Davril Graveltoes' Records

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *dogo »

*the afflicted kender bard Davril Graveltoes enters the Mortuary with a light and quick step, going straight to Factotum Enne's workstation, and asking for the record book, he then adds*

- The bard Vyse (tiefling male, apparently decent bone structure, pending examination) is considering a Dead Contract offered to him on the sum of 400 jink, with the condition that his body will be given musical instruments and proper re-training intheir use after True Death comes for him. Updates will follow if they happen.

- Remind all namers that insignias should be looked for, as offering a Dead Contract to a Godsmen Factor is "distasteful" in her own words.
Posts: 206
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Miraie »

"Do not worry about offending the Godsmen. The pursuit of divinity distracts them from the True Death." A smile creeps on the Factotum's lips. "We can help them. Keep up the good work."
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