Junathoraxus, Feylord Of Brux

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Posted by *b00seven »

The bronze dragon known as Junathoraxus has recently taken up residence somewhere in the beastlands in Brux. The prevalence of water and high mountain ridges are suitable to the breed.

However, problems have arisen with local fey, and the dragon has taken it upon himself to impose order upon the chaotic creatures sharing his domain. As such, he has appointed himself the local feylord, and has sought to rule the mischievous creatures.

They Dragon has placed the local wildlife under his protection as well. While allowing self-defense if attacked, he has proscribed retribution slayings. He has also disallowed killing of any wildlife in excess of what one intends to eat.

The dragon has amassed a few loyalists in his new kingdom (fey and animal summons), and while many of the fey are cowed in his presence, his rule is mocked and ignored more often than not in his absence. Several unseelie even rebel openly (hostiles). Something the dragon will not abide.

The dragon has even reportedly convinced several planar visitors to aid in policing his realm, and combating those that rebel. Some planar travelers might remark that the creature rewards generously for their aid.

Curious how the situation will unfold, as the dragon seeks to establish a lawful kingdom over the chaotic fey.
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Posted by *SyntheticRose »

Soon after this declaration, a dragon-shaped effigy may be found, prominently displayed at the foot of the mountain that Junathoraxus so brazenly tried to claim. It appears to be made from the skins of the giant serpents that stalk the forests beneath said mountain, if the skinless snakes arranged in a circle around the sculpture are anything to go by.

The majority of the effigy's serpentine scales are plated in a thin layer of painted-on bronze, save for those upon the face and upper neck, which are dyed red with the blood of the serpents they came from. The face is shaped in a horrific melding of both bronze and red dragon features, with the bronze half of the face displaying a dumb-looking, lolling tongue and an idiot's grin, while the red half displays a sinister, tyrannical sneer full of teeth fashioned of whitewashed wood.

Furthermore, signage has been erected to encircle the effigy, bearing slogans such as 'Red in Bronze Scales,' 'Tyrant Spawned of a Five-Headed Womb,' and 'We Have Our Queen and You Are Not She.' The latter bears a similar pronunciation below the final word in a wonderful witticism, forming 'We Have Our Queen and You Are Not Sidhe.'

Curiously enough, reports among the dryads and treants of the forest seem to indicate that not a single one was harmed -- only the serpents. In fact, more than a few dryads report seeing serpents fall to piercing wounds like a rapier or arrow, but no swordsman or archer was seen and no arrows have been recovered.
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Posted by *b00seven »

*the dragon lands before the effigy and peers at it a moment. Swats it away with a wave of his hand and proceeds up the mountain*

Mischievous malcontents.... probably didn't even eat the snakes...
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Posted by *Er_Nano_Infame »

the angel Namael set herself in the mind to investigate this mess better, especially the point regarding wheter Juna actually killed feys , in whatever way it may have happened.
Flying around Juna's domain and its borders she would engage in conversations with both seelie and unseelies, knowing their tongue, but also she would ask animals and plants of the zone, being a ranger who has speank with animals and speak with plants spells.
She would ask if a dragon, big winged lizard, killed feys, what colour this dragon was, and if it had or not a big horn on his snout
She would also inquire about Amarnthye, the one seelie whom posted on sigis about the dragon kills
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Posted by *Er_Nano_Infame »

((bump because i'm impatient today))
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