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Doom Sweet Doom

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:00 am
by *Krayt
The weary warlock ascended the stairs pain stinging every muscle in his leg as he did. Slumping over his forward knee he paused trying to hide the strain imposed on him by this usually effortless met challange that these simple steps up would provide. Lowering his hood he slid his mask off and put it into his bag. Noticing the familiar extremly gaunt woman looking at him he flashed a smile. His palid face was blakened by soot, dirt and dried clot of blood but his teeth was shining perfectly bright white in the dark.

"My apologies no hanging spectacle today, no war or other major calamity. Afraid I have no gifts or souvenir with me either. You'll have to settle with just me. You'll have to come with me next time!" He said filled with energy and fire even though he bearly had enough strenght left to utter it.

Expecting a snyde remark at best it was a strange feeling, but looking at this woman albeit knowing only snippets about her after so many years invoked a warm relief within his chest. It was not a stranger, not an unknown face and she was not regarding him as such either whether she hate him or not didn't matter she had tiny fragments of himself within her mind. A resemblance of a family perhaps.. was this why he always returned back here even when he knew it was stupid. Was this home?

He shifted his weight to his back leg after he had regained just a uns of his strenght. Looking up towards the massive door at the top of the staircase. The blurred image of the door shifted into two then melded together again only to drift apart again. Behind it he could hear the din of ceaseless hammering. So familiar was the sounds he could make out who was holding the hammer just like footsteps could be recognised. He nearly lost balance and had to lower his gaze.

Heavy as were they made of lead forced his legs into motion walking towards the sound as vison blackened before him becoming more and more void of colours melding into a blackness. Eventually feeling the cold metal against his palm he pussed it open leaning on it so that his weight slowly forced the door open. Stumbling forward inside the forge as it opened his body hit the stone baluster. Struggeling to push his body straight he put his hands on the stone walking side ways towards the stairs down. But he couldn't make it, when he was about to set down his sole on the first step it tramped the air and he lost his footing gliding downward with his chest over the baluster he came crashing down rolling against the wall. He remained on the heated tiles lacking the strenght to stand and unconsciousness claimed him as the last distant threads of light blackened out. He could still hear the fading clamour of the hammers ringing as sweet as church bells and then there was only darkness.

Doom Sweet Doom

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *Krayt
His conscious slowly returned aglong with the throbbing pain in his tigh. Clutching he feelt the warm blood on his hand. Was I cut this deep? He bemusededly thought. A burning senseation grew stronger and stronger spreading through his viens. Of course poision. He fumbleed with his hand stuck into his bag.

As vison returned he saw a dark shadow of a man standing over him with a leering grin. Blurring out and becoming focused he could see the face. Noshteroth."I wouldn't come here without a final gift to offer the lord. You was a fool to think you could betray me and live." The priest said with triumph. Looking into the far distance he first saw dark towering horned walls disapearing into the blackness above while the ground dully lit it from below. Zelatar the capital of Graz'zt triple layered domain. Well it was all over then, I'm truely dead. "My gift are better than yours" Mauric retorted. "You are a mere nuisance. I united the abyssal forces and herded them towards our enemies. Through my hand corruption brought countless of souls here. You are a worm feeding on what happen to be before you. You let them kill me just to save your own patetic hide, you are nothing!" That is why my gift is better and yours are worthless. He will like mine better. The abyss cares nothing for staggnant post being held into infinity, through constant change the perfect being will arise and nothing will be able to stand agains't it. Your own.."

He felt a Heavy pressing over his chest and his vison filckered in a whirr of shadows. Noshteroth was gone and in his place stood a armoured figure. "Go and sleep somehwere else." Another dream.