A true Death

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Posted by mimifearthegn »

The crone didn't seem to take most of Sarin's speech too seriously, even if it had been heartfelt.

"I told you the truth just now. I should get some credit, I think. And we still have a long way to go; if there's more you want to know, you can ask, I suppose. Nothing stopping you, unless the celestials find us.

"But I'll warn you, I'm not crying over all the spilt blood in my past. What's done is done, and I had my reasons. I felt guilt over my uncle for many years because he was the first, and he was kin. I did right by my kin after that. But there's plenty of folk not my kin who deserved what they got. Or at least. . . nothing better was ever going to come their way.

"As for your plane. . I don't know where you come from. And I don't know about this case you talk about with the tyrant, though it seems like it tips the scales in our favor here. But you're here, aren't you? On this mountain, doing the same as me? Helping me up this mountain? Why would we go somewhere else? How would we go anywhere else?"
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Posted by Sarin »

Anger flashed through Sarin. Reap her, take her down into the pit, Give her to the torture devils. March her off into the hordes of Lemures. Never to rise in rank.

Sarin closed her eyes, and sighed.

"There are portals from here too there. The Seven Heavens has a direct connection too Arcadia. I can take you there."

Sarin looked over the crone. Gehenna. She was never going to get a straight answer. What was the point of this? Arguing with a brick wall. Maybe try to change her mind? Repent?

Sarin snorted.

No, she was never going too do that. What am I trying too do?

Sarin counted more skulls. Over a hundred. Lots of death for one mortal.

Go home. I'm trying too go home. I don't want to die here. And I don't want to be healed as a devil. That would only cause more pain. For me. For others. I want too go home. Last moments be where I was created. Hopefully the drow was right, and I wouldn't reform in baator. These Celestians are fools. They would probably judge my time as a deva as evil.

"I say again. Going up there will not save you. It will not help you. And you will not enjoy it. Please, let me take you somewhere that might do right by you. Somewhere you might find some peace. Death isn't about cosmic reward. Its about the end. Eternity. If you spend eternity somewhere, it should be at peace. In yourself, at least. This place will never give you that peace. You might cheat your way in, but you would then be locked by the rules of others, forced to follow their code. not just in law, but in morals and ethics. it would destroy who you are. Those same rules you might cheat would become your prison."

Nobody left at home to judge me. The whole pantheon is gone. From the highest too the lowest. No rising for me. Just death. Isn't that what a dustman wants? Death? Peace. To die at home, in the forests. That's peace. Celestial or Devil. Arloid, Reina. They wanted me too rise for themselves. because they think to 'rise' is good, and to be good is good. Maraphiel and Klo wanted me to stay for themselves. Even Klo. They wanted me to stay as they knew me.

And so I let them interpose their ideas on me. What they wanted. Arloid wanted this, Reina wanted this, Klo wanted this, Maraphiel wanted this. And I just went along with it. Because that's what a devil does. They follow orders, and reshape themselves around those orders. And that's what a soldier does. What do I want.

All this thinking was going by in less than a second. A planars mind is a strange thing indeed.

I want peace. Its why I joined the dustmen. Why I want to stop existing. Ever since I left my god it has been war. All a devil will ever know is conflict. And the conflict I should have died on I missed. A rogue devil, a celestial. They can both find peace. Peace for themselves. I never liked this plane. Knowing yourself too be right breeds moralists. And if they where to raise me, I would never find peace either. I want to go too Buxenus, and see the animals, drink from the rivers, lay in the fields. And die on the planes where I was created.

This one petitioner. I don't want her to repent, like a celestian, I don't want her to be punished, like a devil. I want to give her that peace. As a last act, its worthy. I've caused an eternity one of pain. Many eternities. One eternity of peace wont make up for it. But it would help.

"Trust me. You don't belong here. You will never feel like you belong here. It will eat at the back of your mind until time ends."

Like its been eating at me.

"Come with me. I'll help you every step of the way."
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Posted by mimifearthegn »

The crone opened her mouth to speak. Perhaps she was even about to agree to try Sarin's plan, as their speed up the mountain was going very slowly, but she was cut off by a flash of light.

A planetar appeared right above them, in the middle of the path. Sarin might recognize him as the planetar from earlier, the one whose forest was destroyed. The crone immediately shuffled behind Sarin, using her as a shield.

"I knew this was all a farce, from the moment I saw you." He glared at Sarin, "You bring wanton destruction, mock everything we stand for. You don't even have the courage to banish one such as her - " he pointed his sword at the cronel " - even though you see her heart, and know your duty."

The archon's gaze blazes onto the crone. "For your multitude of sins and deeds so dark, I turn you away! Begone from this path, and fall to what pits would welcome your sins!"

As the celestial roared its command, it seemed as if the fabric of reality itself complied; a gap that was not there just a moment ago opened behind her. The crone wailed, as she was dragged by some unseen force, into an infinite depth, which was closed almost as soon as it had opened. Just as quickly, the Planetar turned its gaze and blade on Sarin next.

"As for you! Did you think we would sit idly by as you led corruption unto holy Celestia, or turn our gaze as you guided it towards other realms of purity? No! Your falsehood has been witnessed! You are no celestial, and no champion of law. So I cast you out now! Begone from this place!"

The planetar raised his hand, ready to banish Sarin.
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Posted by Sarin »

“Your test. It was a trap. I lost before you even gave it too me. When I first saw her, every instinct I had as a devil fired in me. She was attempting to escape her punishment. I wanted to capture her soul, and drag her to the pit. There would be no mercy for a gehennan in the hells.

“But thats what a devil would do. A devil’s role in the multiverse is to punish. We corrupt… But in the cosmic ordering, written in laws that defined your realm as much as mine, punishing the wicked is drilled in the essence of every devil.

“I didn’t want to punish her. I didn’t want to-”

Sarin paused for a moment. What was this feeling? Regret? Pity? Sorrow. This was sorrow. Not pointed at oneself. Not self hatred. Just sorrow.

“I didn’t want to hurt anybody else. I’ve done so much harm as a devil. I don't want my steps too rise to be more violence. The same violence I would have committed as a devil, even.

“If I could ask one thing. Don't banish me. Let me return to Arcadia, and die with the last of my people.”
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Posted by mimifearthegn »

"Your words betray the truth, Harlot of Hell! There are no traps upon this mountain, no secret ways hidden from the light of truth. Yet your ways, rooted in unfaithful thoughts and warped by endless suspicion, have cast even the purest of lights into dark notions!

"You knew of the sinner's misdeeds, and where the life she led had justly bound her. Yet you, who would dare proclaim the mantle of a steward of souls, you who knew what was right and proper, refused your duty! As is the way of your kind, you chose instead to find subversive paths. Ways that would circle the truth and defy the spirit and intent of righteousness. You saw in her sinful life your own misdeeds, and surely in the eyes of all who are holy, thought 'if I can bring heaven to this wretched soul, surely my own sins may be cast off as well!'

"No, mother of sins! Your misdeeds and evil ways shall not be shaken off so, and though you may lay the blame upon my feet, know this: as it was your black heart that turned you away from a worthy master, so too is it the taint that you eagerly embraced which makes you unclean! As the sins of the mortal soul bore her away from this holy path, so do your immortal choices bar you from the light!

"Thus I cast you away! By the charge of all the mighty lords of the Heavens, I cast you down, back to the pits before which you once prostrated yourself! I damn you back to the darkness from which whence you came!"

And then finally the celestial uttered the words of banishment, his voice booming across the mountainside:


The last word seemed to echo, causing the light around her to ripple - ripple and rush in all directions, as if all the world around her were nothing more than water, once still but now disturbed by an invasive stone. The stone in this case was Sarin herself, thrown beyond the fabric of worlds, down past the ground, deep through the oceans, and into mists and shadows. Further still she fell, and further away the light of Celestia drew, until it was like a star in a night sky. Further still it faded, into a growing darkness, until it was utterly gone.

Still further she fell, into a dark void. A feeling of wind ripped into her back, and tore at the feathers of her wings, which did not avail her in her uncontrollable descent.

How long was she falling for? How long before the dark void became tarnished by a baelful red hue, the familiar crimson of the all too familiar fires?

The wind was joined by another sound. Familiar as the fire, and the heat and the light all; the sound of her kin, of her sisters... the sound of perfect hatred.




The sources of those hateful words drew closer, eventually taking hold and stopping her fall, only to drag her in other directions.

"Welcome home."
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Posted by Sarin »

Sarin closes her eyes, and waits for what is to come.

"It feels good to be back."
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Posted by mimifearthegn »

How long had it been since Sarin walked the grass and stones of Celestia? Was it just an hour ago that she felt its light against her skin? Was it a month since the spirit of the witch begged and pleaded to be shown a way into heaven itself?

Or were these nails pierced her wrists and ankles there all along? Was there ever a world outside the chamber in which she was tormented and abused by her would be sisters?

Time is a funny thing in the Outer Planes, and though different for Outsiders, not quite non-existent. What was clear enough was that she had been here, pinned to the iron wheel, her limbs outstretched and all possessions casts aside, for a long time indeed.


"Renegade" .



She had heard those words often in her time here. The verbal barbs lashing at her just as surely as the scourges would tear into her form, marking her once perfect body in a way far deeper than mere mortal implements ever could.

"We gave you perfection, and look what you've done with it."

It wasn't that any one tormentor would say the words, though it came from a singular erinyes' mouth. Or at least a form that looked like one. No, the accusation was not from one devil, but from Hell itself.

"You came begging, and you received! And then you tried to fly away."

"You will not fly away again."

It was hard to tell if those words came before or after her wings were set aflame; her wings, which had already been plucked of their plumes, and spread out by vile hooks and chains.

The pain of the fire was terrible, and reached deep beyond what passed for flesh on her body. Each wave of heat, another accusation, another lash for her crimes against her sisters, and also against her god of old.

"You looked to dust and forsook your sisters. You to whom we gave this body and bones when even your Lord was laid low. So be it! To dust!"

Those words repeated over her mind, as the cracks spread all over her skeleton, still buried under her blood and flesh. Cracks that formed increasingly complex webs, causing the bone to break and bend, splitting into the marrow and digging into the flesh walls around. Her teeth would fall one by one, over time that was hard to reckon. Even when the bones had all ground themselves to fine dust, the pain remained.




That was Hell's demand. Repent for her betrayal.

Or at least, that's what it was for a long while. One day - if days could be reckoned at all in these worlds of torture- her sisters came back. Perfect in every way; so flawless their skin, and delicate their motions. Their plumes still forming a fine cloak to frame their majesty. A far cry of the scarred, ashen form Sarin now inhabited.

"A last betrayal." They would tell her. "And this may end. A last betrayal, and you may go to what places you thought to leave us for. We will make your oaths into ash then, and cast them aside, if but you lay one last service."

They closed in, their hands caressing almost gently over her marred flesh. Words were whispered into her ear. "Give us testimony. Speak the words that will cast her down from her unearned place."
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Posted by Sarin »

This had been one of her wishes, after all. An eternity of torture. Its what she deserved. Punishment was no replacement for repentance, but in the absence of forgiveness, it would make do.

In truth, it was the words of her sisters that hurt most. She could not belong, not even in the nine hells. She had failed even here. Too weak to do good, to cowardly too be evil.

But that was the point, wasn't it? She had managed to be a devil when all a devil meant was fighting, killing, and being killed. But when a devil meant seducing the good too evil, her mind began to shy away from it. Her leaving of the nine hells was needless. But she didn't want to do her role. And she didn't want to lose the power of her new station. Trapped between the desire for power of a devil, and the lingering morals of a celestial.

But now, she was given her just dues. For crimes against her god. Arcadia. The heavens. The hells. Herself. This is what she deserved. This was good.

She did not expect her sisters too come. She did not expect what they asked.

“What do you want too know.” Came through a throat scarred by tortured, ravaged by smoke, and destroyed by lack of use.
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Posted by mimifearthegn »

"Your confession...." One of the erinyes whispers into her ear.

"Your testament." Another intones in the other, as a finger grazes over one of the many open wounds in an almost gentle manner.

"The one you followed." A third speaks from before her. The fiend approaches slowly, moving out of shadows and revealing herself to be garbed in what appears to be fabrics made of flayed faces. Her eyes are an icy blue, yet the gaze feels almost like searing flames.

"The one whose foolishness took the sisters of Hell into the hand of our ancient foe." She says as she caresses Sarin's ruined face. "Who never lacks for words and games to cloak her true intents. To hide her treachery from the eyes of Baator."

The fiends forhead is gently leaned against Sarin, her hands holding the sides of the prisoner's head. It would all be gentle, almost seductive in its mannerisms, except for her thumbs and nails being positioned just at the corners of Sarin's eyes.

"Tell us of how she has faltered, and attest to her failures. Give your testimony against Maraphaiel, for even now she stands to answer for her crimes. Speak your words and strike her down."

The other two fiends intone in Sarin's ears. "Do this and you will be free."

"Free to leave forever."

"No more pain, no more wrath."

"No more held to what you have done."

"Free to live."

"Free to die."

"Free to leave and wander."
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Posted by Sarin »

“The many crimes of Maraphiel…”

Sarin’s scarred and scorched eyes look directly back into the burning blue gaze.

“I arrived in Sigil master-less. I had successfully cast down my past master, and his replacement dismissed me. I had no master, so I wandered. Left. My old master had a threat of eternal punishment held over my head, and I had no connections in the hells who would take me in.

“Sigil is a place of many oddities. Soon after my arrival I spoke to a celestial in human form. We talked for hours and hours… days. He convinced me too turn from baator. And I did. Not from my devil ways. Not yet. I betrayed you all, and left.

“And then I wandered. My newly ‘free’ mind was exposed too nothing but influences of the heavens. I did not agree with them, but I was slowly turned away from tempting and torture. I became a creature of law and brutal revenge. A mere day before I was going to attempt to bind myself too Nirvana, Maraphiel approached me.

“We spoke for a long time. Hours… days. She offered me a job. Spy on Sigil for the hells. Spy on the war they where fighting. It only took this one push too consider joining the hells again. And so, with her, I was stuck between. I played both sides, while following both sides. One day, I wanted redemption, one day I was plotting my return and her downfall.

“Maraphiel largest problem was public image. She walked around dressed in black, with pure white skin, black tear strikes on her face. She looked like an agent of evil. I told her this, and said I had started too gain a reputation as a ‘good’ devil.

“I offered too help her with PR. At this point I held no true position within the hells, and simply worked for her. She promised help in my return if I did a good job… Until the very end, I wanted that. I wanted too return. Because of her. The angel tugged on heart strings. Maraphiel tugged on sense. As I rubber banded back and fourth, Maraphiel tugged harder and more often, and I was settling on her.

“While doing work for her, I learned that the soldiers of mirror Sigil where demon packted. I then proved it. Maraphiel hatch some form of plan. From what I know, she wanted to get the seer on her side long enough too gather the souls she had snared, then destroy her.

“Then, time passed. I did minor jobs for her, I boosted public image in the city. She came into Sigil with the mindset of somebody who had been in the thick of the politics of the hells for far, far too long. No mask, no friendly face. I fixed that. And she listened. She denied some requests, and when I attempt to abuse the power of the hells and help Sigil for no gain, she stopped me, and turned it towards support of the hells.

“Eventually, from multiple angles, it was decided that a mission into the abyss too track where the souls went was in order. Both Sigil and us came up with the idea at roughly the same time. Maraphiel called the devils of the city together, and laid down a plan too do this. I argued that we should include residents of the city. A servant of Odin, a vampire, and other denizens of the cage. They all planned on exploring the abyss as well. Maraphiel vetoed this idea, and wanted too do this just as the hells. Take the spoils of the knowledge for ourselves. Me and others argued that devils going down into the abyss by themselves was suicide. The talk lasted for a dozen hours. Plans where traded and dismissed, I kept arguing to involve the cage, to make us look good, Maraphiel kept arguing that if only us had the information, we could get too the seer, and those souls. Eventually Maraphiel closed the topic. We would kill a warrior of mirror sigil, and follow his soul into the abyss, too see what level the demon commanded.

“Me and the other soldier that went with her spoke before we left. We both agreed that three devil’s going into the abyss was borderline suicidal, but we followed our orders. At this point, Maraphiel had fully committed me too joining the nine hells. After this mission, our deal said that she would attempt to return me in full status too the hells.

“And so, three days before mirror sigil fell, we went. We slaughtered some soldiers of mirror sigil, and captured a higher ranking one. Maraphiel stopped then, and offered me and the other something. She knew the mission was deadly. She gave us the opportunity to not follow. She was going through with it, but gave us the chance too continue on the fight from sigil. But we followed. For baator, and her. Maraphiel prepared a spell, and we slew him. We quickly chased after his soul. Layer by layer he went down, until eventually we arrived at its destination.

“What captured us was the layer itself. Glass speared our wings, hooked chains trapped up, and the demons cleaned up the rest. We where stripped of power, and set into the walls, to be used for power. We spent three days, slowly being drained.

“Eventually, the final attack on mirror Sigil fired. We where pulled from the walls by the strike force sent in too kill the seer. I pulled a bag of holding from a hidden pocket in space, and armed us. Mostly dead, drained of power, and mad, we followed the attack through too its end. We helped strike the killing blow on the seer, and left with the rest. It was only after we had killed her that we collapsed, Ruined and drained of power.

“I was destroyed, and my life force spent. I was going to die without help. I might not have even reformed in baator. I went down many paths. It was only here that my desire too rise appeared again. I was too wrathful to be a deva. And too much of a coward too be a devil. One way or another, I was going too die.

“Eventually I was left with two choices. Attempt to redeem myself, or attempt to return too the hells. Again, Maraphiel pushed me as hard as she could too join the hells. The only thing that stopped me from follow her was the hells punishment. I didn’t know that she could protect me anymore. And… I was weak. I would have done it, but I knew I would have a sole part of me that wanted to rise forevermore.

“The accursed celestial came back into the picture. He offered me a chance too rise.”

Sarin looks left and right.

“Maraphiel fought me every step of the way. But she owed me a debt. A timed debt. One she could not pay. I had been promised a return to the hells. She was in no position to refuse. I called in my debt. I would go, and remain an ally of her and the hells, and she would not stop me. And she didn't. Even as she mourned me on our last meeting, and asked me too stay.”

Sarin’s head sags, and she spat to her left side. Nothing came out of her burned mouth.

“As you can see, The Heavenly Host did not agree with my idea of rising, and sent me here. I don’t know who the bigger fool was. Me, or the celestial.”

Sarin looks up again.

“That is my testimony. The whole truth. From my betrayed of baator, too my attempted rise, too my fall all the way back down.

And her head sags.

“She was right, in the end. The Seven Heavens acted as they always do. Foolishly. They gave me a test that was always going to be a failure. I was never going to rise to what I was. And now I doubt I will ever rise. I have one burning coal inside of me. And that burning coal is wrath. Wrath at the denizens of Celestia. Wrath for them sending me here. Wrath for their stupid moralism that made sure I would never rise. And so, I wish to show them why angels fall.

“In the end… In the end, all I want is the duty of tempting beings of higher planes too fall. The duty of a Brachina. That spot of cowardess. The fact I didn't want to see them fall, is gone. Burned away by wrath. Rising will not fix it. Wrath is something celestials feel just as strongly as devils. Wrath for what they did too me, wrath for their failure to let one who sought redemption rise. As a celestial, I would simply fall again.

“The crime of Maraphiel is the crime of age. She grew too old, too disconnected, too self obsessed. She didn't catch up with the times. She was always loyal. But she was too old, and prideful. Her crime is being a devil.”

“You have my testimony. In it, you will see failures of Maraphiel. You will want too punish her. I have a counter proposal: Restore my power, shackle me under a proper commander, and let me repay my crimes in as many greater soul prisms as I can possibly gather. That desire is all that drives me. From the one that that first tempted me, to the ones that judged me. I want them all to fall. The entire host.”

“And have the punishment of Maraphiel to be under me. She fell from the purpose of a Brachina. We are the elite harvester of souls. The best of the best. The ones sent too do the hardest jobs. She has fallen from that, and forgotten the way. Focused on advancement through politics, and not advancement through success. To be reduced from a high ranking commader, to a student under a fallen, punished devil. A harsher punishment would be hard to come up with. Even this would be preferable. And you know it.”

“I don’t want power, I don’t want position, I don’t want rank. I lost my rights to that when I left. All I want is to corrupt. Let me do what my essences calls for. Let me give the hells what they desire. Make me useful, instead of a wall ornament.”

Sarin looked back up.

“That is what I ask for this testimony.”
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