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A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
by *Selebius
A collector's cart rumbles into the mortuary and where usually a pile of corpses rest on those this one carries only two.

One is a middle aged woman who seems to have died a peaceful death, the badge of a Taker still visible on her collar.

The other one is... unusual. Queer.

It is mutilated, cut apart but it still seems to be alive- or undead. Indeed it is a mix of living and undead flesh, held together by wrires and pieces of an unknown alloy.

The Collectors delivering it seem uncomfortable in its presecnce, not sure what to do. After all it is both living and undead and... is it really dead?

So it is placed on the closest slab for whoever dares to approach it....

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Fear is something someone walking the path to true death should put aside. Emila sweeps through the crowd of collectors and she begins to examine the stranger of the two bodies. She tries to recall any commonality with the bits of flesh that rained down upon The Clerks Ward a few days ago. As she does she reaches into her robe and runs the small black gem she took from The Portal there the same day. She sets it next to the cadaver

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
by *Selebius
First... nothing.

The gem rests on the slabs cold rough surface, the light inside it glimmering faintly, the soul weak, immature. But then Emmy hears an high pitched, faint chiming sound- barely noticable, most other creatures in the room oblivious to it.

Somehow the crystal is responding to something near to that corpse or perhaps the corpse itself, the crystal soon vibrating on the slab, the lights that were faint intense and bright now, shadows dancing over the room's walls.

The other Dusties keep some distance, not sure how to react to this phenomenon.

(( Spellcraft and some Lore, please))

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:00 am
by *Midnight
((You witnessed the rolls in game but I will post them here too.

Lore: 30
Spellcraft: 43

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:00 am
by *Selebius
((thank you!))

The crystal is reacting to the body- the soul held in the gem caling to something in that body. Perhaps there is a similar soul inside it? Or perhaps a soul from the same source?

The body twitches, the vobrating crystal seems to be agitated, seems to try to get in contact with whatever might still linger in this body.

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:00 am
by *Midnight
She holds the crystal up and whispers to it.

"No no not yet let us see what traps it first."

Taking a knife she cuts some of the living flesh, that, that looked like an outsider before, and then she cuts some of the undead flesh. She takes both samples down to the crypts and begins comparing them to the bodies in The Mortuary. She is looking for a match, something conceivably of the same species.

A Very Odd Body Delivered....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:00 am
by *Selebius
The crypts are vast and there are countless of corpses to check- but Emila has time, can compare, can test, can talk to those of her faction who tend to these crypts.

Soon she finds a match- the outsider flesh is from an Eladrin- probably some Bralani. The undead flesh turns out to be of two different sources- boring, normal human and Tanar'ri, probably some incubus.