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Garden Of Dreams

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:00 am
by *Lucadia
If we was all flowers in life.
Here, what would you find, expect to see?
Thoughts made of Blossoms.
Memories reflecting the Spirit.
Have a look at what we could be.
Taking a walk through the Garden of Dreams.

Hosting Faction: Sign of One
Conducted by: Factotum Fintan, Sign of One
Project: Garden of Dreams
Location: Ladies Ward, before the Three Dragons Inn
Open invitation, open discussion, anyone welcome

Project Course includes:
This is to be done over span of several weeks.

Mundane techniques of Gardening
Difficulty of maintaining flora in Sigil
How a Signer is an Artisan of Mindcraft
Philosophies of the Sign of One
Premise behind practice makes perfect and positive thinking
Demonstration of imagination made reality.
Concept and proof that everyone is capable of making their own ever lasting flower.

Volunteers for the project are welcome as well, for those wishing assist in funding or even
aiding with manual skills. Even the power of thought moves our bodies.

What every individual is expected to do by end of the classes:

One creation of an singular flower best representing how they believe a perfect flower should be.
These flora and plants will be unique to each person and this particular garden. Icons of the mind,toughened by the soul, and the strength to withstand the harshest of climates for all to enjoy.

Emotion expressed in living form. Be it the cruelty and dark invitation of thorns or beauty and warmth of spring blooms. How it comes to life is up to you.

Date start: To Be Determined

OOC: Player base group project for who ever wishes to participate. This represents a visual change based on player actions. May pm me or leave a note here if you have questions or inquire IC with Argent