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The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:00 am
by *Mick64
Bashers, cutters. Mercenaries, warriors. Do you want to test your skills against the best? To show your might to denizens of every plane? Or perhaps you just want to witness some of the finest blades in the multiverse duel it out, and maybe make a little jink on the side. If you're one of these people, you'll want to attend the Bloody Bashers Brawl, held and organized by Deidra Dawnstar.

(( Saturday May 7th, 20:00 EST ))

The winner will recieve a sum of 25 000 jink, on top of the honor of being crowned as one of the strongest brawlers in the 'verse. A random other participant will get 10 000 jink.


All are accepted, no matter race or affiliation. To enter, simply send a missive to Deidra Dawnstar at SIGIS offices ((PM)) with your name, titles, race, as well as a short description of any great accomplishments you might have made. Any more information welcome but not required.

A participation fee of 1000 jink will be collected from all contestants before the tournament starts.


Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the show absolutely free. Betting will also be organized for those who want to spice up the day a little more. Participants can bet, but not on their own fight. Information on the betting system forthcoming.


- Combats will be one on one, single elimination, with parings determined randomly.
- Combats are non-lethal. In case of accident, a cleric will be present to resurrect the fallen participant at no charge.
- Participants may concede the duel or leave the tournament at any time.
- The first participant to be knocked out or to concede loses.

- Participants must remain in the duel area. This includes remaining on the plane. For example, passing to the Ethereal plane will result in losing the duel.
- Participants must remain visible. Leaving sight by magical or mundane means for more then 3 seconds will result in a loss.
- Participants who are knocked to the ground more then once per 10 seconds must be given the opportunity to return to their feet before the duel resumes. Failure to do so will result in a loss.
- Participants may not have magical effects placed on them prior to the duel.
- Participants are not allowed to cast spells, or use magic items who replicate spells EXCEPT
- Participants can use up to three non-sequencer potions per duel.
- Participants may use up to three healing kits per duel.
- If both participants are still standing and fighting after 5 minutes have pass, both will lose.

Keep in mind that these rules are guidelines, not laws. Their spirit is what will be enforced, not their letter.

Let the best warrior win!

Merchants or other individuals wishing to sponsor the event, or for any other questions or concerns, please contact Deidra Dawnstar. (( PM, or leave a message here ))

(( Note, the rules are entirely in-character. If your character wants to try and cheat, they are entirely welcome to do so ))

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:00 am
by *Neethanial
Countless people could swear they've seen an abnormally excited... even happy?.. lizard dragon thing running around Sigil, asking, demanding, sometimes bribing anyone for information. It's pretty clear he isn't sure if Deidra Dawnstar is a place or a person, but most of the city is certainly going to hear about it at this rate.

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:00 am
by *Strawberry Jam
Oh my~

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:00 am
by *Taihou
Looking at the advertisment, colonel Araki decided to at least take participation under consideration, as opportunity to meet warriors, capable in melee combat and test their might. He did ney yet passed final decision though, as he would need to inquire for more information.

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:00 am
by *Tomekk
Ra'zeth, who has proved his skills in an arena more than once during his years in SIGIL, also signed up for the competition.

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 12:00 am
by *Mick64
Word goes around that the tournament has been canceled due to lack of gladiators.

The Bloody Basher Brawl

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 12:00 am
by *Neethanial
First person to utter word to Kriegan is handed an appropriately sized weapon and told to start training so it doesn't get canceled again. If said person is male, he also gets punched, and told to learn to get over it, too.