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Case : Alya

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:00 am
by *Hydra
Subject name: Alya
Alias: "Karra"
Gender: Female
Race: Human.
Age: Mid twenty.
Faction: Bleakers, membership suspended.
Weight: 60kg
Height: 1,75m.
Hairs : White, long pony tail.
Eyes : Blue.

Profession: None, however she has innate eldritch powers.
Allergies/Phobias: None.

Illness(es): Amnesia, Random Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Partial Paranoia.

The patient called Alya which was is a member of our faction. Is currently under treatment due to a recent switch of personality and several illnesses. The subject won't remember her actual name and pretends to be called "Karra Malakai" and coming from another place, that is now completely overwhelmed by "The sun".

Alya presents strong insanity features mentioned under the illness section. Our investigation attempt of an eventual possession had proven unsuccessful. The patient is at all evidences Alya Ern, yet she doesn't act like her and use eldricht powers she never used.

Several attempts of careful medical treatment have undergone and proven unsuccessful for now. Future lobotomy is a possibility tough we'll prefer to avoid it. The patient pretends coming from another world and seems very fragile but has yet violently harmed a few of our members and other patients during a fight in the mess using her powers. She has also escaped several times and if such case may occur we'll be grateful to the Harmonium to bring her back. She will present a faction badge more to justify her presence, but her actual membership is suspended until her case is solved.

[A copy of the report was forwarded to the harmonium]

Case : Alya

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:00 am
by *Cadence
The Harmonium request regular updates on Alya. They also make a request to permanently attach weights to her body such that escape attempts are discouraged/ thwarted.

Case : Alya

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:00 am
by *Hydra
The Bleaker sent another report to the harmonium a few months later :

The subject Alya was an odd case indeed. It seem that despite the non-evidence of our previous analyses, something took possession of her body, completly removing the previous owner's soul to inhabit it. As a result we have actually a new woman living in the body of our former college Alya which calls herself Karra. She easily accepted to join the bleakers and is now a member of our faction in her own right. However the whole mystery hasn't been solved, we therefore wish to remind the harmonium to remain careful with that woman and notice us if everything odd may happen to her.