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Note From Chardon

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:00 am
by *PigeonStalker
Tobiah approaches a number of Factors and influential Factotums over a period of a few days, asking each in turn whether they've heard the name 'Chardon'. In the case of recognition, he hands over a short note in Chardon's hand, announcing his return to the city and his need to speak with a representative of the faction.

Note From Chardon

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Tobias soon finds a reply delivered in the usual way. Hidden amongst the pamphlets in his stall, once he opens it reads:
Athaon Marsh

The Lich know as Chardon has contacted us previously discussing a mutually beneficial relationship.  Before we commit to anything of course I would like very much for you to meet with him and discuss the details of his proposal. Hear what he has to say and then pass the information to The Faction along with your recommendation.

Factor  Eliza Wainwright.

Note From Chardon

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:00 am
by *PigeonStalker
A while later, the Factotum seeks Factor Wainwright in person, appearing somewhat pale. He passes on two vials and a tightly sealed bag as well as a written report, waiting visibly uncomfortably for her comment.
wrote:For the attention of Factor Eliza Wainwright,

I met with the lich Chardon shortly before peak today. In our meeting, he informed me of the details of his arrangement with the faction, to wit: his emnity with the power Nerull; his knowledge that Nerull subsists on fear of death rather than worship; his resulting plan to eliminate such fear through universal application of sentient undeath in those planes where Nerull draws power and finally the logistical role of the Faction in distributing the elixirs which will achieve such undeath. I was assured that a more comprehensive overview of the plan already resides with the Faction.

Chardon then informed me that since his last communication, the elixirs he speaks of are complete in the necessary quantities - find attached two vials, along with the material container of the pocket plane in which the rest of the stock is stored. We have been warned that attempts to access the plane without further communication with Chardon will end in ruin.

Finally, he has asked in future to speak directly with whichever ranking Faction member will make the decisions regarding such a large operation.

I respectfully ask to excuse myself from making a recommendation on how the case should proceed, in order not to contradict existing decisions and policy of the Faction. I further request that going forward I do not personally deal with the lich Chardon; I will honour your judgement on both matters.

I swear to the truth of this account,

Tobiah Marsh

Note From Chardon

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:00 am
by *Midnight
The old tiefling glances over the bottles and then at Tobiah. The expression her face is not so much horror, the reaction one would expect to a proposed genocide but surprise.

"Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention Mister Marsh. I understand your discomfort please return to your normal duties."

Once he is gone she pens a letter of her own. She later hands it to a small boy, who with seemingly no fear of the lich would attract Chardon's attention in the bazzar by tugging on his cloak. The boy would hand him the letter before running off. The letter would read:

I have recently received word of your proposal from one Tobiah Marsh.  I also have two bottles of the elixir I would like to begin by complimenting you on its design.  It is of a like I have not seen before.

As for your plan I would be more than pleased to aid you against a common foe I think you fail to understand the terrible nature of the monster we must overcome.  In your assertion that he draws power from fear you are correct.  The reaper is also a power of death.  In our war against the powers we find it useful to know our enemy.  Nerull draws much power from extinguishing life.  Many of his clerics and agents are undead and the ones that are living sion become undead.  He would draw power from such an act as you suggest and the sentient undead within his realm will soon fall under his sway and give him a tool with which he may spread more fear.

Whilst the goal of your plan is one I support whole heartedly, the method I cannot support as it would prove counter productive to our cause.  If you would like to discuss some other means to achieve your ends I would be happy to receive you at The Shattered Temple.

Eliza Wainwright

Note From Chardon

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:00 am
by *krandate123
Chardon looks over the note from the boy, reviewing it before reducing it to ash with a cantrip. The lich moved purposefully towards the Shattered Temple. Upon arriving the lich would tell the first individual passing through

"I'm here to request an audience with Factor Wainwright

Note From Chardon

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:00 am
by *Midnight
The Athar that Chardon approaches seems to freeze in terror at the sight of the lich, he then recovers himself.

"Ch..Chardon? Yes the Factor is expecting you."

He turns around and leads The Lich into the deeper temple. They hadd own a winding staircase and a long a cold torch lit corridor far below The Lower Ward, at the end of it there is a door. Chardon's guide knocks and it opens, he enters something like an office. Behind it sits an old Tiefling woman somewhere in her late fifties.

"Come in, please."

She gestures tot eh chair in front of her desk

"Take a seat."

The Namer who bought him there gratefully excuses himself shutting the door behind him.

Note From Chardon

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:00 am
by *krandate123
Chardon sat in the chair, sitting perfectly still without the fidgeting one might expect of a living being. Aside from being mildly disconcerting, it would also make him difficult to read.

"Greetings Factor. I received your message. I have reviewed it and have some questions. I assure you I understand that Nerull and the agents of Nerull can create beings of unlife. I have experienced such before. The Hater of Life is quite familiar to me as well. The goal of this campaign though, is not a killing stroke. It is a beginning action to weaken the power of belief in that particular entity. The first elixir is designed to take away an individual's fear of death and make them seek a release. The second is designed to provide an alternative that in turn denies the Reaper the soul of the deceased. My understanding is that the power is gained not from the act of death itself, but from the soul of the deceased. The second elixir will create awakened beings of unlife that will retain their soul."

Chardon paused a moment to allow the Factor to consider the words.

"Should the awakened beings of unlife fall under his sway that would of course weaken the plan and ultimately cause more harm than good to my ends. My research on the subject does not indicate that this would happen however. Given this, I wonder if there is a way to modify this plan to best achieve both our ends."

The lich sat perfectly still, awaiting the reply.

Note From Chardon

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Eliza sits and listens hers roam over the skeletal face as Chardon talks.

"The problem is you mean to target the places and the things from which he draws power. This would mean Carceri and the parts of primes where his faith holds sway. The people you would target would be his priesthood or those who already follow him. His priesthood will continue to follow him, and they would bring those sentient undead who no longer do under his power quickly, such is his might in the places you would need to target for this to work."

She stands up and opens a cabinet behind her desk she takes two glasses and a bottle of wine. She fills one and poised over the other looks at Chardon.

"You don't do you? What we needs is either a swift sudden strike, or something slow and insidious, something that can be concealed until it is too late for him. Should he have time to realize we directly threaten him it would not bode well for us."