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Poison Licences

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:00 am
by *Embersworn
*A note left in the office*

It was brought to my attention that maybe the city needs licences and permits for toxines established. After all, if permits are required for walking around with weapons, they should be also required for carrying dangerous sustances.

My humble idea is a permit required for "toxins, combustibles and other volatile substances" as they're essentially liquid weapons and should be under a permit too. Moreover, I'm sure that every drink is a poison for at least something in the 'Verse which only opens more opportunities.

Your Humble
Namer Xass

P.S.: I truly doubt if Free League will even lift a finger for the efreeti in the Bazaar, so his bar is an open game should we test this new tax in practice.

Poison Licences

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:00 am
by *Serena
The note is probably received, since the Namer is later informed that such license indeed already exist. Of course it does, there's a license for everything in the Cage!

As for the last part, concerning the Efreeti, her statement is met with some perplexity.

"The law us uphold by the Triad, not the Free League, the Indep could at best try to expel him from the Market, but if they didn't there must be something behind that prevents them from doing so. Furthermore, he has not been charged or arrested. Clearly the Triad itself doesn't see this Mimir killer issue as a big deal...

But you are free to check if the efreeti is indeed in possession of the license you mentioned, and if he is not, fine him.
Unless of course some other namer beat you to it."

Poison Licences

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:00 am
by *Embersworn
*Another note follows*

So I took a liberty of going through a quick inspection of Khazeet's goods and found enough potentially questionable substances:

*Celestial beverages, including holy wines and water - potentially a poison to any Lower Planar,
*Baatorian drinks - potentially a poison to any Upper Planar,
*And of course Firewine and other imports from his native Plane - potentially a poison if not an outright combustible to any Cager who's not immune to fire.

That's more than a few crates of unregistered toxins in my book...

The barkeep claims having a licence for a poison used before, but given how he had nothing to show for it I left him with a receipt to pay at the tax office.
He was given fifteen days to either pay his dues OR to show a valid licence issued before the poisoning incident. Works either way...

Namer Belpha Xass
*followed by a personal seal of Baatorian design*

P.S.: Just as expected, patrons weren't very compassionate to his situation.

P.P.S.: There might be even more. I'm not familiar with every Planar beverage so there's a very serious possibility of almost everything in his stock being a toxin to someone.

P.P.P.S.: But I take no responsibility for the Efreet playing it save and serving only tea from now...

Poison Licences

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:00 am
by *Serena
"Namer Xass,
You did very well, do make sure the fine is paid, otherwise, feel free to turn him to the Mercykiller.
We do have nice cells waiting for those who do not pay their taxes, and given the actions of this particular individual, I'm sure the Red Death would "love" to have him in custody, no matter the charges.
Also, if for some reason you wished to make those fifteen cycles become, let's say, three cycles, you have my leave to do so.
Let's not be too understanding, he surely is not missing the jink.

Thus said, regarding your cavil on the substances served in taverns and similar public businesses: please do keep in mind this is not some kind of Prime city, this is the Cage. Every Tavern will be found selling the beverage you mention because satisfying the different tastes of patrons is their purpose, and a Celestial poisoning themselves on Baatorian ale after reading the menu has only themselves to blame.
Furthermore, there's an exhaustive list of the substances that are considered poisons by Sigil's laws: the list is, unfortunately, not subjective, and the beverages you mention are most probably not listed in it.

In the case of the Efreeti, there are evidences poison was used, so the charges stand.
Still, while you are free to pursue the matter regarding the other substances, I need to warn you we will take no responsibility if they will end in a lawsuit that will bring you to court, or worse, make the Fated look a group of ridiculous Clueless.

Factor Aidan"