Flyers In The Bazaar

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Posts: 905
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *rapsam2003 »

The Athar Namer, Morthos, is seen putting flyers in the Bazaar. He also hands them out to any who pass him by. Although he is genial about it, many of those who take the flyers are not necessarily so. The flyers contain the following message:
wrote: Cagers, Primes, and Planars! Let it be known that the Athar officially queried the Sign of One about the Psion Incident, the hour when many psions felt their powers constrict and even felt physical effects such as fainting or mental disturbances. The Signers refused to answer our wholly reasonable questions on the matter, professing ignorance and dismissing our concerns.
But rest assured: The Athar shall be your defenders in this. We shall, as always, seek the truth. If a malevolent god attacked the Cage, we shall fight for you. If a Power seeks to oppress the city, we shall defend you. If a dastardly plot is at hand to increase the power of servants of the gods, we shall uncover it for you.

Come to the Shattered Temple, if you wish to join our cause! We shall keep Sigil free from the oppression of the gods, together! Join us and fight for truth, by word and deed!
Stamped on the bottom of each flyer is the Athar sigil:
Posts: 374
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Mander »

The flyer had not suffered the week since gracefully, tossed about by wandering feet and wind, stained by greasy rain. But it was still readable as a portal cracked open in a nearby alley; out from it stepped a heavily shrouded figure, ragged cloak flapping in the desert wind on the other side of the gateway. It looked about slowly, then the two points of light in it's hood fell on the paper. It bent to pick up the scroll, ancient bones creaking, and read...
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