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A Notice About Apprenticeships At The Gatehouse

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by *Theorum Of Neutrality
While the exact workings of the Bleak Cabal can be opaque to the outside viewer (many of whom rarely care to learn it anyway), anyone would be able to see this posting on the board at the Gatehouse's front desk. Written in spidery script with many sheets attached just beneath it, its message was simple and clear enough:
Namers interested in getting into more specialized work in the Faction are welcome to request apprenticeship in one of the various areas of the Gatehouse. Apprenticeships available:
Factor Tyvold - Medicine, Asylum Maintenance and the Care of Orphans
Factor Tessali - Wardenship of the Criminally and Irretrievably Insane (bodies signing up for this one had better have a taste for trouble)
Factor Ezra - Management of Soup Kitchens and Charity Works
Factors Sruce and Amir - Alienism, Therapy and Treatments of Bleaker Ailments

A body interested should leave their tag below. Someone will get around to pushing you in the right direction. For any Namers wanting rank - Powers know why you sods would want that - getting into specialized work is one way of doing it. Have fun.
(( OOC Notes: This thread is open to anyone who wants to use it to further their faction RP. Feel free to use it as you prefer - though IC posts about how your character is going about their apprenticeship would be excellent. ))

A Notice About Apprenticeships At The Gatehouse

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by *A Kobold
It doesn't take too long before at least one name finally winds up scribbled down.  Twice.  The first time in Draconic, and a second time in Common right underneath it with "sorry" penned in much smaller next to it.  The gesture was probably unnecessary, given that Caex had spent the last few weeks studying on-and-off studying studying a selection of books given to him by Amir himself, and occasionally even shadowing the Bleaknik during the less hectic parts of the workday.  

He's fairly confident that he can tell when someone is catatonic by now, given Amir's hands-on training in that area, but he still lacks the knowledge foundation for much of the more intangible things.  Thanks to scrolls of Tongues and a Lens of Speed Reading and general prior knowledge from a year of hands-on anatomical training while planeswalking, he's plowed through Introduction to Physiology, though he's re-reading select portions of it (mostly related to brain trauma) before moving onto either Theories of the Mind or Treatment and Recovery.