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Bocci's Bottlery & Apothecary

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:00 am
by *J.M. Shine
I'm not sure what you need to know but I'll try to give you as much info as possible.
((OOC Info))
Name: Bocci
Surname: None known
Race: Strongheart Halfling
Profession: Alchemist/Apothecary
Age: 25 (Human years)
Time living in the Cage: Two years
((IC time))
Dear Fated,

I am writing to request a merchant license to sell my alchemical trinkets and potions in the Bazaar of Sigil. I have been studying various conclusions and formulas regarding apothecary. I have a substantial amount of skill in alchemy and I can solemnly and honestly state I will not use this license for any ill nor vile purposes.

My goal in this retail is to help others, not harm them. A gnome needs to make a living and a honest living is made by bonding friendships with my customers. Not to mention it helps the business, of course. My prices are always negotiable.

Admittedly, not all of my alchemy items are exactly safe. Some explode. Some induce sleep when inhaled. Some may save a life, such as the smoke bomb for a getaway. Most, though, enhance a person's strength, or agility, or some other beneficial effect that helps them prevail in the darkest of times.

With every dangerous purchase I agree to warn and caution the consumer, and will not sell to those under a great influence if they are purchasing dangerous trinkets, as they wont most likely remember my heeding.

Thanks again for your consideration.


Bocci's Bottlery & Apothecary

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
Dear Bocci,

Attached are the requisite forms for your merchant liscence and associated taxes. You may wish to also apply for Alchemical Misfire Insurance, in case of accidents and associated lawsuits. I've taken the liberty of attaching those forms as well.

Please fill them out at your convenience and return them to the Hall of Records.


The License Bureau