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A Notice To Fated Members

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:00 am
by *Serena
As it was by now clear not everyone was following the matters that were about to be discussed soon at the Hall of Speakers, a good numbers of Factotums are appointed to schedule various meetings in order to inform every active Fated Namer about the current situation concerning the Faction and the Bazaar.

The message passed along is brief and clear:
Overstepping or blatantly breaking the laws in attempt to carry out their duties in matter of tax collection is not going to award any member with a pat on their back or Faction help when they will be caught doing so by the Triad: consequences of such actions will be suffered by the offenders, should they decide to keep such behavior, just as should be expected.

Furthermore, the Namers are reminded of the ongoing alliance with the Free League, and doing so, it is made a point to specify that any hostile action undertaken in any Ward but especially in the Bazaar, is damaging to the Faction interests and furthermore will not be tolerated.
In the same way, cooperation in reaching the Faction purposes will be, instead, rewarded.

Anyone who is not capable of refraining from using lawbreaking methods to obtain what they want, is suggested to keep those behaviors where the law does not apply.