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To Mauric

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:00 am
by *DarkArc
A letter arrives by courier to the doomlord. The messenger refuses to give it to anyone else.
wrote: Doomlord Ashtoret,

I hope this letter finds you well. I have given your request some thought and discussed it with leadership. At a time of convenience, I would like to meet with you to discuss my offer. Please list a neutral place you would like to meet, lest you would like to swing by the Prison on your way back from the bazaar. Let me know what suits best.

Very Respectfully,

To Mauric

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:00 am
by *Krayt
A few hours later a Doomguard trooper arrives at the gates of the prison with the same order. Charae alone would receive the letter.
wrote:Factor Charae

It gladdens me profoundly that my request were given the proper attention it so deserves. The alternatives had been so much more of a tedious sessions. You know my disdain for lenghty boredoms through legal adiministrations. Albeit a public spectacle had been quite enjoyable this is by far the better option when it comes to efficieny. Let the Styx Oarsman be the location of our meeting.

With utmost respect,
Greater Doomlord Mauric Ashtoreth of the Seventh Demon Ark
His writing was not as elegant as when he could make use of his main arm.