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An Odd Cooperative Request.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:06 pm
by newdevilofpromise
A post was left in the Armoury for the other Doomguards to see.

"Sinkers, I have met with a Taker Vos, and have came to myself for a deal, one that will expand both the philiosphy of us Sinkers, as well as our weapons and products around the 'verses..., While I cannot endorse War myself, one cannot deny the mortal urges to war, chiv, and dead book each other through out the verses..., Why not Help sell our stuff with the takers help, They ask for a small slice of pie, and thus this will help solidify relationships with other factions, that perhaps fell to the wayside and rusted off"

Factotum Cathair O'Cliodhna