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Workin' #925

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:00 am
by *Vandole
OOC note: Please feel free to inform me on one of my other chars about dead bodies found, this character was made to clean up corpses found and do the dustmen thing!

[[ Mild graphic content ]]

Worker #925 is a busy skeleton, so busy in-fact that no one ever sees him, or barely ever. Is it because he's so diligently completing the work of the dustmen? Probably not. Worker #925 loved to slack, more than anything. When something needs doing though, he's often the one on the job, with a whistle or a hum. Don't ask me how skeletons whistle or hum. The lack of lips makes things complicated.

He drags three corpses to the mortuary from the Foul Olde Spirit Inn, where he was last seen going to shirk his work. Figured he'd get a drink... and a mop. He didn't realize he'd actually need the mop however as the innkeeper directed him towards the stairs where bloodstains were found. #925 gives a sigh and investigates the stains. Don't ask me why skeletons sigh, they just do. Not having lungs and sighing is actually a real feat, but back on track. A series of stains seemed to have sullied the top floor, leading from the top of the stairs towards room seven, where he'd check first. A quick knock on the door as he immediately enters sensing the presence of a dead body.

A young woman, no more than twenty years of age (although she looked wrinkled as a bed-sheet) seems to have suffered massive head trauma, judging from the blood pooled at the foot of the bed where she lay. Her leg is twisted and her ankle is broken. Her complexion is ghostly white, drained of all the blood - but no bite marks are to be found. Just a single small stab wound leading to her heart. (Later revealed by the mortuary during an autopsy to be shriveled like a dried grape.)#925 gives his head a shake, beginning to clear the mess with a few magical words and picks up the body which appeared to have been a slave, judging by a small brand on her arm.

Next the stains would reveal two sets of footprints along with blood being smeared towards room five. Ah yes... something he's seen before, a couple murdered in their sleep. Usually the price lovers pay for going astray. Only this couple was married, judging by the ring tans he discovered. More blood, soaked into the bed. Again head trauma, a couple stab wounds to the body and three sets of footprints leading outwards...

#925 gives an annoyed grumble as he hums another tune, magic seems to whisk the blood away again as he picks up two more bodies to drag off to the mortuary where he arrived when this tale began. The bodies are placed onto tables, stripped and searched for any indication of who they might have been when a woman named Iseri comes a walkin' in. Looking to claim some jink for bringing some fresh bodies in, only to see the three corpses being worked upon. She frowns, #925 chuckles, making his teeth rattle. It's a grand time in the mortuary. If he knew someone else was gonna do it he could have slacked off again! Drats...

A quick chat with the woman reveals that she's claimed some of their jewelry, which of course she denied at first. Nothing gets past #925 though, well, that's a lie too, but not this time!. More importantly, a quick look at the rings reveals the names of the married couple, Lauren & Jerem Visgold. #925 continues to chat with the woman, her small efforts in identifying the two bodies to be rewarded with a sack of jink and in being able to claim the jewelry for herself. Everybody wins today. Some would argue the dead bodies didn't win anything either, but they did win a one-way trip to the mortuary! See? there's a bright side to every story.

Workin' #925

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:00 am
by *Vandole
Another day, Another job. It seems this time #925 was directed by a fellow dustman to help clean up the scene of three bodies as they were thrown out of the portal to Mercuria. He brought back the last body, skewered onto a pike and slung it down next to the two other which were brought to the mortuary as well. "That's a wrap!" He thinks to himself before another dustman informs him to personally vivisect the the bodies. He sighs... somehow... It would be long grueling work. Something that #925 wasn't really a fan of.

As he prepares the bodies he notices marks upon them, caused by holy blades of some kind. In addition to that, he sees the mark of 'bane' upon the three bodies. One appeared to be a cleric while the other two were apostles to the cleric.

The bodies are carefully dissected one at a time, starting with the skin being carved into neat patches, folded and prepared with embalming fluids while he beings to extract the organs - throwing them into buckets filled with embalming fluid, followed by carving the muscles and tendons from the bones until only clean skeletons remained.

The next part, was putting them all back together in reverse... he reattaches the muscles and tendons, some with needle and thread, some with some kind of necromantic fluid. Then stuffs the bodies with organs. He decided to switch all their eyes around so that they all have mis-matching eyes at the last minute. As a joke. Maybe they will see things differently now in their service to the dustmen.

The bodies are finally embalmed and readied to be re-animated. #925 motions like wiping the non-existent sweat from his non-existent brow. Rough work, and he also was not very skilled in putting bodies back together. They might end up decent zombies despite that. Either way, their true death was not at hand yet.

The tireless worker decides to go 'find work' and by that, he means to continue slacking while nothing interesting is happening in the cage. Until the next stupid berk ends up lying in the middle of the street and he's forced to do his job again.

Workin' #925

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
((Just to let you know I am following this. Is good to read and even better to see a Dustie around and in action :D ))

Workin' #925

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:00 am
by *Vandole
Two more bodies were found last cycle while #925 was doing a routine sweep of the hive quarter. Trails of blood leading into the slags led up to the bodies of two victims, a woman and a man. Both appeared to be seasoned in combat, but whatever killed them had drained them of their blood entirely and also... quite gruesomely ripped their jaws from their mouths.

#925 whipped out his trusty pike, impaling the two bodies to bring them back to the mortuary. A shame, no jaws would mean #925 wouldn't have new friends to chat with, which was quite alright, #925 talked more than any dustman would like him too, he loved his own disembodied voice.

Being entirely drained of blood, the bodies were saturated by sigilian rain rendering them useless for zombification, still they would suffice for more skeletons and their bodies were quickly stripped as they were delivered to the mortuary. #925 even took part in this willingly as creating skeletons is far simpler than preparing zombies, he only needed to reduce them to a set of clean bones, carving a set of runes as instructed so they may be reanimated.

"Many fresh bodies as of late." #925 ponders to himself. Was Sigil becoming even more dangerous than it already is? - "Nah." Just as dangerous as it ever was.

Workin' #925

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Seeing the state of the two corpses would make the newly returned Factor curious. Someone had drained the blood from them and it wasn't her. Something to ponder later. The skeleton that had brought them in was an odd one too. She'd reanimate the bodies and put them at 925's disposal for his next round of collections.

Workin' #925

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 12:00 am
by *Vandole
3rd Hive of Nihilum, 135Ha.

Another cycle another body, seems to be the one of the many constants that pervade Sigil's operations. Worker #925 is dispatched to collect it, unsurprisingly. "At least I'll never be unemployed" The skeleton mutters to himself in his usual distaste for work. He was quite pleased however by the addition of his two new lackeys, a pair of skeletons he had prepared himself and later, reanimated by the factor for use at his disposal. The body wasn't far from the mortuary this time, as it was located in the hive ward. #925 was ecstatic this would be a quick job.

As they approached the body #925 instructs the other two skeletons to pick up any... "loose bits" while he readies his skewer to impale the corpse with. Why was this necessary? It wasn't, it was just his way of doing things... it could have been easily carried back - but there was a certain sort of ritual aspect to the act that the worker seemed to be compelled by. 

The body was quite damaged on recovery, and with interesting wounds no less. It seems the very scales of this apparant half-dragon were picked off, along with several other parts - the reason, yet to be ascertained. Worker #925 would have his hands full with autopsy work - not a doubt. "Thissssss is gonna take a lot longer than I thought." the skeleton expressed in dismay to his two less verbally-gifted cohorts.

-----Autopsy report to follow - Details will be forwarded to the harmonium for continued investigation-----

Workin' #925

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:00 am
by *Vandole
"Scalpel" #925 calls out.  "Needle. Thread."  The worker chuckles to himself as he directs his associates.

"Dammit, we're gonna lose him! GET ME THE ELECTRIFIER!" Of course, the patient was dead on arrival but then again, #925 never took his work seriously. Despite all this tomfoolery on his part, serious work was still being completed as the skeletons worked in tandem to dissect the body and potentially discover something of interest.

The "patient" was indeed, half-dragon. Its body had been more than murdered, it was butchered, made evident by the particular angles of the cuts which were made to remove its wings and femurs. Hair was missing, and a good deal of blood as well. Most of the scales had been thoroughly scraped prior to inspection, though a few smaller ones remained. Upon closer examination of the remaining scales it was determined it was of black dragon heritage, although this did not seem to be of critical importance.  

The far most interesting aspect of the body, was how easily the cuts were made. The weapon was not found with the body, however - it can be deduced that the blade used to make the cuts was of a material that would be sufficient to make such clean cuts. A weapon made with starmetal most likely, the worker penned a note as he peered on the severed wing joints. "The Red's gonna want to know this." 

Not every cut was clean, however, some had large varying gashes - evidence of a struggle. "He was likely taken by surprise... seems like they went for the wings first. After the initial strike, he fought back - you can see by the extension of this wound here... and it doesn't align with the entry point." #925 commented to himself as he continued to take notes. "The femurs were also removed while the victim was still alive..." The dustman seemed somewhat surprised, or possibly, impressed by the attackers' conviction. "Cause of death - bleeding out. Poor bastard."

#925 notices another oddity. He digs his phalanges into a wound and removes it again. He would squint at his fingers if he had eyelids as he rubs the residue it begins to burn away at his fingertips, "Dragon's bile, they really didn't want to take any chances on this berk."

After the vivisection - the body was rendered completely unusable for further work, too much damage was caused for proper reanimation. Furthermore, the skeletal structure was incomplete and the natural fluids had been drained - making it impractical for use.

#925 instructs the other two skeletons to dispose of the remains while he compiles his report for the harmonium.
[[Harmonium may see the details of the autopsy report as if IC ]]

Workin' #925

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:00 am
by *Vandole
"I shouldn't be surprised..." The worker mutters to himself. For the average death toll in the city nothing seems out of place. Finding dead bodies in gutters and alleyways, those that are reported recently seem to be of the standard fare. A few decomposed bodies brought in have been rotting for a week or more... those that been left in the notorious "Ditch" in the Hive Ward, which can easily render a body into bones in just short matter of time.

"Well, looks like I might need to call the cavalry, this is going to be more lifting than I care to handle." The worker looks idly into the ditch where he's been directed to clean up the piling bodies that so frequently end up there. This time, seems a large number of them have been of large humanoids and even a few reptilian looking ones. Massive femurs and rib-cages litter the ditch along with the comparably smaller skeletons and sharp-toothed skulls of kobolds.

"Business as usual." The worker thinks to himself. 

Workin' #925

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:00 am
by *Thanaton
*Notary Mernos would eventually arrive at the Mortuary and ask directly of Worker #925. He would inform him of the location in UnderSigil -first floor- of another half-dragon body murdered if he wishes to collect all the parts. He would also offer him a copy of his report given to the Harmonium, if that helps.*

((the report can be found in the Harmonium section))

Workin' #925

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 12:00 am
by *Vandole
The worker is found in the mortuary - surprisingly, his habits tend to have him elsewhere - but it seems with all the bodies coming in from the planes he hasn't had the luxury of slacking off recently. He's somewhat shocked to be asked for specifically, the quality of his work - at least - seems to have garnered some attention as adequate autopsy work for investigations. He takes up the offer to have a look at the harmonium report as it may help in regards to the autopsy itself. 

He sets out immediately to collect the body and scrub the scene so that passerbys wouldn't have to gawk at the gruesome scene.  A pair of skeletons accompany him, equipped with magical cleaning supplies - after all, arcane circles don't just come out of their own accord with a little elbow grease - let alone the blood and entrails that had been caked onto the stone.

It wasn't too long of a trip back to the mortuary where the autopsy would later take place. Worker #925 intended to be as meticulous as possible with these bodies for their importance to ongoing investigations.

-----Autopsy report to follow - Details will be forwarded to the harmonium for further investigation-----