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For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
((This section will be used for In Forum Coordination of the planned Heist! Here i will make responses to any research and planning and you're all free to use it too Coordinate any other meetings too!))

For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:00 am
by *Rayanne
((Not having the inclination nor the skills for investigative efforts, Ylva would, at least initially, simply tag along with anyone who wouldn't protest.))

For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
((go for it, no need too roll :D ))

For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:00 am
by *NeverOutPunned
Deledia had one good bit of info to work off of, the name of the ship they were seeking, so, after a bath or three to get the scent of chemical strangeness out of her skin and possibly a set of scholarly robes for the occasion, the elf visited the archives, seeking the docking permit and assigned location for the spelljammer in question. Even if she didn't find all the information she wanted on the page itself, it was enough to ask mother moon for information on the target. ((With legend lore and inspire competence, she has over 100 lore and a less insane but decent spell-craft))

For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
Deledia would find that the Spelljammer is destined to make a stop in the Astral Plane, the very same docking station that can be accessed through a portal in the Destroyed Temple, near the Athar headquarters, they had all their docking permits in order and was destined to be station on Port number 3, The Permit was made out too an Old Name, a name that can't be pronounced by the normal tongue it seemed, "Bloo'di'do'ip.." It was quite the Tongue twister indeed.

For Those Who May Bleed.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:00 am
by *NeverOutPunned
The first being she attempted to contact upon learning the name, The grey vizier, was out of contact. She hadn't managed to locate any of her comrades and most of her normal contacts and so it seemed to be up to her if she wanted to learn more in the time before their mark showed and she was still starved for information. The first order of business was to visit said port and determine what variety and size of ship it was intended for, the second was to go play a few songs in the brothel and keep an ear out for cloak and dagger sorts. Clearly, they were covering their tracks to the point of paranoia, redacting data from docking records was unwise as it tended to draw more eyes then it deflected. The third, a little light-foot work herself, disappear to a room after the cycle's entertainment, change into working clothes, and go scout out the harbormaster's office for a more invasive recon later and sabotage anti intrusion warding if she found it.