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Message To The Fated

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Link6746
A message is posted on the door to the Hall of Records, and a few more are posted throughout the bazaar and clerk's ward.

Takers, take heed and keep your collectors on a shorter leash. They have been harassing customers of local businesses ceaselessly, and threatening them when they refuse to pay extra taxes for each and every drink purchased at Khazeet's bar.

The Fated may only collect taxes within the bazaar if the following rules are followed:

1: Taxes should not be levied on every single patron of any given establishment for each product purchased, at the same time. This breeds resentment and hostility while stifling trade. Obviously,
breaking this rule will reduce taxable income as well, due to merchants selling less stock.

2: Regardless of the validity of a tax, it should not be collected through harassment, threats, or violence. This breeds a large amount of resentment and hostility among Free Leaguers and customers belonging to other factions in the Bazaar.

3: Takers that attempt to cause trouble are not to be tolerated. This kind of behavior is an act of war, plain and simple.

Lately, you have had a few Takers violating all three of these sacred, common-sense rules. If this keeps happening, any alliances or pretense of friendliness will be dropped entirely, and you will no longer have any authorization to enforce permits, sell permits, or collect taxes in the bazaar at all.

Hopefully we can come to an agreement before this happens.

-Morthos Ashcroft

Message To The Fated

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Charles, wandering by on his way to some business, comes across one of the flyers. He reads it and then stops one of the local runners as they pass

"Tell Morthos we need to talk. I have a bit of news to share"