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Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:08 am
by riptidereflections
Emerald Dragon Psion
Sign of One Namer
ALIGNMENT: You will need an ability capable of detecting it that is stronger than the psionic effect preventing you from finding out or good judgment and understanding of the character.

I dreamt I woke a billion miles away
adrift upon a distant astral rock
and born into this flesh that I was made
so perfectly I never will forget
that moment just before I did forget
when I recalled all, everything that I
had ever done, and all who I had been
as though it was but a moment ago
and knew that I had dreamed it all as well

the verse is but a dream that I alone
have made and I am all of it, this place
the prison of the prism of my psyche

and what of you? what good are you figment?
of my imagination are you joy?
or are you but the excremental waste
of everything I hate about my heart?

Mirahd is what I named me and it means
to taste celestial honey on your tongue
its sweetness and the bliss that it bestows
Be careful you will get what you deserve
a blessing or a curse is what I am
so choose and I will give and you will get

The dragons of that rock where I was born
they knew at once the second I conceived
of me for mine are gifted and we see
beyond the blood and air and stone and rain
to echoes of what was and will be dreamt

For we evolved the best of all the brood
of Tiamat who I have been before
though I cannot recall now but a whiff
of that which I forgot once I was born
and felt the fucking ache and thrill of life
anew again into this perfect form
though I would choose a new one soon enough
which suits me to my preference as you see

The elders kept me on their path til I
refused them took this form and held it still
and didn't move for months til they agreed
to stay at last the fuck out of my way

And I made me the door that brought me here
to Sigil where I sing for you this song
this music that I am is just for you
the ring around the spire of my will
my tongue my spit my breath immutable


Mirahd is almost always in his wild elf form, which he selected based on his memories of humanoids the moment he was born. He believes that the world literally revolves around him, that he is the dreamer dreaming the dream that is reality.

He considers his physical and mental presence to be a gift, and presents himself as beautifully as he can. One day he smells like lilacs, the next he smells like chocolate, the next he smells like fresh rain. Maybe today he has a nice breeze blowing his hair and refreshing those near him. The blekrain just doesn't seem to land on him. Sometimes he's got little illusory butterflies drifting into being off of him like colorful smoke that takes shape as it rises. Sometimes he has imagined some creature or object into existence to enjoy. Maybe today he is playing with a dragonfly. Whatever he wants. He is usually more inclined to communicate telepathically than verbally.