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Rotten Rats & Autocrats

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:00 am
by *Scintilla

Rotten Rats & Autocrats
Faction Plot: The Beginning.
"Enter," commanded woman's voice from behind the worn panels of the heavy door; several splinters decorating the floor in the wake of hefty, armored knock. As bid, the door was opened with a loud shriek of corroded hinges to herald the arrival of darkly-clad sinker amidst the decay of surroundings. With a clatter of gauntlet to breast, he bowed before the raven-haired figure and extended unto she an envelope from the doorway. "A missive, Lady Factol."

From the center of the room, Pentar did not look up from the task she had dedicated herself; modron prostrate on table at the fore. "And you've decided to disturb me, because...?" A jarring grind of cogs punctuated the woman's query with the slow insertion of an electrified rod into the patchwork flesh of outsider; a wild thrash of all five limbs suggesting the pentadrone was still very much online during experimentation. Further she drove the rod, oblivious to any response given, lips parting in a sadistically joyous expression as quintuple eyes flickered erratically. Only once the creature had temporarily powered down did Pentar peer through the plume of black smoke toward dedicated Sinker who remained, letter in hand. The wax seal of wyvern gleamed tauntingly in the light of the room, easily recognizable. "For your eyes only, Factol."

"Bring it to me," the woman snapped with little care for the sudden spurt of hot oil that was ejected from pentadrone's outgoing spout to spatter the floor. Snatching the letter as it was proffered, the seal was broken with a sneer of disdain for faction from whence it came. As if on cue, time seemed to slow and all fell silent. Feminine features bore only a stone cold mask with the slow skim of wild eyes over substance of Mercykiller missive. Parchment crumpled slowly within the woman's curling fist, and forearm tightened to tremble with a violent, psychotic rage.

At behest of bellowed shriek reaction began with metal container launched from tabletop, exploding it's contents on contact with the wall. A sweep of limbs forcefully flung detached clockwork limbs from work space, the shrill screech of metal accompanying the multi-directional skid across the floor. Glass shattered, nuts and bolts scattered through pooling oil and the resetting modron carcass hit the ground with an almighty thud as the table was overturned in one swift motion. At the center of destruction stood the Doomguard Factol, raven hair whipping turbulently around her person as though riding the waves of chaos itself. Pentar's warpath did not end there. Chest heaving and eyes alight with dangerous spark, she turned her attention on the single Sinker destined to suffer the magnitude of the woman's wrath; actions fluid as she closed the distance with cat-like bound.

"Factol, yo--" Exchanged for gasp, the words died on the Sinker's lips as hunter's dagger plunged into his torso, sinking deep to the hilt. His eyes widened in horror and surprise. Writhing, shuddering, shrieking, he thrashed a futile effort to save himself and lips that hovered alongside his ear hissed a whisper from the raven-haired beauty. "RATSSSS..." It was the only explanation the man would receive before the blade's sharp edge began it's saw through sinew and flesh in clockwise direction. A duet of screams and woman's maddened laughter rose in crescendo, ricocheting from the walls at the behest of spurt blood and ichor. The Sinker collapsed less than a minute later, an empty cavity in his chest and existence little more than the pulsing heart in female hand and the crimson pool at the feet of giggling Factol.

As Pentar lofted the throbbing muscle in her hand with a starkly contrasted tenderness, several soft notes cooed to fill the space a mere inches from her blood-spattered lips. "No public flame, nor private, dares to shine. No human spark is left, nor glimpse divine! Lo! Thy dread empire, Chaos, is restored; light dies before thy uncreating word. Thy hand, grand adherent, let the curtain fall; and see universal darkness bury all." the woman whispered, the tip of her nose gently brushing against heart that shuddered it's final contraction; an utterance that served as the only sign of affection for incarcerated fiend. "We were so close. But I will have you back, my sweet... oh, yes..." Slowly the woman's dark lips parted to press against bloodied tissue in sensual kiss that smeared cheeks and chin with gore.

"... Factol?" Spragg's voice cut through the privacy of perverse affections. Pentar hissed in response to intrusion and let fly the blade held loosely at her side. A mere three inches from the head of the spindly Sinker, the hilt of blade quivered with lodge in wooden door. "DID I BID YOU PERMISSION TO ENTER?" the Factol shrieked akin to banshee, flecked with blood in stance over fallen factioneer. The heart in hand ruptured under the pressure of a tightening grasp, sending chunks of viscera outward with sickening squelch. Spragg was quick to respond in the negative. The baleful glare of the planar woman flared dangerously as she spoke.

"We've been compromised." Again - the word needn't be said for the woman's words to carry weight. "And, as it becomes clear there are rats among us, still, our priorities have shifted. Cancel any and all plans related to the return of Ely Cromlich, immediately." Pentar barked, deviantly licking the blood from the contour of her lips. With single downward glance, noting the extended limb of the pentadrone by crimson-smeared boot, it was with a slow, calculating grind that glass eye was shattered beneath angular heel. Gaze lingering on the optic fluid that interlaced with Sinker blood.

"Bring me a list of names for all Doomguard that attended the previous meeting. Organize a second. Convey the abandon of Ely's rescue, relay nothing else... and get out of my sight."

Rotten Rats & Autocrats

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:00 am
by *Tomekk
The air in the Armory was not a pleasant thing to breathe in by any stretch of the imagination: it was thick with smoke, ash and toxic fumes; but those seem like a minor annoyance compared to the air of suspicion and dread that Pentar's words created.

"Find me the rat, or the warning sign gets bigger!"

The violent woman commanded, pointing at the eviscerated corpse on the ground, a heartless reminder that not even other Doomguards are safe from Pentar's fury. The gathering of Sinkers, Destroyers and Regulator were both shocked and confused by the sudden turn of events, scrambling to think of a way to solve this vague task.

In their bewilderment, they even got lost in the tunnels beneath the Armory... an embarrassing moment that none the less helped them get to the task at hand in a more steadfast manner.

"The walls could have ears?" ... "Where did the plans leak to?" ... "Who else was there with us?"

Were some of the many questions the rag-tag group of Doomguard asked themselves, which lead to the decision of splitting up and trying to answer as many of these in the shortest time possible.
The Decay Knight would see to questioning Spragg, the only other person who had access to the information, save for Pentar herself.
The fiend Zephon and his compatriot would examine the room where the meeting took place, looking for any potential means for spies to listen in on.
The Drow would ask around the Armory to get a hint of where the messenger came from, and examine that avenue to get a hint of who it might have been...

Rotten Rats & Autocrats

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:00 am
by *Scintilla
[ Reserved post - sorry guys, will get to this later today. Stay tuned! ]

Rotten Rats & Autocrats

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:00 am
by *Huelander
A string of missives leave the armory, their messengers search the city for the names they are meant for. Scattering and scouring until their destinations are found. Chant spreads through the armory that a solution has arrived in Pentar's lap regarding a recent information leak within the Faction. Ergo, summons have been put forth to its investigators:

wrote:"In light of recent developments, you are hereby called on to meet within the Armory in two cycle's time of recieving this notice. Events have transpired that stand poised to change the direction of your investigation dramatically. It is of critical relevance that all investigators attend to this meeting and appear before the Factol."
((Despite that it says two cycle's time. I direct you to the OOC planning thread for purposes of sealing the deal. Uninvolved factioneers: Your characters are aware of the chant, however the content of the missives and who they have exactly been sent to has not been publically declared.))