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A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Chant around the Armoury is that Doomlord Yanek seeks a sinker willing to undertake a journey to further the cause of entropy. Those interested in furthering the faction's goals and reaping the rewards of doing so are advised to contact him.

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Er_Nano_Infame
the small doomguard whose name may change upon occasion ((and that still need to have the status of doomguard upgraded mechanically in game :P)) goes to said doomlord so listen to the journey task

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Agony_Aunt
Doomlord Dorian, having recently returned to Sigil after more than a year away hears the chant.

"A journey? I had no plans to leave again so soon. But I may as well see what this is about."

He folds up the book he is reading, a prophecy concerning the death of a prime world, and makes his way to Yanek's quarters.

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Krayt
With eager steps Mauric hastes to heed the call. He is by far less talkative than usual and would passively listen to the Doomlords demands from beginning to end without any interruption.

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Dorian Sakadu (//Or at least the Doomguard I will call Sakadu until I receive clarification :P ) and Mauric do not have to wait long. Yanek enters his office to find them all. He is tall very thin bald and pale in his mid fifties a neatly trimmed grey beard adorns his face. Mauric and Sakadu would recognize him. When Mauric suggested his trip to the negative energy plane Yanek was ever present listening with rapt attention.

"I thank you all for coming, I take it you are all here about the job. I shall get to the point. We heard rumors of a demonic invasion of a prime world and under the suggestion that this may be the beginning of the apocalypse for this prime world we sent an observer. Unfortunately we have lost contact with him. He is rather vital to our plans in the cage and we need him back, or if not him his body. Interested?"

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Er_Nano_Infame
''how much overt the slaughter can be on the way to get him back? '' saka asks simply

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:00 am
by *Krayt
The warlock becomes more and more pleased as the Doomlord speaks

-How could one refuse. If he is alive we shall find him, or retrive his remains. Will the husk be enough or is there something vital in the form of an object along with him?

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:00 am
by *Agony_Aunt
Dorian Irsei listens and then nods.

"I have one question. Is this mission being sponsored by the Regulators, the Sinkers, or the Destroyers? What is the intention regarding the Demonic Invasion? And most importantly, was this invasion prophesied?"

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:00 am
by *Krayt

-Destruction in second or over an millenia. The field is vast enough for both to reap barren. All stand to further entrophy in all aspects, no matter who funds it. How do we procceed?

((Mauric was often vague when asked but he was belonging to the Destroyers and often gave Doomlord Roth his strongest support))

A Doomlord's Call

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Yanek listens patiently, he lets everyone ask their questions if any of them suprise him he gives no sign. He is not what one would expect of someone who holds a title as dramatic as doomlord. Slim, neat pale middle aged and bald Yanek would at first apperance seem a sad little man with a sad little smile. It is only his eyes that hint he is anything more. Cool and icy nlue they hint at having witnessed untold scenes of destruction. When he talks he is very softly spoken.

"I am sponsoring this personally if it answers your question at all I would be considered a sinker. The man you are looking for would not mind me reffering to him as a destroyer.

As for the demons an opurtunity for slaughter the rescue is your priority, however should the opurtunity to spread destruction arise you are doomguards, I expect you to act like it.

As for how to procede: Ramal is the name of our man, we know roughly the area of the prime he was last seen on. We need you travel there and bring back his body alive or dead, but in tact."

//And now an OOC explination to go with the IC one. Its going to be a forum based rp which will allow you all to spread mayhem and destruction as you search for Ramal and as one of you know and theother two may have gussed it will become closely linked to the "To serve the cause of law" plotline. I'll edit this to put a link in but I am on my phone right now and its a bit fiddley.