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Far Realm Report To Factor Ta'kan

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:00 am
by *Knolden

During my work to catalogue fungi in the hive and undersigil certain worrying things have come to light.

In the pond in the hive the corpses floating around were heavily infected by the far realm this was spreading to th fungi in the area. This situation was cleansed with fire by me.

Also around the hive periodical signs could be seen of this infection.

Upon venturing into undersigil it became worrying .. there were traces of far realm corrution in the water and the flora AND fauna of the place such as the moss and spiders. The brigands running around also seemed .. wrondg and twisted having odd growths and so forth .. is seems to be spreading from the lower areas of undersigil.

I have left that investigation for now seeing as it would require a bigger team and expertise in specialised areas.

-Namer Wullie