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Coristia Merkoven

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:00 am
by *Barmy Sod
((just brief biography that the Gatehouse would have of her.))

Subject: Coristia Merkoven, female human, age 18.
Rank: Namer, Bleak Cabal. Recently joined.
Direct Superior: Factotum Fhadove of Bleak Cabal, formerly her direct mental assistant.
Brief History: Coristia Merkoven was found amidst bloodshed in her home at Clerks Ward while she was 7 years old, in the scene was her parents and three assaillants that couldn't be recognized. She was taken to Gatehouse orphanage, but the traumatic exprience made her mental state be unstable at best so she was moved to solitary containment after several fights with other orphans. Fhadove was assigned to study her and help her. She was put under medication for several years. In past years she has shown signs of improvement and she later on joined the Bleak Cabal and has come to ages she was set out.
Status: Under daily surveillance, but allowed to move freely for the time being.
For further information: Contact Factotum Fhadove.