to a temple nestled ammong the jagged mountains of the Outlands and proceeded to treat some of Yziit's more serious wounds and injuries... Through the process of a single week, Yziit was treated well and cared for very nicely... Sweet foods and gentle aromas that the wizard could have onl dreamed of before appearing before his very eyes... his food so simple yet so beautifully made forced the Planetouched to tears of grattude...

Emerging from the temple a few days later, dressed in clothing of a slightly better condition than his rags and a pack full of supplies, the warts upon his skin havin disappeared, leaving his skin free of marks save for the countless scars of great pains and lessons learned in the past, he actually let his hood down for the briefest of moments to feel the air on his skin.
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Helio »

Yziit stood in some deep forest within the boundries of the Beastlands, he had accompanied a small band of rather unknown adventurers in an expedition to search for an ancient temple that was said to be nestled deep within these woods.. They expressed confidence and boasted of their skills and valor in battle, seeking honor and fame and even gave Yziit respect, especially after seeing him burn down a treant with a wave of his hand... but... there they were, lying in a pool of blood among the fallen leaves under a canopy of trees where not an inch of sunlight could pass through, all around him... he was surrounded by at least two dozen of the Unseelie... they licked their wooden lips and barred their fangs at him, taunting and hissing as they took positions and began to surround him, one of them stepping out from the trees with a grin on her face and laughed a devious and shrill inhuman howl.

"What now human!?!" she screamed at him "All your little friends are dead! Gone! Feeding the forest with their blood and rotting carcasses and -now-....SO WILL YOU!!!" she cackled like a mad woman as she came to finish her taunt, the other Unseelie joining in... Yziit was in a tight spot with only one spell left to preserve his life, a single spell that he didnt use among his now fallen comrades for fear of being rejected...but now... they were all dead... and there was little that anyone could do to him.. and so he slammed the butt end of his staff into the blood soaked earth and removed his gnarled fingers from it's shaft, spreading his arms wide and began to chant out an echoing incantation in some foul and long forgotten tongue, his lisp and odd speech pattern disappearing into the night air.

Fiends, Demons and Devils...
Angels, Archons and Gods too...
I Defy you...
Rise forth o' Horsemen of Shadows Deep...
I command you...
Rise forth o' Butchers whom make Widows Weep...
I beseech you..

He shouted the last part of the incantation with fury as he reached down to scoop up a handful of spilled blood and poured it into his mouth as powerful negative energies began to pour into the clearing, pushes and grass dying upon the briefest of contact and Yziit tossed the blood into the air.

Rise o' Horsemen of the Night!!!

One by one his fallen comrades began to rise to their feet, their lifeless fingers wrapping around their blades, moaning and groaning exiting their lips in an orgy of flesh and pain as they lifted their eyes filled with necromantic light to the night sky...Yziit lifted a single gnarled finger as he pulled his staff free of the earth and commanded in a hoarse voice.

Kill them.
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