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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
A Red Skinned Winged Women with an Elegant Dress and many jewelry would walk into the Fated Halls, too the receptionist she will inquire a few and ask for a few Business Licenses
Too Operate a Brothel
as well as anything related too Renovations.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:00 am
by *Lucereflame
Cornello was at the desk looking over papers as the woman approached.. he looked her up and down before reaching into a draw pulling out several large folders filled with documents.

The following forms are for licensing you to operate a brothel, you are required to show employed individuals on your forms, as well as have them licensed for operating within your establishment. If you are offering alcoholic Beverages at your establishment you are required to fill out the next set of forms, and list what beverages you will be serving at your establishment as well as other substances that you may offer.
He added a extra smaller folder on top of the first set
You will be Required to fill out these forms as well as get a medical check at a medical facility for your license to be a jink skirt, your women and men who wish to work under your organization are required fill out these forms and get tested aswell.

As for The renovations you require a permit for any renovations internally and externally of a building as well as providing proof of ownership for said building. your hired contractor will need to fill out several forms as well and be registered as a valid contractor within the city of sigil to provide any work upon your location.

Cornello was busy writing down numbers adjusting a scale and a calculator sliding over beads, putting weights and other labeled things in order as he calculated the fees.

In total You are looking at ten thousand jink for Your buisness license this will include your licensing to serving substances to your clients, Their is a 50 jink sub fee for each of your employes added once they are registered under your business.
Your personal jink skirt license will calculate to another 100 jink, and must Re renewed By monthly,
As for your permits for the renovations that will require another payment five thousand jink.
Totaling your payment to run to 15100 Jink for your business. to be payed upon you finishing filling these forms out,
if you wish you can also pay for instant processing which will allow your to receive your licenses and permits by the end of this ten day, Which will bring your total up to 16000, otherwise the wait time will be roughly 2 two ten days.

As for your jink skirt license if you wish to pay up front for the next year the full total will run out to be 16400, Saving your Two hundred jink in total today.

Cornello filled out a form marking each of the expenses as well as a rundown of what was being offered to the woman
Also if you Require a business representative to the Fated i am Available for hire and also offer book keeping experiance as well, though those fees can be discussed at a later time.

Cornello smiled calmly as he slid the forms across the counter to the woman the stack being roughly 2 feet tall


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:00 am
by *edmaster44
She rolled her eyes and sighed a bit as she pulled a chair and sat on it with an empty desk in front of her as she began reading and signing, muttering with all the paper work as she was quite moody and temperamental, nevertheless she would sit there, no matter how long it took too go through the stacks of papers, after that she would bring the stack back, dumping it in front of the Fated as she wrote a Cheque for the Requested amount "Here you go..., this should cover everything."