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Astral Cannibals : The Corpses.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:31 pm
by edmaster44
There where a few Corpses that where brought in the mortuary, by Netyassa Most Headless with their heads decpitated cleanly, but they all had one thing in common, armor that seemed to be "Fused" onto them.

Re: Astral Cannibals : The Corpses.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:59 pm
by Bleuception
Netyassa leaves the following notes with the bodies:
Following the events of the attack on Dead God's Rock by unknown Spelljammer forces (suspected cannibals?), these bodies were brought back for further examination. The Dustmen's expertise with the dead are required.

Preliminary Autopsy: Performed by Netyassa
  • Subjects are humans. (those that I autopsied)
  • They were surgically grafted/fused to their armors. They helmets were magically rigged to detonate, likely to avoid capture and questioning.
  • Stomachs were surgically removed. An additional lung and heart were added to their internal organs. These changes to their anatomy is intentional, likely to make them more durable for long travels within Spelljammers.

Any information found to be compiled in a detailed report and forwarded to the Harmonium and the Mercykillers. Mercykiller Factor Dace was present on scene and requested follow-up information to be provided.

Planeswalker Netyassa

Re: Astral Cannibals : The Corpses.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:38 am
by Sarin
'The bodies heads where blown off, seemingly with some kind of bomb, perhaps cranial. the majority of their digestive tract, including their stomach, had been removed, and they had been given replacements for many major organs, including a third lung, and a second heart. Their armor had been fused to their skin, and bone in some places. It seemed that they where well suited for survival in extreme environments, and not well suited for survival without constant processed food. They died to due explosions applied directly to the face'

The report from the dustmen aligns with the one-scene report. It is rather succinct. it seems the Dustmen didn't care to much about the bodies. just more onto the pile.