Kail Onifhet

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Posted by *Azulfae »

The soul of Onifhet released from it's mortal prison wandered the dark void of the plane of shadow and onwards into darker negative planes. At times it was like a man and other times like a singularity a simple point of existence moving through what seemed like endless time and space.

At one such point it came to be like an orb of black water falling infinitely through the darkness, falling through nothingness until finally it began to descend on a great ocean of lightless water like a single drop of rain.

The droplet fell into the great expanse the echo of which to be the only deafening sound in what had been a silence since the beginning of time.

Under the water a memory formed in the depths, the moment of a body's death. The mind saw the body of Kail tossed about and chewed up by a Xorn, burning his armour and flesh until nothing was left but bloody ashes.

It seemed now an eternity had passed yet 'the moment' was there still, present in the mind of the soul.

As the Ashes drifted upon the cave floor the cave melted away and all colour with it until all that was left was a grey and wasted place of dust and lifelessness. The skies themselves were a mass of swirling ash and dust raised by the winds, the landscapes only features were those of bones and old pieces of armour from other such disintegrated bodies, jutted from the ashes here and there.

Here was the end for the body, the soulless remains. But this body knew soullessness. These ashes had lived without the soul for so long. Blood clung to dust and dust hardened into bone. Dry grey colourless skin crawled upon paper like muscles beneath the surface until within the dusty ashes of the grey wastes formed a body.

A hand reached up from beneath the ash and dusted a face clean. A new face, unmarked and fresh without the scars of life. This was the afterlife yet at the same time a soulless one. Somewhere far away a soul wandered the void but here and now, a body rose from the ashes. Grey and dusty he shook clean his hair and opened his eyes. White hollow eyes almost lit from within by some terrible emptiness.

Kail reached down and took hold of a pendant, a single black disk on light silver chain. His goddess Shar had brought his ashes here and through the pendant reformed her servant.

He arose naked, dust swirling away from his body in the wind. His first breath he took as if he didn't actually need to, a breath taken with only one purpose.

Across the emptiness a cry echoed out. A cry of agony and misery from a mind tortured by it's separation from a life and soul that has been so cruel.

Footstep by footstep the body began to make it's way towards a feature in the distance. As he began to get closer it started to look like a grey and twisted image of a town or city.

Soon he came to pass a sign, for some reason posted in the middle of nowhere. 'Nifleheim --> ' it said.
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Posted by *Azulfae »

Kail stood adorned in his fiendish scales, armour of deep black metal and black silk cape flowing int he cool air.

He was stood on a ledge looking over a rotten and decayed village atop a great hill, looking down upon a large wood filled with apple trees. Far in the distance he watched as the people of a small town named Ciderbrook ran in circles trying to decide what to do.

There was nothing for them to do, their world was about to end.

Far in the distance a floating city dropped from the sky and crashed down into another great city below. Flames erupted here and there but the visage was soon obscured by a great dust cloud. Kail nodded impressed, the death toll in that instant was likely beyind the comprehension of most and he admitted he could only contemplate the awsomeness of what he had just witnessed. It seemed the greater the order of a place or object the more destruction it wrought when it came to fall apart. It was mere logic really.

In the east lay a great river and beyond a frozen mountain top with a huge woodlands below. The woodland seemed dark and quiet and almost seemed to distort in his vision as if it was simply sinking into a shadowy plane all of it's own leaving a great void of darkness behind. How strange a thing he had never seen but it panged of the powers of a deity much like his own. Darkness was after all the great water that connected all things in chaos before the order of light shines upon a world and organises in ones mind what can be seen and experienced.

In the sky the moon eclipsed the sun and darkness spread over all. The only light now a faint shimmering arora. It was beautiful, the the eclipse signified an amageddon, this eclipse did not pass it hung and remained. With darkness came coldness and all around the trees began to sway with a terrible wind.

The moment was near, Kail would have to leave soon or go down with this world.
A tear ran down his face in apreciation of the beauty of such a thing.

In the dark silence wails could be heard on the wind, the screams of terrible creatures spreading out across this world and beggining to consume all life and order.

This world had taken too much and now it was being taken back. Such a beautiful concept.

Kail turned and put two pieces of a dinner plate sized stone together. They glowed with a blue light as the runes upon them lit and the stone fused. Before him a great crack opened up in the mountainside. It was immense, this portal had been built for something large to pass through.

With the emission of the power of the portal six figures formed in the village below.

They looked up to him.

He knew they were not mortals, he had seen gods before.

"I don't think so." Said Kail as he sank back into the black watery barrier of the portal. For a moment the surface shimmered before one broken half of the stone flew back through and smashed into parts upon the floor.

With that the mountainside closed and left only a rock face behind.

Kail stood in a stange room in an old abandonned part of undersigil. There were seven statues in the room, three each side and one had the head broken off. At the end of the room looking over the other six was a larger one, perhaps the leader of them infront of an altar.

Several dead illithids that he had killed earlier lay on the floor.

Kail dropped the second half of the portal stone letting it shatter on the floor and then pushed each statue over breaking it.

"What an experience, the end of a world."
He said to himself. "Kind of addictive..."

Secretly he wondered to himself if anyone escaped. if they did it was likely Sigil was the place they would turn up.

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Posted by *Azulfae »

Kail Enters the hive ward with a sack of gold in his right hand, his buckler as usual fastened on his left arm.

He makes a big deal about the purse, swinging it around by it's tie chord on his index finger and occasionally dropping it then picking it up.

One time he drops it by the feet of a homeless man sitting near the tatoo shop. As he picks it up he shakes the purse near the man's face then backs away.

"Now do I scatter these like I'm supposed to... or does someone want the whole lot?"

He taunts as he looks around at a some eager eyes street urchins and local whores.

A burley looking half-orc pimp approaches, with one hand on a club in his belt and two mean looking orc body guards behind him.

Kail tips his head low so only his smile can be seen below his hood as he simply tosses the gold coin pouch to one of the henchmen. The pimp instantly grabs out at the coin purse.

A knife glints in the air as the second henchman guts his boss and then tries to reason with his mate for a share of the gold but in moments a kid sneaks up and tries to snatch the purse.

A scuffle breaks out and soon there are loads of kids all over the two men and bloody footprints all over the cobbles.

Then the begger dives in with a cackled cry of desperation. "YAAAaaaAAA!"

Kail walks away with a shake of his head.

"This is all they expect."

He slips from his pocket a flask of alchemists fire and slings it over his shoulder.

'Boom' He mouths silently as it spins through the air.

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Posted by *Azulfae »

Kail entered the basement of a derelict Sigil building. Perhaps once it had been a family home, it was likely this place was abandonned after the anarchist and mercykiller fued in the hive.

The point of this building to him was that it had suffered substantial damage and as a result the Dubus were unable to prune the razorvine in places around it's faoundations. it seemed that the plants were almost holding it together in parts.

Kail dropped a bag of tool and took out a saw. He set to work cutting several beams but minding not to cut any vines that were around.

He also chissled a few bricks out of the walls in places making the building even more unsecure. It was a careful process but when the Dabus next came to prune the razorvine the result would be the collapse of the building or a the choice to not prune the vines and let them grow out of control on this building at least.

Hopefully this plan would work out.
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Posted by *Azulfae »

Kail left the forge of the armoury behind. He carried in his hand an ancient Illuskan axe. He had spent many hours wearing the joints and integrity of the weapon down. Maybe it had been days even, he was not sure.

All three enchanted gems on the weapon had been defiled and shattered and their magics released.

What was left was in perspective a soulless shell. Smashing the weapon held little real relevance now. It would never again be usable. He paused at the door to the armoury before emerging onto the busy streets of the LadyÂ’s ward outside.

Kail looked down at the axe. Just an axe, what had it done to warrant such an effort from him to bring it to this point. Kail raised the axe to his face and pushed his forhead against it with his eyes closed. Guilt overwhelmed him.

Why did he empathise suddenly for an axe so, it was not sentient, it was not him.
It was himself who was really the empty shell, destroyed by a life of failures and inability to succeed at anything.

It was not the axe he had unforged but himself.

The Blackguard pushed the door open and stepped into the light, he stood there for a moment looking grey and overshadowed as ever. He pulled on his cape and raised the hood to cover his head briefly giving a moment to smash the axe against the wall beside him as he walked off.
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Posted by *Loki_999 »

Dorian slips a note to Kail in passing. It reads:

Opportunity knocks brother. The League are planning something disorderly. Seek me out if you want in.
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Posted by *Azulfae »

He smirks stroking his beard after reading the note and gives a nod backwards as he walks on.
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Posted by *Azulfae »

Kail spends much of his time in the lower rooms of the Armoury staring at a coin on a table.

Sometimes he closes his eyes for a time and then opens them to check if the coin is still there.

As the days pass he resorts to putting an inverted cup over the coin and concentrating on that before lifting it to see if the coin is still there.

After nearly a week he looses his temper and tosses the table over in rage. When he picks it back up he starts looking around the room for the coin.

Ironically he can't find it but it might just be it has rolled off somewhere he can't find it.

His frustration is extremely evident.
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Posted by *Azulfae »

Later, the next day, Kail is in the Bazaar and orders a drink for Khazeet.

He nods to the barman and slides a coin across the bar for his drink. As he lifts his hand the coin is gone.

He smirks to himself which doesn't go down well with Khazeet. "Sorry he says," and slides another coin across the bar. As he lifts his hand this coin is also gone.

Kail's face twitches nervously.

Khazeets brow furrows.

The next coin he takes out of his purse carefully and this one vanishes before their very eyes before he can even get it near Khazeets hand.

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