Deep In The Jungle Of The Forbidden Plateau...

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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *DigitalDragoon »

"What precisely do you mean? Are we changing into beasts? V-vyse! What in the world are you doing!?" Hopping to his feet Quinn springs a few paces after the runaway bard until Altair orders everyone else to stay and watch the camp. With a nervous indecisiveness his gaze turns rapidly from the retreating lupine to those left in camp and back again, nose twitching faintly. "W-well then. I suppose we best do as he says. No sense of everyone running off and g-getting lost."
Posts: 86
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *MirielKanan »

*Pepper would point to her fox ears.*

"Were we to stay too long, we'd become that which our personalities closest resemble. At least, that's always been my understanding. Hopefully he nabs ‘em afire somethin' bad happens."
Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *MadJackValance »

The possessed performer plows through tall vegetation in his pursuit, vaulting and ducking branches as he huffed onward with the occasional barked exclamation. Even in his fervor, he couldn't outrun Altair, though he had gotten enough of a head start that he was obscured by the thick flora and scores of towering trees, luckily the lycanthrope had little need for sight when it came to tracking the tiefling.

Farther along the tiefer had chased his quarry up a tree, the smug little sugar glider sat on a branch, snacking away safely out of reach. The bard barked, and paced, and scowled, staring up at the creature until his toe bumped a rock that was half buried in the soft, rain soaked soil. Quickly ducking down and prying it free with his fingertips, he hurled the stone at the fuzzy flying squirrel. The missile knocked sharply at the underside of the branch, sending it shaking and startling the tiefling's intended target.

A scurrying streak of grey, the sugar glider descended in a flash and ducked into a knotted hole at the base of the tree, where its roots arched together to form the trunk. The tiny creatures tail flicking and wriggling as it tucked into cover in its wake. The bard dove after it, grasping feverishly, his arm plunged elbow deep into the sugar glider's sanctuary, but he couldn't quite reach. With a gruff growl of frustration, the ruddy fellow began digging at the pungent earth, handfuls of dark soil rapidly flung behind him.

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