The Fall Of A World

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Posted by *Krayt »

Sigil:The Armoury

The Doomlord was not surprised when he was summoned by Pentar finding her seated in his own chair. Part of the games they played and had been playing for many years by now. The prophecy they had deilvered a previous time but had not yet been shared with anyone. When the book was offered Itzalia were qucik to sieze it. Mauric on the other hand made an demonstration by simply extanding his hand that the Factols attempt to brew internal conflict between them had failed when the young mage placed the tome in his clawed gauntlet. There was others Qor ,a promising new recruit and two fiends. There was only a short briefing as the knowledge of this forespoken doomed world was vague, they had to descover the flaws themselves.

The group ventured to the infamous Bottle and Jug in the hive in pursuit of more knowledge. Ayase happen to meet them there. Qor showed a new side when he through words alone managed to glean the location of the portal out of the man. Itzalia later lured him away he he would provide the key. A severd pinky which was all that was left of the unfortunate man. With that nothing barred the Doomguard from their portal.

Homwald: Outskirts near Koeningsbruck.

The troupe arrived at a dense forest. Torngrown trees arounse high above them in the mist. The Erinyes manage to scout from above only after cutting herself on the Sharp vegitation. A ruin and vast city gleamed in the distance of the dark night. Mauric ordered the ruins to be searched first as riderers had been spotted. A robed stranger attacked the group when they arrived with his undead minions. He was defeated with some difficulty but as they interrogated they were interrupted by a quartet of Knights of the Stern Crudgle. Dealt with swiftly they were slain to the last. Much to the dismay of some Ayase dug a hole in the captured knight's skull with acid so he could not speak. The necromancer was all the more talkative though.

Mortanious was the name he gave them. The warlock introduced himself as Bràth. He told them that once he had been the head of a college of now forbidden arcane arts which had been banned by the current emperor Leopold the third. His ambition was simply to flee unto Another kingdom ruled by a Pharaohi in a desert realm named Trekehet. It was unknown if it was a nation or a city. After much convincing efforts by both Mauric and the Erinyes a deal was eventually strucked. Itzalia would be given schoolarship tutored by the necromancer. In return he would recieve arcane lore from the Doomguard. He was further urged to gather what students he had and rise an army of the dead. They promised to contact him soon, the initial reluctance to take an active role hinted that he would need constant spurring the warlock figured. Mortainious quickly parted assumedly directly to Trekehet.

Homwald: The Capital Koeningsbruck

They manage to enter the impressive city gates under the false pretense that they had slain the criminal renegade Mortanious and had a report for the Order of the Stern Crudgle within the city. The necromancer had mention discontent amongst the Southern lords of the empire. Again Mauric used the alias Bràth in a disguise of a white knight. One in particular named Lucinus had been the favoured emperor of the southern lords. While the north had a claimant in Lord Diterich. Still they had to learn more of the politics of this empire.

They wandered the fairly lit street in search for a inn named Silver Star Inn where Lord Diterich was rumoured to frequent while in the capital. It seemed a prosperous city. Water canals and high houses with tidy arrangements of flowers hanging from the balcony. Tended ivy to create greenwalls. It was no doubt a wealthy and beautiful city and that stung in the eyes of the doomguards.

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Posted by *Krayt »

((Continuing 18:00 gmt +1, bst today guys. That is gmt +0 17:00. ))
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Posted by *Krayt »


The troupe found the inn eventually. Stalked by a odd Feline that took a liking to Alesia the succubi. A messenger. They learned the fate of a Doomlord named Secht that had been reduced dust for his lack of speed or simply failur. This played Mauric right into his hand. What he heard next his most loyal champion alone had had the boldness to speak off and now he hear it once more. Closer! Closer! Keep dancing closer to the edge he thought grinning to himself as he kicked the back spreading the dust in a cloud around them.

They learned of a marriage to be held to settle the feuds between house Diterich and house Lyncinus. Offering to join the escort of the bride Hester Diterich southward to stop it of course and creat strife between the two lords. Their plans was thwarted however as they reached the river Glond where a battle had been fought between the Empire and the nation Loirient of the Chevaliers. There was an attack on the Escort bearing away the bride dispite the efforts to stop them.

The Rebel Hideout

They followed the kindnappers through a mountanious area until they reached a cave. Theylearned of the fractured fifes and for the second time they met with the enemies of the empire. The rebel army. The Doomguards promised to arm them but they didn't reveal who they were just yet they claimed the arms would come from the norther lands.

Later that night Mauric ventured out taking the necessary precautions to go as undetected as he possibly could. Holding a preordained sculpture in his hand. Azael of the rebellions. Chanting with his broken voice as he placed it before him. " You shall be the first gate. One of many. Flood this world with rebllious strife and feed upon the souls you claim here at."

He needed a victim to begin the the rituals but it was too early. Concealing the statue with obscure object he covered it with stone slabs. "Watch and wait"

Returning to the cave and a his usual uneasy sleep disturbed by nightmares that had in his deability of late became nearly as frequent in his waken state as his sleeping. Pressing himself into a corner pulling what he found over him as to create a shelter even if it would offer no real protection. When morning rose he would request to speak with the leadership immediately.

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Posted by *Hydra »

For Itzalia, things were more than overwhelming. The scope of a whole prime and the goal of the mission was overwhelming to the point it simply felt absurd. She had to find a way that felt more grounded to her vision, she was still a planar and deeply attached to the concept. A sting, a painful needle piercing her heart once she remembered the conversation with the boy at the inn. Do these people really deserved this ? They didn't do anything to her, unlike her own prime, or perhaps it was her own ? She had to know. At the camp, she started to converse with the rebels, asking if they had heard of the city of Akatonis in the south and while she was at is, she asked the men about the legends of their region, especially regarding the gods, or stories of powerfull wizards using great sources of power.
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Posted by *Krayt »

The Rebel Hideout

Waiting for the assembly the Doomlord regarded the young wizardess through his white shining helm hiding his Doomlords mask grafted to his face. Allwoing the strained resperation to be Heard only when the Doomguards where alone to mask his affliction. Talking hushly with his broken voice.

"Do you still doubt? It must all be destroyed. Utterly. Or that shall be the fate we reveive. We cannot return and expect to live if we fail here. Gather what magical lore you can here and you might be the sole creature in the verse that still have knowledge of it when we are done. It is not like you lack personal gain in this even if don't conceed to approve pursuing it. One of the seals must be Close but I think we must severly weaken the plane Before we can break them. We'll send for weapons and this group will grow fast in might. Once this is settled we need to assasinate the emperor. If a new threat rise to fast the nobles will unite under his banner, we must start the civil war before that happen."
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Posted by *Iggwilv »

As Itza questions the assembled group she would be met with a myriad of reactions. Some are aloof and stand offish, others are fearful of her, and some seem warm and welcoming. The only thing they seem to have in common is their ideal in freedom for the fifes that make up the empire, and even in that there appear to be different schools of thought as to how to go about this. In many ways they are a lot like a faction. After a bit of asking she ends up talking to Volker a pale slender youth with dark hair, bright blue eyes and rakishly handsome features.

"The gods? There are many, but here there are three important ones. In the north they are a grim people used to wars and raids from the wolf men. Their god is a grim one, the Lord of the Six Scourges. His followers believe in discipline and order no matter the cost. Some people think it cruel, but I suppose this makes them tough, and they need to be tough."

Itza may know enough to recognise Hextor in one of his many guises.

"In the central part of the empire The Cudgel holds sway. His followers believe in the law too dogmatically so, but although they are dour they are not cruel like the northern priests. Many people say Leopold was elected emperor by the counts as the people would suffer under the reign of Diterich and the god he serves, and as a priest of the cudgel he the best compromise they could make."

The cudgel would sound quite close to St Cuthbert but again under a different name.

"And finally in the south. That is where I am from."

He flashes a grin.

"There we have the lightning lord. A god of chivalry his teachings are more about the spirit of the law than the letter like the other two."

The god he speaks off would not seem that different to Heironeious.

"As for magic..."

He utters a few words and moves his hands. Itza would notice a mage hand spell. An apple from a near by cart and into his hand. He takes a bite from it.

"I can tell you all about that."

He looks up as Mauric approaches.

"I can see your knight is here though, I'll let you two talk. Come and find me if you want to know more."

He swaggers away biting into the apple with a crunch as he walks.
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Posted by *Hydra »

- I am not doubting Mauric... I'm just trying to figure thousands of years of history and legends of a world I never heard about a few weeks ago.

Her tone was however vague, she seemed caught in her trends of tough, eager to learn more from the mage. She remembered the stories of the famous Krynnian mage, Raistlin, even if she probably didn't had half of his talent he remained a model for her. She was convinced that something deeper had to be grasped, something those who have not studied the art couldn't understand, a thing that required patience and smartness, beyond this silly game of mortal politics. She smiled to Mauric, resting her hand on his armored chest briefly, before she returned to the mage.

- I came back to know more.

She said, sitting down as she started to examine her spellbook.
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Posted by *Iggwilv »

The spellbook results in a curious raise of Volker's eyebrows and a small half smile.

"Magic then. In the Empire it is taught in the colleges of Koeningsbruck. The ruby college teaches spells of fire, ice and lightning, the topaz college teaches spells that change and alter space time reality and matter."

As he speaks he glances intently at the pages of her spell book the young mage's curiosity seems to know no bounds. He seems impressed.

"The sapphire college teaches spells that glamours that fool the senses whilst the emerald college teaches spells that call creatures and things from other places or transport people to said places, the obsidian colleges teaches magical defenses and protections, the amethyst college teaches the magic of death and finally the pearl college where Is studied that teaches magics that effect the mind and the heart. Any mage practicing in the empire will have learned their craft there, and they are the source of all the magic lore one could seek, well maybe not all that is the problem no matter what we know it is never enough is it?"

He takes another bite of the apple then offers it to her.

"Outside the empire things are different. In Lorient for example magic is only practiced by women a sisterhood of spell casters whose ancestry dates back to the great gold wyrm ho helped their first king take the throne. The mother of the one whose bones lie not far from here, I believe you've seen them. They are rumored to be born with magic instead of learning it, and they bare the beauty of their dracnonic forebearer. I am a little embarrassed to admit I thought you were one until I saw the book."

He takes a breathe and continues.

In the far off lands things are different, to the north tales speak of shamans who watch over the barbaric tribes and guard against the wolfmen, and darker things, and far to the south in Takhreet they say a god king rules the land and a group of warrior priests weave spells in his name. I don't know how true that is but one day I am resolved to see for myself. But what about you, where did you fill that book you have there?"

Meanwhile the priestess who greeted them approaches Mauric. If his nightly activities have been discovered there is no sign.

"Sir Brath, I know you wanted to speak to someone, and if you and your friends are serious about helping us we'd like to speak to you too. Our prisoner has woken Up."
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Posted by *Krayt »

His hand rested on the hallowed redeemer as he listened to the pair of magi. Noting the similarities between the oerthian gods. And the dragon mentioned in the song that reoccurred once more. His prothese carrying the white shield to conceal his lacking limb. A crippled knight would be suspicious no doubt.

"For all that is just it is our duty to pledge our assistance. The evils we wrought here will be for the greater good. Let us decide the fate of the young maiden." He said remorsefully to the priestess.

"Who are you and does not this unlawfull debauchery pains you as much as the it pains me? Tho rebel against the lords are it not as vile as to rebel against the gods?" He said as if having serious doubts of his decision.
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Posted by *Iggwilv »

Hornwald: Greifenburg

The town is bathed in sunlight. White houses sit on tall sloping hillside looking down upon a crystal clear sea. Banners and ribbons hang from the olive trees and across the winding streets of the town. The people of the place seem relaxed, a fiesta feel has settled over the town. For the next ten day to celebrate the Count's nuptials most people have been given time of work, and everyone else is involved in the preparation for the feast. The ships in the harbour bring in fresh fish and from the vineyards running down the hillside wine is made and bottled. It is all brought to the large white keep over looking the town.

In one of the keeps tall towers the bride to be and her party have their rooms. They'd find the keep busy the servants scurrying around quickly. The keep's gates are in constant use, and some even resort to using a hidden passage that goes through the dungeons to get in and out, much to the annoyance of the guards, and the bustle becomes so much that some take to hiding in the library much to the annoyance to the keep's mage Elwan. Rumours as to the luminaries who will be attending grow and grow. Some even speculate the Dauphin, the heir to the throne of neighbouring Lorient will be among them.

Late one morning there is a knock on the door of the room shared by the bridal party. The voice of a serving girl can be heard.

"Excuse me, Sirs and Ladies. Lady Hester's dress has arrived, where shall I put it?"
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