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Entries: The Greatest Ever Literacy Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:00 am
by *Asigai
((Entries to the contest may be posted here, on this topic! Or send them to me in a PM, or via Discord. =P ))
SIGIS entry of Katani's announcement wrote:It might be a little rich for a book hater such as I to handle a contest all about literacy. But here it is! I actually am holding a contest for the GREATEST EVER LITERACY, though it needs to be something new. Now you might want to know some additional details of what you, yes you, are getting into. And that's my horribly selfish and ulterior motive that I call "bookcase fillers". Yes, I'm actually looking to buy a house and already ordered a large number of bookcases, and turns out I don't actually have anything to put on them... until this contest!

Because, dear reader, your contributions will all make it to the publicly available shelves, where it all can be read. Yes, even your saucy fan novels about the popular Planewalkers, even if completely fiction - such things will be noted. Though I do encourage you to write them anyway. Just think of their faces. Their faces.

Of course, I see what you're thinking, literally. I'm behind your back... Psych! Though that one random person I'm actually behind, will be all impressed, and they should be. Because that was not bad. Anyhow, I'm rambling now, on newspaper.

Accepted literacy categories: All, why do you think I picked that name? Yes your research information is fine, so are saucy fan fictions, and the other.

When: By the end of this month! That's when I'll choose the winner.

Where: Send all admissions to Lyra's Tower at the Lower Ward! ((Me, in forums, or in Discord, or this topic: [TOPIC]))

Reward for the winner: 50.000,00 (fifty thousand) jink, an honorary place for the book, and the GREATEST EVER TROPHY*

The winner will be arbitrarily chosen by me, Katani! The rest will still end up in my bookshelves for all to read.

(* Greatest ever trophy may not be, by some legal interpretations of the law, the greatest ever trophy.)